Germany collection, 1849-1941. Mint & used in early Schaubek album, collection with strength in comprehensive States issues, including Baden missing one stamp for completion including shades, strong Bavaria with 1850-62 issues complete and later issues with much completion, better Brunswick issues, good Hamburg and Hanover, mint & used Heligoland, better Mecklenburg-Schwerin used, completion in Oldenburg with better including Scott #7 used with APS cert (crease), near complete Prussia and Saxony issues, Thurn & Taxis missing only a few for completion, strong Wurttemberg with many better early issues, including 1857 12kr blue - Scott #12 in both mint & used condition and with APS certs (faults), Empire with better mint & used and later shade varieties, 1900 issue complete including 5m high value, sparse thereon with some better including good mint & used 1931-33 Zeppelin issues, mint semi-postal sets, Nothilfe, etc., good Offices and Colonies with much completion, better high values, etc., condition mixed with lots of good material throughout, well worth inspection. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $2,800
3040 o/
Germany accumulation, 1850-1920's. 34 better covers and a range and mint & used singles, multiples and mixed on piece items on stockcards, virtually all better items with the strength of material in German States with some later Empire, dozens of items accompanied by certificates, various highlights including Thurn & Taxis Northern District 3-color franking to France with the 1866 1/3sgr+1sgr+3sgr (color roulettes) with cert., also a 4-color mixed franking to Italy including the 1858 5sgr lilac, the Württemberg 1869 14kr lemon yellow on cover (Scott catalog $1,250 for used off cover!), Brunswick 1sgr yellow roulette pair on cover, etc., strong range of stamps including better Württemberg 18kr issues used, Baden #1 strip of 3 (with cert), many Bavaria #1's including strip of 3 on piece, etc., condition above average with catalog value well in to the mid to high five figures, worth careful inspection. Estimate $10,000 - 15,000.
Realized: $10,000
Germany accumulation. Mint and used of several hundred stamps from German States, Germany and German area, with much Michel listed, note Baden Michel #10a, #10b, Bayern Michel #87i very fine used, #136/51 very fine used, Wurttemberg Michel #44b, #57b, inflation period inc blocks such as Michel #330a, #321a in blocks of 4, Michel #292i, #334a, #335a, #303, etc., range of Plebiscite overprints, etc., inspection recommended. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $725
German Area, 1850's-1964. Small group of better items on stock cards, including German Marienkirche set, some souvenir sheets, an Austrian WIPA single and more. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $125
Germany collection. Mint & used collection in 12 albums mostly on homemade pages, with duplication in sets and singles (including better), includes states with a volume of Bavaria from nice four margin early imperfs on with later variety, empire with useful mint and used, Germania issues mixed including nice varieties, inflationary issues including some sheets, mint semi-postal sets and souvenir sheets, range of occupational issues including a section of Saar, Memel, etc., Federal Republic and DDR well represented (little early Berlin) including good souvenir sheets, through to modern including some commemorative covers, condition mixed mostly in early material, Scott cat $17,000+. Estimate $2,500 - 3,500.
Realized: $2,000
Germany, 1860's-1950's. Small group of better items on stock cards, with a few classics, some Weimar issues, Wagner, and several better Federal Republic semi-postals including Marienkirche. A useful lot, worth inspection. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $350
Germany, 1860-1955. Small dealer's stock of better items on approval pages in one stock book, with a few classics, numerous semi-postals, Saar including Flood souvenir sheet, better early Federal Republic. Worth inspection - a useful lot. Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $375
Germany accumulation. Mint and used on album pages, various (virtually no duplication) with a wide range of mostly early issues, including a nice range of Colonies and Offices mostly mint, including some better Morocco, some States including Bavaria and Württemberg, Empire with strong completion and better mint high values, good Reich with Germania issues, better later mint sets including 1933 Nothlife & 1924 Professionals, mint semi-postal sets, section of Saar, Memel and Danzig with some good sets, etc., well worth inspection. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $700
Germany collection, 1871-1980. Mint & used in two Schaubek albums, Reich with some useful early material including Germanias, good mint semi-postal sets from 1930 on, occupation issues including better Bi-zone posthorn overprints mostly used, Republic issues with better early issues including semi-postals, strong completion thereon with majority mint after 1955, also various stock books with additional material, early price catalog, etc. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $550
Germany cover stock, 1874-1938. 74 cover in slipcases priced for retail, most material retail in the $15-60 range with many better $100+ items, including 1874 franked cover to Baltimore (Scott #16+17 combination), 1929 Bremen catapult flight, 1933 2m Chicagofahrt on flight cover as well as other better Zepp flight usages, Danzig sets on covers, 1950 stamp on stamp set on first day, #B23-B27 set on cover, better inflationary, etc., well worth inspection. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $850