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Sale 20: The Westpex Sale

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Europe and Colonies: Greece - Switzerland

Lots 3408-3417 Lots 3418-3427 Lots 3428-3437 Lots 3438-3447 Lots 3448-3457 Lots 3458-3467 Lots 3468-3477 Lots 3478-3487 Lots 3488-3497 Lots 3498-3504

Lot 3458    

[Portuguese Colonies] Nyassa, 1906 postcard. Of Mozambique franked with 1901 5r (couple perf tip with trivial toning) tied by blue Ibo postmark, card sent to France, Very Fine.
Estimate    $75 - 100.

Realized: $60

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Lot 3459    

[Portuguese Colonies] Nyassa, 1914 postcard. Of natives at Porto Amelia franked with 1911 10r tied by Porto Amelia postmark, card sent to France (pencil written address erased) with Ibo transit & defective French 10c postage due tied on arrival, Very Fine.
Estimate    $75 - 100.

Realized: $160

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Lot 3460    

[Portuguese Colonies] Nyassa, 1924 cover to the United States. Franked with six different values of the 1921-23 series tied by postmarks of Porto Amelia, backstamped Lourenço Marques postmark, Very Fine and attractive.
Scott No. 109//123    Estimate $200 - 300.

Realized: $230

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Lot 3461    

[Portuguese Colonies] Nyassa, 1926 real photo post card. Of Tobacco Estate franked with 1921-23 8c + 1e tied by postmarks of Lago, card unaddressed, Very Fine.
Estimate    $75 - 100.

Realized: $110

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Lot 3462    

[Portuguese Colonies] Nyassa, 1926 real photo post card. Of Lake Nyassa, Metangula Port franked with 1921-23 ¼c + 7½c tied by postmarks of Lago to France, Very Fine.
Estimate    $75 - 100.

Realized: $120

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Lot 3463    

[Portuguese Colonies] Nyassa, 1931 post card. Of Dar-Es-Salaam ranked with four values of the 1911 series tied by postmarks of Dar-Es-Salaam Paquebôt, card unaddressed, Very Fine.
Estimate    $75 - 100.

Realized: $135

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Lot 3464    

[Portuguese Colonies] Nyassa, Postal stationery. Lot of five postal cards, one used to Germany & others unused, all with Nyassa overprints on Mozambique cards, Very Fine.
Estimate    $100 - 150.

Realized: $50

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Lot 3465 o   

Russia, 1857, 10k brown & blue. Manuscript cancel, large margins, Extremely Fine; with 1998 Mikulski certificate. Michel No. 1.
Scott No. 1    $675.

Realized: $350

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Lot 3466    

Russia, 1922 registered cover to Los Angeles, California. Cover with 6 sheets of 1917 1r Arms imperf issue applied on back of cover paying the 300r registry rate, cover and sheet faults, Fine, unusual (no photo).
Estimate    $75 - 100.

Realized: $90

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Lot 3467    

Russia, Airmail, 1935, 1r on 10k Moscow-San Francisco Flight. Tied by "Moscow 3.8.35" cds on registered flight cover to San Francisco, airmail flight cachets on front and reverse, San Francisco receiving backstamps, address ink spot on stamp, otherwise Very Fine.
Scott No. C68    Estimate $200 - 300.

Realized: $1,100

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Lots 3408-3417 Lots 3418-3427 Lots 3428-3437 Lots 3438-3447 Lots 3448-3457 Lots 3458-3467 Lots 3468-3477 Lots 3478-3487 Lots 3488-3497 Lots 3498-3504

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