Accumulation. Hoard of stamps and covers in 10 large boxes, much of which is faulty, soiled, damaged, etc., some useful 19th & early 20th century material in a few collections and stockbooks including better fancy cancels on Banknotes, used Wash-Frank large multiples, coils, private perfs, etc., used #1, lots of covers, correspondences, some foreign including a turn-of the-century Duke cigarette worldwide album in decent condition, inspection a must and may prove rewarding. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $600
U.S. & Possessions collection, 1846-1926. Extensive mint & used in 4 Scott albums, starting with #10X1, 1851 issues including mint o.g. #11 right margin single with guideline and a #13 used, 1857 issues with #30A, 10¢ type I and 24¢ with nice red grid cancel, 1861 issues including 5¢ buff and complete high values, 1867 E. & F. grills complete including unused 1¢, 3¢ & 5¢ F. grills, 1869's to the 15¢ (both types) with additional mint 2¢, 10¢, 15¢ and a couple 1¢ re-issues, mint & used Banknotes with grills including 7¢ and complete thereon including additional values, small banknotes complete, bureau issues to the $1 with much mint and 1895 $5 used, Columbians including $1 & $2 values, Tran-Miss complete to the $1, Pan-Am's, 1902 regular definitives complete to the $5, #315 mint n.h. single, 2¢ Lincoln bluish used, strong Wash-Frank issues with complete regular 1908-09 issues and complete mint 1910-11, good mint coils single and pairs including complete 1910-13 coil singles and including 1¢, 4¢ & 5¢ pairs, 1¢ & 2¢ bluish, complete 1912-14 issues mostly mint, near complete 1914-16 coils including a used #449 single and many good pairs, 1917-19 issues including #500 mint, better coil wastes, some 4th bureaus including Kans-Nebr issues, airmails missing only #C15, complete special deliveries & parcel posts, early mint & used dues, much completion in officials including better mint high values and strong completion in Treasury, War & Interior issues, newspapers with first issues and others mint including 1895-97 set complete, Possessions including Canal Zone with better, Hawaii mint & used from Banknotes on, Philippines, etc., also including two volumes of postal history, entires, precancels, interesting section of freaks & errors, modern sheets including $1 value, etc., condition mixed with lots of scarce and better issues. Estimate $7,500 - 10,000.
Realized: $8,500
Collection, 1847-1963. Virtually all mint in Scott album with used only in the 19th century, used 1847-51 issues including 4-margin #1 with red Paid cancel, #15 x2 and #17, 1857 issues with #25 unused and #26 mint o.g., 12¢ & 30¢ values unused, 1861 issues including unused 10¢, 12¢, 24¢ (#70 & 78) and 30¢, a used 5¢ buff, etc., mint 1867 F. grills including 2¢, 3¢, 5¢ (with o.g.) and 12¢, Pictorials with mint 3¢-10¢, 12¢, type II, 24¢ & 30¢, banknotes including 1¢ & 2¢ grills and a used 6¢, 1870 issue cplt mint to the 24¢, 1873-75 cplt to the 30¢ (no 24¢ as usual) and mostly cplt later issues mint, small banknote issues cplt mint, mint Columbians cplt to the 50¢, 1894 & 95 small bureaus cplt mint to the $2 (1895 $1, type II is used), Trans-Miss issue complete mint as well as the Pan-Am, Louisiana & Jamestown issues, 1902 definitives cplt to the $1, strong Wash-Frank issues including 1908-09 denfins cplt, better coils singles and pairs including a #351 pair, 2¢ Lincoln bluish, 1910-11 definitives cplt and the 8½ perf coil singles cplt, Pan-Pac missing only #404, 1912-14 issues cplt including imperf & coils, #422-423, 1914-15 definitives cplt and including a nice range of flat and rotary coils, #460-61, 1916-17 definitives cplt including #479-480, the #505 double error in a block of 12 (some faults), 1917-19 definitives missing only #500, later issues with dollar value Wash issues and good coil wastes including #545-546, near cplt 4th bureaus including 1922 to the $5, perf 11x10's cplt, perf 10's complete, #595, etc., White Plains souvenir sheet, Kans-Nebr. cplt and virtually cplt thereafter to the 1960's, airmails with 1st and 2nd issues, #C18, special deliveries cplt and mint from 1895, nice range of mint & used dues, 1919 Offices in China cplt mint, Parcel Post cplt mint, mint & use cut squares and some revenues; condition mixed as to be expected but above the norm (especially in the earlier material) with mint selected for bright fresh appearance, a strong collection well worth inspection. Estimate $20,000 - 25,000.
