1185 S
1861, 1¢ blue, overprinted with specimen control numbers. All 10 denominations, blocks of 4, all with full o.g., beautifully fresh and intact blocks, rich vibrant P.O. fresh colors and proof-like impressions, 5¢ red brown block with double vertical perforations, 12¢ block with a natural gum crease affecting two stamps, a F.-V.F. set overall, a magnificent complete set, catalog as singles and blocks as Scott catalog has not listed many of these in block format. Scott No. 63SJ//78SJ $9,150.
Realized: $15,000

1908, 1¢ green, Attleboro perfs. Single showing all full perfs and notch at bottom, on local drop cover with corner card for Attleboro Stamp Co. at upper left, stamp tied by "Attleboro, Mass. Aug 12, 1909" duplex postmark, Extremely Fine, quite certainly the finest known on cover example of this private perforation issue rarity; with 2003 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 343 Estimate $20,000 - 30,000.
Only a few known on cover examples are known to exist. A similar on cover example was offered in the Siegel Rarity Sale of May, 2002 with an undated double oval cancel, with his cover being far superior & desirable. Only one other cover is certified by the Philatelic Foundation.
Realized: $14,000

Tasmania, 1869 registered cover to San Francisco. Franked with Chalon 4d blue imperf. + perforated Chalon 6d gray (two singles) + 4d blue (strip of 3) + 1d dull vermilion (pair) tied by bold strike of numeral "55" barred oval with manuscript postmark of "Lymington 21-2-69", the cover was sent onto Launceston but later returned to the village Post Office due to Insufficient postage with two line Launceston "Insufficiently/Stamped" handstamp applied, the sender then added a second pair of 1d carmine (at right center) which is cancelled by the numeral "55" oval, over the Insufficient handstamp to pay the deficient postage, backstamped on the reverse are Launceston diamond datestamps of 22nd & 23rd Feb. 1869 (the latter apparently overstriking a "Free" datestamp) as a result of the return of the letter for extra postage, numerous other markings including straight line "Registered", London transit & San Francisco arrival, cover with reinforced edges, part of flap missing & other minor faults), Very Fine, an amazing franking which is correctly rated (2sh8d) being 1sh2d postage + 1sh6d registration fee via Great Britain with stamps of 5 different values or printings, an unique exhibition centerpiece and a major Chalon Head Issue rarity, ex-Blake, Groom. Scott No. 13+23+23a+25+27 Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.
Realized: $12,500

Hawaii, 1893, 6¢ green, black overprint. Part o.g., nicely centered, strong color, central vertical crease, otherwise Very Fine, still an attractive example of this overprint error rarity, with only 50 ever issued; with 2004 P.S.E. certificate. Scott No. 66C $14,000.
Realized: $11,000

1851, 1¢ blue, type II. Position 10L2, top right corner sheet margin single, o.g., never hinged, full even margins, rich bright color and strong sharp impression, an Extremely Fine gem, an outstanding mint stamp, especially in never hinged condition, one in a million! with 1984 and 2003 P.F. certificates for pair. Scott No. 7 $1,200 for hinged.
Realized: $10,000

Foreign Post Office in Jaffa, 1871 cover from Jaffa to Philadelphia. 40c Bordeaux, six copies tied in combination with 10c Bordeaux and singles 30c perforated Napoleon and 40c perforated Ceres on cover from Jaffa, Syria (Israel) to Philadelphia by blue "5089" in dots cancels, matching blue "Jaffa Syria July 1, 1871" origin postmark, "Alexandrie Egypte 2 Juil 71" transit backstamp, red London Paid transit, stamps with variable margins and faults, a couple wrapped over edges, cover edge faults, Fine, an exceptional usage. Scott No. 47 Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $9,500

Western Australia, 1862 cover to Massachusetts. Franked with 1854-57 1sh pale brown + 1860 2d vermilion tied by numeral "18" in barred oval with "Bunbury, Western Australia" rimless cds at bottom left, sent via London & New York, adhesive with minor aging & 2d with small bit of corner replace, Very Fine, a very rare cover, use of 'Swan' to the U.S. is exceptional. Scott No. 5+14 Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
Realized: $9,000

2417 (
Madagascar, 1886, 1s6d rose, type III, "Vice-Consulate" handstamp in violet. Without gum, with 1965 B.P.A. certificate which states, "stained & thinned", the staining is light toning which is visible on reverse only, Very Fine, a great Madagascar Rarity of which only a few are known. Scott No. 24B. SG No. 41 £3,500 ($5,495).
Realized: $8,000

Hawaii, 1882, 5¢ ultramarine, imperf horizontally. Vertical pair, full o.g., wonderfully centered amid large oversized side margins, exceptionally rich and brilliant color, bright and immaculately fresh, an Extremely Fine gem, a remarkable pair and the finest recorded example of this rare 5¢ imperforate horizontal pair; with 1985 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 39a $4,250.
Realized: $6,750

1867, 24¢ gray lilac, F. grill. Full o.g., well centered amid large margins, uncommonly rich vibrant color and sharp impression, bright and very fresh, Very Fine and choice, a beautiful mint stamp. Scott No. 99 $6,250.
Realized: $6,500