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Sale 19: The Autumn Sale

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U.S. Cover Collections (Part 1)

Lots 2646-2655 Lots 2656-2665 Lots 2666-2675 Lots 2676-2685 Lots 2686-2687

Lot 2686    

Damaged & miscellaneous auxiliary marking covers, 1967-92. 14 covers with various auxiliary markings including "Damaged due to Fire in Transit", "Damaged in Handling…Accept our Apology", etc., worth inspection.
Estimate    $50 - 75.

Realized: $50

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Lot 2687    

Exposition postcards, 1900-30's. Over 80 mint & used postcards, many multicolored, including 1915 Panama-California Expo, San Diego, 1907 Jamestown, Century of Progress, Panama-Pacific Expo, 1909 Hudson-Fulton, etc., many official souvenir and ad cards, some with various exposition related cancels, worth inspection.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

Realized: $300

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Lots 2646-2655 Lots 2656-2665 Lots 2666-2675 Lots 2676-2685 Lots 2686-2687

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