Worldwide dealers stock. Huge stock (no British Commonwealth) on cards priced for retail in dozens and dozens of shoeboxes housed in 16 large boxes, tens of thousands of stamps with mostly moderate duplication at times, from early classic issues to modern, mostly lesser to moderate issues retailing up to $7 for singles and sets with occasional better retailing $20+, with strength in Japan with lots of later mint singles, sets and good booklet panes, nice range of Netherlands and Greece, Scandinavia with lots of useful material, moderate showing of Latin America, France and Colonies, Germany including States and other areas, Spain and Colonies, Switerland, Austria & Belgium, etc., etc., additional souvenir sheets, sheets, etc., condition mixed mostly confined to early material, an excellent lot for an instant internet or mail sale business, well worth careful evaluation. Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.
Realized: $4,000
Worldwide collections. Various mint and used country collections on pages, high degree of better mint and sets throughout with material mostly from early issues to about the 1940's, including Monaco with better 1st and 2nd issues mint, Switzerland early imperf Helvetias on, mint with better early semi-postal sets, 1930 10fr gray green (cat $200) and 1928 5fr blue (cat $100), etc., good Liechtenstein including mint 1928 Prince set (cat $281), useful Korea & China with dues, Belgium with good parcel posts and the scarce 1929 Restoration set (cat $650), other better semi-postal sets including the 1918 surcharge set (cat $940), Italy and Colonies with better, strong Portugal & Colonies section with good Macao, Cyprus, Greece from Hermes heads on and better mint sets including 1940 Youth airmail set n.h. (cat $375), Middle East countries including better Hejaz issues, Iraq, Turkey, etc., Thailand with better used high values and semi-postal sets, strong in Eastern Europe countries including Hungary with better 1919 overprint issues, good Albania, better Poland including souvenir sheets, Armenia with surcharge issues, etc., Siberia 1920 overprint set (cat $234), Russia from 1858 on, better airmails including the 1931 Polar Zepp set (cat $100), Austria with lots of early and better mint sets including the 1933 skiers set (cat $154), 1933 WIPA, Lombardy-Ventia, etc., material somewhat haphazardly presented with condition a bit above the norm overall, well worth careful inspection. Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.
Realized: $9,500
Worldwide souvenir and mini sheet stock, 1950-1990's. On stockpages in dozens of binders in three large boxes, thousands of issues mainly from the 1970-90's with strength in British Comm. and Latin America countries, strong sets and many cataloging in the $20-$50 range and higher, strong topical interest, lots of Royal Wedding issues, Disney, etc., catalog well over $29,000, o.g., hinged or never hinged. Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
Realized: $1,500
Worldwide dealer's stock. Many thousands of sets and singles on approval pages in a couple dozen small stock books (fills a large box). The main value appears to be in countless errors. Inspection greatly recommended - a useful lot for an Internet dealer. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $1,600
Worldwide collection. Mint & used in 84 Minkus albums (most with original dustjackets), neatly mounted with virtually every country represented, mostly moderate value sets and singles with thousands and thousands of stamps, good showing in Netherlands, Finland, French Colonies, Phillippines, Romania with early, Austria, Vatican, Russia, Latin America, PRC with better sss including the 1979 Study Science from Childhood sheet and the Flowers sheets, etc., a nice collection for further expansion. Estimate $2,500 - 3,500.
Realized: $5,250
Worldwide accumulation. Of mostly mint & used 19th century issues in large stockbook, with Latin America including Brazil bull and goat eyes issues, useful Cuba and Ecuador, Mexico with mint multiples, Austria, German States including Baden and Brunswick, China large dragons, Belgium King Leopold imperfs, Demark coat of arms imperfs, Greece Hermes imperfs, Hamburg, Italy with better states, Phillipines, Puerto Rico and Hawaii, huge catalog value, mixed condition, well worth careful inspection. Estimate $2,500 - 3,500.
Realized: $2,800
Worldwide stock. Counter book stock without the binders, several hundred pages includes Tunisia mint to 1000f #C17/20, Syria mint #C10/13, Ifni mint #C48/55, Italy mint #566a, #832/4, #C3/9, #C23/6, #C28/33, #C62#5, #C73/8, #C95/9, #C127/8, Kuwait silver wedding KGVI £1 #82/3 never hinged, Liechtenstein mint #570, #C9/13, Europa #329/331, #362/373, Cameroons #C38/40, Philippines #C36/45, Russia #489/509, Saar definitives #263/82, San Marino airmails #C80, #C82/7, #C95, Senegal #C26/30, Spain mint #C72a, #C118/9, #C132/36, #C158, #C163/66, Colombia complete mint airmails #C151/63, #C175/85, #C208/16 and #C322/346, East Germany mint #58/67, #78/79, #80/81, #272/77 #B15/16, #B17/20, Mexico mint #C31/36, #C143/47, #C153/57 and top values #C265/68, #C297/98, New Caledonia #C21/23, #C33, #C38, French Polynesia, Denmark, Macau, etc., range of miniature sheets, etc., please inspect. Estimate $2,500 - 3,000.
Realized: $1,250
Worldwide postal stationery accumulation. 2 boxes with thousands of items, many in glassine with Higgins & Gage, Michel or Ascher numbers, mostly small size items with a number of interesting larger items noted, above average condition, please inspect. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $1,150
Worldwide accumulation. Mint and used on stockpages in binders, albums, etc., in three large boxes, an array of material and countries in section with various sets, including British Commonwealth including a section of mint Omnibus sets including 1949 UPU and 1937 Corination sets, fresh souvenir sheet sections with countries including Czechloslavia and other Eastern Europe, French Colonies 1937 Expo sheets, etc., South American and Asian countries, collections and approval books with lots of mint & used, tens of thousands of stamps, worth careful inspection. Estimate $2,000 - 2,500.
Realized: $1,450
Worldwide collection. Mint & used collection in Scott International to the mid 1920's, nice range of material throughout with strength in French Colonies, collection starts with Ethiopia and a Annam & Tonkin Scott #7 used (cat $160), Australia Roo's, early Austria, Cuba 1899 "CUPA" overprint error used, Denmark, France with good Offices and Colonies, Hawaii, very nice early Japan, Obock, strong Somali Coast including a 1894-1902 5f mint (cat $150), etc., well worth careful inspection. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,500