Russia collection, 1857-1990. Mint and used in 3 Minkus albums, fair showing of early arms with later issues complete, 1930's with 1931 Polar flight sets mint perf and imperf as well as mix of better commemorative sets mint and used, strong completion in later material, well worth inspection. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $800
Russia collection, 1858-1962. Regular issues in Scott album, strong completion with much parallel mint and used singles and sets mostly in later, virtually complete arms issues from 1858-1912 missing only a few better, thereon approaching completion again missing the occasional better single and tougher sets, highlights including 1931-32 imperf set complete used, 1933 Exposition set mint, 1934 anti-war set mint & used, 1948 Stalin sheet mint, etc., a nice basis for expansion. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,400
Russia, 1858-1979. Mostly used or CTO collection hinged in two Schaubek albums, including a smattering of Imperial issues, some early Soviet and then a nearly complete (CTO) collection 1967-1979 including souvenir sheets. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $250
Russia accumulation. Mainly used on stockcards, some 19th century, 1930 Zeppelin pair, 1932 Parliament pair mint, 1934 airs, 'Mendelear' series, 'ten years without Lenin', 1935 Expedition series, Spartacist Games, Crimea views, etc., please inspect. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $220
Russia stock, 1933-87. Mint mostly n.h. in glassine identified and ordered by Scott, scattered used, manageable multiples with nothing excessive, Scott approximately cat $1,500-2,000, clean material. Estimate $400 - 500.
Realized: $200
Russian autographed astronaut-space covers, 1960-80's. 34 covers, highlight is a postal stationery item of Titov and Gagarin, a color photograph on the front side with both reading a shared newspaper while dressed in military uniform, signed by both, other highlights include Leonov, Demin (Soyuz 15), Ljachov jointly with Rjumin (Soyuz 32), Scholobow (Soyuz 21), Kubassov (Soyuz 6), Makarov (Soyuz 12), Lasarezev (Soyuz 12), Ivantschenkov (Soyuz 29), Nikolajev jointly with Sevastzanov (Soyuz 9), Gubarzek jointly with Gretschko (Soyuz 17), other non Russian astronauts autographs such as Gurragtschou of Mongolia, Jahn and Kollner of East Germany, Farkas of Hungary and various others from Vietnam, America, etc. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $850
Russia, space covers with autographs and Soyuz flights. About 50 covers with several dozen autographs for various space flights during the 1970/80's, majority signed Soyuz flights such as #38 and #39 with Popov and Rjumi, Soyuz #T6 with Dzhonibeko and Ivarcheikow, flights including manned by Saivinsih Leonov and Kubassov, also Makarov, Kisim and Strekalov in Soyuz #T3, Ivantschenkov in Soyuz #29, Gagarin commemorative covers, etc., please inspect. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $475
Russia - Wenden, 1862-1901. Complete collection plus varieties. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $170
Ryukyus collection, 1948-72. Mint collection on albums pages, virtually complete missing the #17 and a few lesser commemoratives, includes complete airmails and special delivery. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $425
St. Vincent collection, 1861-1949. Mint & used in small stockbook, generally above average quality with little duplication, many better items throughout including 1861 1d rose, horiz pair, imperf vertically, 1863 1d rose mint block of 9, 1866 1sh slate mint, 1869 4d orange mint & used and 1sh indigo mint & used, 1881 ½d bisect used and mint unsevered corner margin single (Gibbons guarantee handstamp on reverse), 1881 4d on 1sh vermilion used with Roig certificate, 1883-97 issues including a unused 4d olive yellow, later QV and KEVII sets including the £1 KEVII mint, Peace & Justice sets mint and used, etc., owner's S.G. cat £12,999. Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.
Realized: $6,750