Collection, 1847-1966. Mint & used collection in two White Ace albums, with parallel mint & used from the of the century on, includes four margin #1, few nice 1851-57 issues, 1861 with values up to 30¢, few grills including 12¢ F. grill, 1869's 2¢-10¢ and a #133 mint, Banknotes with later mint, small banknotes with mint to the 6¢, Columbians with mint up to the 30¢, Small Bureaus with various mint issues including mint $1 values as well as used, Trans-Miss cplt to the 50¢ mint & used, Pan-Am's cplt mint, 1902 definitives mint to the 13¢ and used to the $1, Louisiana & Jamestown cplt mint & used, strong Wash-Frank issues including 1908 issue cplt to the 15¢, imperfs cplt & coils, bluish paper 1¢ mint & 2¢ mint & used, 1910 issues cplt mint & used, coils including pairs, Pan-Pac mint & used including jumbo #400 mint, strong completion in 1912 issues mint & used, 1914 issues cplt mint & used including #435a-439 mint, good coils, 1917 regular issues virtually cplt mint with color varieties, #505 error in block of 6 mint, virtually cplt offsets and strong coil wastes including imperf pairs and #545-546 mint, virtually complete 4th bureaus, White Plains souvenir sheet, Kans-Nebr cplt mint, Parks & Prexies, $5 Hamilton, etc., back-of-the-book with airmails, parcel posts with much mint, mixed condition mostly in early material, well worth inspection. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $6,000
Collection, 1847-1983. Mint & used in Scott album, starting with four margin #1-2 (#2 pen canceled), useful 185-57 issues including #29 & #38 used, 1861 with values up to the 30¢ and 24¢ steel blue and 5¢ buff shades, E. & F. grills, nice range of banknotes with values up to the 90¢, Columbians with $1, $3, $4 & $5 values used, Trans-Miss to the $1, Louisiana with well centered 10¢ mint, Wash-Frank issue sparse but with #518 mint n.h., 4th bureaus including $5 mint, well centered Kans-Nebr set mint (missing 2¢ Nebr only), good completion thereafter, airmails including mint Zeppelin l.h. set (65¢ & $1.30 value with gem centering), some Hawaii, worth inspection. Estimate $2,500 - 3,500.
Realized: $4,250
Collection, 1847-1969. Mint and used in two Davo albums, several hundred stamps and no duplication, highlights include #1, 1869's complete to the 90cts, #112/122, 1887's complete to 90cts, Columbians complete to 50¢ with unused $1 & $4 used, various definitives from 1894 onwards with values up to the 50cts, 1902/03 series used to $1, Wash-Franks sparse, Pan Pacifics used, strong 4th bureaus including Kans-Nebr sets mint n.h. (cat $960), White Plains souvenir sheet, Prexies, etc., complete airmails including Zepps complete mint, special deliveries and parcel post complete, etc., please inspect. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $3,750
Lot 2747 o
Group, 1847-1902. 19 early used issues on stockcard, includes #1-2, #17, 1857 issues including 10¢ green, type I, 1861 issues including 5¢ buff with cog wheel cancel and a 30¢, grills including the very scarce 2¢ Z. grill, 1869 Pictorial with 6¢-15¢ values, 90¢ Banknote, $5 Columbian and a 1902 $2 value, condition quite mixed, Scott cat. $10,120, please inspect.Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,300
Collection, 1847-1940. In two Scott albums, stock cards, etc., somewhat sparse with some useful early mint 20th century and some better including Kans-Nebr & Prexie sets, mint Airmails with first & second issues, #C18, Revenues with strong section of perforated first issues with a fair showing of later issues, documentary, etc., additional material with #1 on cover, two mint n.h. #573's, mint & used classic issues on dealer and stock cards including Columbians to the 50¢, Trans-Miss to the 10¢, Louisiana complete, etc., condition mixed, well worth inspection. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,800
Collection, 1850-1965. Mint & used in Scott American album, useful range of classic issues, 1869's to 10¢, Banknotes with 1873's to the 30¢ and 1879 complete mostly used, later banknotes complete, mix range of small bureaus though 1902, Wash-Franks sparse in early with useful and better later mint and dollar values, strong completion mint from 1930's on missing mostly high value definitives, mint airmails, useful deliveries and dues, etc., condition mixed, owner's 1990 Scott cat $3,000+. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $550
Stock, 1851-1980's. Hundreds of mint & used on dealer stockcards priced for retail, mostly better items with highlights including early classics with unused #9 & #17, Columbians including mint o.g. 50¢ & $2.00, mint Trans-Miss including $2.00, early mint 20th century commemoratives, 2¢ Lincoln bluish papers, mint #400A, good Wash-Frank issues including 2¢ bluish papers, coils with line pairs, better mint 4th bureau issues including perf 10's, #578 x2, #599A, Nebr set mint, later Flag coil error pairs and better Flag and Transportation plate strips, quantities of $1, $2 & $5 plate blocks (over $400 in face alone), mint 1st & 2nd issue airmails, Zepps, early mint special deliveries, newspapers, mint Offices in Shanghai, good section of ducks singles mostly mint including plate singles and much n.h., condition varies with lots of good material throughout, well worth careful inspection. Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.
Realized: $6,750
Bourse dealer stock, 1851-1960. A comprehensive stock of mint and used, on hundreds of #102 stockcards in two red boxes. 19th century includes 1851, 1869 issues, Banknotes, Columbians, Bureau issues and Trans-Mississippi's. 20th century mostly mint, features Regular issues with/ Washington-Franklins including NH items. Also, a strong Back of Book section featuring Airpost, Postage Dues, Officials and a good selection of Duck stamps. Better items to be found throughout. Including #287 imprint pair, #342, #422 mint, #292 used and much more. Condition mixed with some duplication. Worth careful inspection. Scott $41,000+ (Owner's) Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
Realized: $4,500
Classics group, 1851-1869. 23 stamps on stockpage, mostly mint including #7 unused, 1857 issues including #25 (regummed), mint #26's, 1861 issues including unused 5¢ brown, 10¢, 12¢, 15¢, 24¢ issues & 30¢, 1869 2¢, 6¢ with o.g. and 12¢ unused, condition mixed, most mint with no gum or regummed with some o.g., Scott cat. $13,326, worth inspection. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $1,500
Lot 2753 o
Collection, 1851-1939. Used in Hager album with a few mint items, starting with a few useful 1851 issues, 1857 issues with 10¢ to 30¢ values, 1861 issues including high values, strong showing of grills with F. grill high values, 1869 Pictorials missing only the 15¢ type I for completion, Banknotes with strong completion including high values, Columbians to the $1, small bureaus with second issue $1 (x2), Trans-Miss to the 50¢, 1902 issue including $5 (genuine but repaired), Pan-Pac complete., strong Wash-Frank issues with coils, dollar values, offsets, wastes, etc., virtually complete 4th bureaus including #578-579, Kans-Nebr's complete, White Plains souvenir sheet mint (reinforced perf separations), Parks with used souvenir sheets, Prexies, airmails with #C1-6 & C18, owner's cat over $31,000, condition mixed, please inspect.Estimate $3,000 - 3,500.
Realized: $5,000