British Africa collection, 1870-1905. Of Transvaal, Orange Free State, New Republic, Stellaland and Swaziland, on album pages, Transvaal imperf issues from 1870 onwards needing to be checked for genuine, 1879/1882 overprints, 1883/3/85 perforated issues well represented, 1885 complete mint to 10/- as well as the 1894/96 the same, English occupation issues of 1900 virtually complete again to 10/-, KEVII to pound high values and various 'back of the book' inc. postage dues. Orange Free State with range of 'V.R.I' and 'AT' overprints and high values to £4 carmine, 1900 with values to 5/-, surcharges KEVII, 'TF's and 'Tele-graaf' overprints of 1886, basic issues from 1868 onwards, New Republic with a dozen 1886 and 1887 issues, Stellaland 1884 with 1d, 3d, 6d, and 1/- values mint, Swaziland 1889s to 1/- mint, please inspect. Estimate $2,000 - 2,500.
Realized: $1,400
British Commonwealth stock, 1940-70's. Mixed range of issues mostly in glassine and in blocks, includes New Zealand with Life Insurance issues in sheets, many British West Indies and Africa issues, B.M.A. Malaya issues in blocks on pages, etc., mostly n.h. material, owner's 2002 S.G. cat. £9,864. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $750
British Antarctic Territory collection, 1963-85. Mint sets and covers on album pages, least 38 covers, with the first series complete with the double concentric circle HMS Protector cachet, lower values with Halley Bay cancels, others in the South Orkneys and Argentine Islands, FDC used in Signy Islands South Orkneys, penny aerogramme & surcharges used in Adelaide Island, various 1970's first days, miniature sheets, 1975 Antarctic Expedition explorer signed by the Base Commander Mcquordall and subsequent autographs inc Thornley, Brook, Kightley, Maidir, Ward, mint n.h. HMS Endurance £1, please inspect. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $400
British Antarctic Territory collection, 1966-83. 73 different mostly mint on album pages, from Scott #12//120, including the 1971 surcharge set used (Scott 25-38), Scott 2002 cat $257. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $50
British Asia, 1953-57 QEII surcharge mint accumulation. Mint n.h. in full or part sheets, countries including Bahrain, Muscat, Kuwait, Morrocco Agencies, etc., owner's 2002 S.G. cat value £1,621. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $150
British Commonwealth & G.B. covers. Hundreds of cover on stockpages in 9 binders and priced for retail, nice range of material including early commercial, commemorative, postal stationery mint & used, etc., much priced $20-40 range with better including G.B. #1 on cover, 2d blue Mulready entire mint, Great Western Railway adhesive on cover, early Canada with small & large queen heads, 5¢ beaver usages, better FDC's & private airmails, also including Ireland, Samoa #142-153 blocks of four on 4 covers, etc., retail cat $7,228. Estimate $3,500 - 4,500.
Realized: $2,900
British Commonwealth collection. Mint and used on album pages, virtually all early material from first issues to 1920's with occasional 1930's singles and sets, strong in both early mint and used with lots of better material throughout, Antigua with mint and used QV issues from 1860's on starting with 1863 1d mint (cat $110) and good KGV sets mint to the shilling values, Bahamas from early QV issues on mint and used and better KGV mint shilling values and better 1930 sets, strong Barbados from first issues used including a section of early minor varieties, better later mint sets, etc., Bermuda with better KGV mint sets and high value shilling values including 1925 10sh (cat $150), good Bechuanaland, nice runs of British Guiana mint and used, British Honduras from first issues on including 1880-90 sets mostly mint, strong CGH from 1864 on mostly in complete sets, useful Canada and Provinces with some better, Cayman Islands with KGV mint issues to the shilling values, early use Ceylon and better later issues, strong Cyprus with first issue mint on and better later sets mint and used, good Dominica with QV issues mint and used and a strong showing of 1900's View issues and later KGV including the 1923 set complete to the £1 (cat $354), Falkland Islands with first page cataloging over $800 alone, other highlight countries include Gambia, Grenada, Gibraltar, India & Ireland, Kenya & Uganda with 1925 £2 mint (cat $725), Rhodesia with Admiral and double heads to the shilling values, early St. Helena and better later including the 1922-27 set the £1 (cat $744), St. Lucia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, etc., etc., condition above average with lots of better throughout, a must see to appreciate. Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.
Realized: $8,500
British Commonwealth collection. Mint & used in 5 Scott International albums, with lots of $20-$60 mint & used singles & complete sets, most 1935 Silver Jubilee & 1948 Wedding sets, etc., highlights including useful Australia & N.Z., Basutoland 1933 set mint (cat $177), Bechuanaland Protectorate 1932 set mint (cat $241), C.G.H. triangles, Canada with Jubilees and later commemorative high values, Cyprus #1-2 mint (cat $109) and 1928 set mint (cat $257), good Gibraltar 1930-40's sets, Hong Kong 1891 Jubilee used, Jamaica 1919-21 set mint (cat $150), nice Labuan, Leeward Island 1938 set with color varieties (cat $139+), good Malta including 1885 set mint including shades, 1886 5sh used, 1904-11 set mint (cat $213), 1914-18 set, 1926-27 set mint (cat $138), 1930 set mint (cat $130) and virtually complete thereon, nice section of Newfoundland with 1920-30's sets mint, useful North Borneo and Papua, good Rhodesia, Seychelles with strong completion from first issues on mostly mint, including 1912 & 1917-20 KGV sets complete, etc., nice South Australia, Strait Settlements including a used 1898 QV $5. as well as other better high values, Zululand with 1888-93 set missing only the 1d & 5sh (cat $500+), etc., condition and centering well above average overall. Estimate $2,500 - 3,500.
Realized: $4,500
British Commonwealth collection, 1850-1960's. 12 volume collection mostly in Scott albums, includes Australia with mint 1st issue Roo's and later high values used, 5sh Sidney Bridge used and strong later mint, sparse states and useful NWPI mint, N.Z. and Dependencies with 1930-50 mint, fair showing of G.B. including used 1d black, later used up to shilling values, seahorses and later mint QEII, regionals, Cyprus with QV and KGV issues, better later sets, silver wedding, Egypt with early issue on, Gibraltar and Malta, nice showings of British South East Asia with some useful Strait Settlements, British Africa with CGH triangles and later, West Indies with nice Bermuda, later British Guiana, etc., also some additional sparse country collections in one volume, mostly moderate singles and sets with occasional better, worth inspection. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $4,250
British Commonwealth dealers stock. Large stock on cards priced for retail in dozens of shoeboxes housed in 9 large boxes, tens of thousands of stamps with mostly moderate duplication at times, from early classic issues to modern, mostly lesser to moderate issues retailing up to $7 for singles and sets with better retailing $20+, with strength in Australia with a good showing of other British Pacific including New Zealand, strong Great Britain, Canada with lots of later mint and good Provinces, Hong Kong, Cyprus, Gibraltar, Malta, etc., with additional souvenir sheets, sheets, booklets, etc., condition mixed mostly confined to early material, an excellent lot for an instant internet or mail sale business, well worth careful evaluation. Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
Realized: $3,250