Realized: $21,000
Collection, 1847-2003. Mint & used collection on annotated handmade pages in 34 Elbe albums with slipcases, 1847 issue cplt four margin copies that appear mint (cancels removed), followed by #3-4 (#4 with P.F. cert.), 1851 issues represented used including #12 as well as the 1857 issues up to the 30¢ used, 1861 issues to the 90¢ including 5¢ buff, 1867 grills including a scarce 2¢ Z. grill, used 1869 Pictorials to the 15¢ type I, Banknotes including grills and following issues complete minus #191 mostly used with 1885 3¢ & 30¢ mint, Columbians cplt mint, mint & used 1894 issues cplt to a $1, type I unused, 1895 issues cplt to the $1 issues and a $5 used, 1898 issues including 2¢ booklet pane, mint & used Trans-Miss cplt including $1 mint & $2 used, Pan-Am, Louisiana & Jamestown sets cplt mint, 1902 definitives cplt mint to the 13¢ and used thereafter the $1, Wash-Frank issues with booklet panes and many 1¢ & 2¢ plate blocks, 1909 2¢ reds all with corresponding plate blocks (except #369), Wash-Frank coils with many line pairs and paste-up pairs, Pan-Pac cplt mint (except #399 used), #505 5¢ error in block of 9 mint, #523 & 547 mint, coil wastes near complete including #545-46, 1920 commemoratives cplt in singles and plate blocks, 4th bureaus including 1922-25 cplt including large margin $5 n.h., #578-79, Harding issues including plate blocks, White Plains souvenir sheet, Kans-Nebr, Parks and Prexies with singles and plate blocks, virtually cplt thereon in single and plate block format including F.A.'s and $5 Hamilton, later issues with tag varieties, booklets, various printings, better modern including Legends recall sheet, etc., airmails cplt most with plate blocks, #C13-15 set cplt with extremely fine centering, #C18 with plate block, other back-of-the-book issues including special deliveries, parcel posts, etc.; condition mixed mostly confined to earlier issues, a wonderful collection well worth inspection. Estimate $15,000 - 20,000.
Realized: $17,000
Collection, 1847-1907. Mint and used oldtime collection, starts with an unused #9X1 with double transfer, #1, 2, 12, 39 (mint), nice 1861's and grills, 1869?s complete used, Columbians complete ($1and $5 used, other dollar values mint), #260 and #261 mint, #277 used, Trans-Miss complete (50¢ - $2 mint with attractive $1 and $2 values), #315 mint large margins, etc.; condition is mixed as would be expected but generally much nicer than normal with many attractive stamps; Scott cat. about $60,000. Estimate $10,000 - 15,000.
Realized: $11,500
U.S. & Possessions collection, 1847-1992. Mostly mint collection housed in 19 specialized handmade albums and meticulously written-up on handmade pages, some later issues on pages in envelopes by year, an extensive collection with virtual completion in U.S. from the 1930's on with both mint single, plate block and first day cover for each issue and many issues from 1940's on with additional full sheets, mostly used 19th century starting with #1, 1861 issues with values up to the 90¢ and 1869 issue to the 15¢ value, Banknotes including some high values, mint Columbians & Trans-Miss issues cplt to the 50¢, Pan-Am, Louisiana & Jamestown sets cplt mint, 1902 issues the $2 mint & used, Pan-Pac sets cplt mint & used, mint & used Wash-Frank issues with lots of better mint and used including coil singles, 1¢ & 2¢ bluish papers, dollar values, coil wastes, etc., 4th bureau issues with much completion including better coil wastes and complete 10½x11 plate blocks, White Plains ss, Kans-Nebr set cplt mint, Parks including cplt plate blocks, Prexies single, plate block & FDC's cplt, Famous Americans including cplt plate blocks, $5 Hamilton including plate block, etc., airmails virtually cplt including #C1-6 and Zeppelin set cplt (no gum), other back-of-the-book issues including a nice range of Officials, Offices in China, Special Delivery, Dues, Newspaper set, Ducks cplt mint and used to the 1980's, Possessions including good Canal Zone, Cuba, Guam, Philippines and Puerto Rico, also cplt U.N. issues for the period, condition mixed mostly in early material, a wonderful collection that should be viewed. Estimate $7,500 - 10,000.
