Chicago Sanitary Commission. Official Business. Imprint at top left on cover franked with 1866 2¢ Blackjack tied by large blue pinwheel cancel paying the unsealed circular rate, couple tiny & insignificant perf flaws, Very Fine, a very attractive item. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $280

Citizens' Volunteer Hospital. Illustrated corner card showing Hospital on 1862 cover franked with 1861 3¢ (trivial corner perf flaw) cancelled by target with "Philadelphia" cds at right, Very Fine and rare, ex-Walcott. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $375

Great Central Fair/Public Schools Admission Ticket. Printed ticket "This Ticket Will Admit Only a Pupil of the Public Schools." with handstamp on reverse "Admit on June 27, 1864", minor soiling, Very Fine, a rare collateral item. Estimate $30 - 40.
Realized: $150

Great Western Sanitary Fair, Cincinnati, O. Good Samaritan illustrated Fair Design in black on orange cover with Officers' names & donation instructions, franked with 1861 3¢ (tiny defects) tied by blue "Cincinnati, O." double circle postmark with matching grid cancel, cover with original printed enclosure in purple, "Circular of the Committee on War Memorials, Relics and Curiosities.", which states in part, "The special duty of the Committee, which now addresses you, is the collection and arrangement of War memorials, relics and curiosities, the care of such articles as may be sent for exhibition and the sale of such as may be donated for the benefit of the Commission, embracing Trophies of the present Rebellion, or of any former war, the battle-stained and bullet-riddled flags of our own noble Regiments, the captured colors of the Rebels, balls, shells, torpedoes, swords, or any other memorials of our contests on land or water; Indian relics, curiosities from foreign countries; objects illustrating the natural productions and natural history of our own or other lands; rare or unique coins, autographs, manuscripts, books, & c. Anything, indeed, which will give an interst or prove an attraction to our Rooms, or by their sale or exhibition further the great object of the Fair.", Very Fine, a rare design of which less than ten are known. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $575

Hospitals & medical related. 23 covers, one front & one printed letter relating to Hospitals etc., six covers with printed United States Hospital corner cards, one attractive used patriotic cover of Satterlee U.S.A. General Hospital, eight covers & one front with Military addresses to medical personnel (one used in California to Surgeon Battalion Mountaineers, two with Military imprints, one addressed to U.S. Steamer Sebago/West Gulf Blockading Squadron, one on McClellan patriotic cover, front addressed to Camp Hospital/Prisoners Camp, Pt. Lookout, Md.), three covers with Government imprints of various Medical departments, one soldier's letter with lengthy letter datelined Island Hospital, Harper's Ferry with interesting contents, Very Fine. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $425

Office of Hospital Chaplain U.S.A./Jeffersonville, Ind. Imprint at top left on cover franked with 1861 3¢ tied by grid with Jeffersonville, Ind. double circle postmark at left, cover Missent to Fond du Lac with straight line "Missent" tying adhesive & two strike of Fond du Lac duplex alongside, flap torn, Very Fine. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $150

Sanitary Fair covers. Lot of 10 covers, 8 with different Sanitary Fair corner card (three with matching printed letterhead), two additional covers different Sanitary Fair handstamps on reverse, Very Fine, a great lot for the specialist. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $500

Sanitary Fair printed covers. Lot of 21 unused covers with printed designs or corner cards for the Sanitary Fair or related subjects (20 different), included are four covers for the Great Sanitary Fair, four covers for the Cooper Shop including stunning allover multicolor design, one cover for the Brooklyn & Long Island Fair, one cover for the Citizens Volunteer Hospital, three covers for the Volunteer Refreshment Saloon, etc., Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $425

Sanitary Fair related covers. Lot of five covers all franked with 1861 3¢, 1st with Copper Shop Volunteer Refreshment Saloon corner card with patriotic Eagle design, 2nd cover with allover advertising for the Tract House, 3rd with corner card of New England Soldiers' Relief Association, 4th with National Union Reading Room corner card & patriotic Flag design, 5th with National Freedmen's Relief Association corner card, plus unused cover with attractive design & imprint of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home with matching printed circular describing the new Home & a Fair to raise funds for the Home, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $260

U.S. Christian Commission. Lot of 11 covers with 10 different corner cards of the U.S. Christian Commission, two cover with matching illustrated letterhead, plus one letter on illustrated letterhead, one of the covers from Jul. 1861 shows a corner card of the YMCA, the precursor to the U.S. Christian Commission & one with U.S. Christian Commission/Young Men's Christian Association Rooms corner card, uses of the YMCA corner card are very scarce, Very Fine. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $475