Samoa, 1896-98, 1d red on grayish buff, reply postal card. With perf 10 separations, both sides separated and postmarked "Apia, Samoa, Aug 12, 96" cds's, Very Fine. Higgins and Gage No. 2 Estimate $150.
Realized: $100
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Realized: $100
Lots 3004-3013 Lots 3014-3023 Lots 3024-3033 Lots 3034-3043 Lots 3044-3053 Lots 3054-3063 Lots 3064-3073 Lots 3074-3083 Lots 3084-3093 Lots 3094-3103 Lots 3104-3113 Lots 3114-3123 Lots 3124-3133 Lots 3134-3143 Lots 3144-3153 Lots 3154-3163 Lots 3164-3173 Lots 3174-3183 Lot 3184