Realized: $10,000
Collection, 1847-1987. Mint and used in 2 Lighthouse hingeless albums, starting with #2, few 1851-57 issues, 1861 issues including mint 1¢ & 2¢ pairs, mint 3¢ shades, used 24¢ issues, 30¢ unused with huge margins and a used 90¢, mint & used grills, Pictorials to the 30¢ mint or used, Banknotes with good completion including high values and better mint, small banknotes complete mostly mint, mint Columbians complete to the 50¢ including $2 & $3, nice selection of small bureaus mostly mint, Trans-Miss to the 10¢ and a mint o.g. $2, Pan-Am's complete mint, small section of mint 1902 definitives, 2¢ Lincoln bluish, strong Wash-Frank issues with many well centered and never hinged throughout, including good coils, 1¢ & 2¢ bluish, near complete 1910-11 & 1912-14 regular issues, #423, #478-79, #523, offset issues with n.h. imperf pairs, coil wastes including #546 n.h., near complete thereon including 1922-26 definitives complete, perf 10's complete, #634A, Kans-Nebr complete, Prexies, etc., Airmails complete minus Zepp set, nice range of mint Special Deliveries, Parcel Posts to the 75¢ mint, Duck stamps complete plate no. singles to 1955 and some later, etc., also a third volume with some complete booklets, a lovely collection with condition in 20th century well above the norm. Estimate $6,000 - 8,000.
Realized: $9,000
Collection, 1847-2003. Mint & used collection on album pages in 4 3-ring binders, mostly used collection with #1 & #2 used, 1851 issues with various 1¢ & 10¢ issues, #12 & #17, 1857 issues including 1¢ type I, 5¢ types including brick red and brown types I & II, 10¢ types including type I, high values to the 30¢, 1861 issues with 5¢ shades and values to the 90¢, basic grills to the 90¢, 1869 Pictorials complete to the 90¢, Banknotes with many grill issues including 7¢, 15¢ & 30¢ values, following banknotes appear complete mostly used, small banknotes complete, Columbians complete, small bureau issues appear complete including all high values, Tran-Miss complete, Pan-Am, 1902 regular definitives complete including 5¢ imperf, strong completion in Wash-Franks including a few better mint issues and used dollar values, White Plains souvenir sheet mint, Kans-Nebr complete mostly used, etc., airmails complete with used Zepps, special deliveries complete used, strong completion in postage dues, parcel posts complete used, collection also holds a second mint only collection with useful material from turn of century on, including Columbians, Louisiana complete, mint #C18 and lots of modern face, condition quite mixed overall, especially in early material, inspection recommended. Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.
Realized: $7,250
Collection, 1847-1939. Mint & used collection in Minkus album, definitives including 1847 issues complete used, 1851 basic values including #12 (slight plate wash, appears mint), 1857 basic values to the 12¢, various 1861-67 issues, Pictorials to the 15¢ type II and 30¢, strong completion in Banknotes with high values and later mint, small banknotes complete mint & used, small bureaus with second issue $1 mint and other used dollar values, Columbians mint tot he 15¢ and 30¢ used, Trans-Miss to the 50¢, Pan-Am's complete mint, Louisiana & Jamestown sets complete mint, good Wash-Frank issues with 1908 genuine mint coils, used #369, #461 mint, etc., Pan-Pac with two #400 mint, 4th Bureaus with 1922 issue complete mint, #578-579 mint, White Plains souvenir sheet, Kans-Nebr complete mint, Prexies complete mint, airmails complete mint minus #C13-15 (includes a used #C14), special deliveries complete mint & used, parcel posts couple used, Ducks with mostly mint in early issues, etc., worth inspection. Estimate $4,000 - 5,000.
Realized: $5,750
Collection, 1847-1926. Mostly used collection on Scott album pages with a few better mint, starting with 4 margin #1 & #2 (faults), few nice 1851-57 issues, 1861-67 issue with values to the 30¢, Pictorial values up to the 30¢ with additional 6¢ & 10¢, Banknotes virtually complete minus grills, Small Banknotes complete, Columbians to the 50¢ and a $2 with cert (small faults), small bureaus to $1, Trans-Miss to the 50¢, Pan-Am complete with additional mint, 1902 to the $1, Louisiana & Jamestown complete with mint n.h. #330, Wash-Franks, Pan-Pac, 4th bureaus, airmails, parcel posts complete, other back-of-the-book, etc., mixed condition with many better throughout. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $2,700