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Sale 20: The Westpex Sale

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Europe and Colonies: Germany (States and Empire)

Lots 3254-3263 Lots 3264-3273 Lots 3274-3283 Lots 3284-3293 Lots 3294-3303 Lots 3304-3313 Lots 3314-3315

Lot 3264 o   

Germany, 1900, 5m slate & carmine, type I, white only retouched. Town cancels, beautifully centered, rich colors, Extremely Fine, a choice stamp.
Scott No. 65e    $575.

Realized: $375

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Lot 3265    

Germany, 1901, 3pf on half of 5pf green, the "Vineta" Provisional. Tied on piece by "KAIS. DEUTSCHE/MARINE/-SCHIFFSPOST/No. 1/12/5/01" postmark, with additional postmark alongside, Very Fine, a choice example of this great rarity. The lot also contains a stampless Feldpost cover with similar postmarks; signed Bloch, with 1958 Friedl certificate. Michel No. 67.
Scott No. 65B    $6,500.

Realized: $5,500

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Lot 3266    

Germany, 1902, 2pf-80pf Germania issue complete. O.g., fresh, Very Fine. Michel No. 68-77.
Scott No. 65C-74    $406.

Realized: $130

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Lot 3267    

Germany, 1902, 1m-5m Deutsches Reich. O.g., 5m with light gum crease, otherwise Very Fine.
Scott No. 75-78    $585.

Realized: $210

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Lot 3268    

Germany, 1902, 2m gray blue. O.g., never hinged, fresh, F.-V.F. Michel No. 79 €350 ($483).
Scott No. 76.

Realized: $160

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Lot 3269    

Germany, 1902, 2m gray blue. Right margin block of 4, bright and fresh, natural inclusion in bottom right stamp, otherwise Very Fine; with 2002 B.P.P. certificate. Scott No. 76.
Michel No. 79    €1,400 as singles ($1,933).

Realized: $525

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Lot 3270    

Germany, 1913 cover with three country border franking. Celebrating the town of Myslowitz where the Russian, German, and Austrian borders meet, franked by stamps of the three countries with various cancels including Cyrillic and railway post of November 1913. The color illustrations on the front show portraits of the three Kaisers, Very Fine.
Estimate    $250 - 350.

Realized: $125

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Lot 3271    

Germany, 1930 IPOSTA souvenir sheet. O.g., never hinged, Very Fine. Michel No. Block 1.
Scott No. B33    $950.

Realized: $525

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Lot 3272    

Germany, 1930 IPOSTA souvenir sheet. O.g., never hinged, Very Fine. Michel No. Block 1.
Scott No. B33    $950.

Realized: $475

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Lot 3273 o   

Germany, 1930 IPOSTA souvenir sheet. Exposition town cancel, some faint toning, otherwise Very Fine. Michel No. Block 1.
Scott No. B33    $1,250.

Realized: $475

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Lots 3254-3263 Lots 3264-3273 Lots 3274-3283 Lots 3284-3293 Lots 3294-3303 Lots 3304-3313 Lots 3314-3315

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