1903, 1¢ blue green. Horizontal pair, tied by "U.S. Postal Sta. Shanghai, China, Jul 28" duplex postmark on corner card cover to Seattle, Wash., receiving backstamp, cover reduced at bottom, Fine. Scott No. 300 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $95

1903, 1¢ blue green. Vertical pair, natural s.e. at bottom, tied by "U.S. Postal Sta., Shanghai, China, Jan 4" duplex postmark on 1910 cover to Roxbury, Mass., Very Fine. Scott No. 300 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $75

1903, 3¢ bright violet + 5¢ blue, horiz pair + 8¢ violet black. Tied by "Bottineau, N.D., Nov 20, 1907" duplex postmarks on registered 1904 2¢ red entire to Sachen, Germany, N.Y. exchange etiquette and receiving backstamp, Very Fine. Scott No. 302+304+306 Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $75

1908-09 Washington-Franklin imperforate issues. 3 registered covers; including 3¢ plate no. and part imprint block of 4 on 2¢ entire, a 1¢ block of 4 with 2¢ & 3¢ pairs on reverse of 1909 cover and a 2¢ strip of 3 with 1¢, 3¢ & 4¢ singles on cover to Germany, Very Fine. Scott No. 343-346 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $100

1908, 1¢ green, Attleboro perfs. Single showing all full perfs and notch at bottom, on local drop cover with corner card for Attleboro Stamp Co. at upper left, stamp tied by "Attleboro, Mass. Aug 12, 1909" duplex postmark, Extremely Fine, quite certainly the finest known on cover example of this private perforation issue rarity; with 2003 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 343 Estimate $20,000 - 30,000.
Only a few known on cover examples are known to exist. A similar on cover example was offered in the Siegel Rarity Sale of May, 2002 with an undated double oval cancel, with his cover being far superior & desirable. Only one other cover is certified by the Philatelic Foundation.
Realized: $14,000

1909, 4¢ orange brown, imperf. Multiple usages on 5 registered covers; including block of 4 with imprint and star on reverse of 1911 oversized cover, block of 3 on 1910 cover, single and pair in combination with 2¢ Seward imperf on 1910 cover, three singles on 1916 cover and pair on mixed franking 2¢ entire to Holland, F.-V.F. Scott No. 346 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $180

1909, 5¢ blue, imperf. 7 covers; including single usage to Switzerland, pair in combination with 1¢ green pair (#343) on 1912 registered cover, others with single or pair in mixed franking combinations on domestic registered covers, two on legal size covers, Very Fine overall. Scott No. 347 Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $170

1909, 1¢ green, bluish paper. Tied by Washington D.C. oval cancels in combination with 1909 2¢ Seward imperf on partial cover front, with The Naval and Military Order of The Spanish-American War corner card at left, F.-V.F. Scott No. 357+371 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $70

1910, 2¢ carmine. Canceled by Syracuse, N.Y. duplex postmark on 1911 cover to Chunking, China, purple "30 Ctms, T" due handstamp and China 1904 10¢ + 2¢ postage dues tied by Chungking cds's, cover with partial backflap, F.-V.F., a very scarce combination. Scott No. 375 Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $240

1912, 2¢ carmine, horizontal imperf coil. Showing paste-up leder at left, tied by "Chicago, Ill., Jan 22, 1915" machine postmark on commercial corner card cover, address panel removed, otherwise Very Fine. Scott No. 409H Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $95