1861, 3¢ cover lot. Lot of 80 covers franked with single 3¢ including shades (possibly some "pinks" included), cancel, some with Civil War Military addresses, included are ad covers (one of Western Union Telegraph & one for Crude & Refined Petroleum), one Buffalo, N.Y. Patent cancel, one Monrovia B.&O.R.R. cover, one cover with decorative hand done address, one with straight line "U.S. Ship" handstamp, mixed condition, worth inspection. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $375
1902-08 Issue, foreign destination group. 8 covers, 20 post card and a wrapper usage; covers including #314 block of 4 usage, 13¢ paying 1908 registered rate to Germany, single 2¢ imperf on 1908 cover to England, other destinations including Egypt, S. Africa, Norway, Antigua, Russia, Turkey, Monte Carlo, Fiji Islands, etc., condition mixed. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $180
1903-06, 1¢ & 2¢ imperforate issues on cover. 20 items; 1¢ usages include many single and pair frankings, pair and strip of 3 on cover to Austria, block of 4 usage, mixed frankings to foreign destinations, etc., 2¢ usages including single and pair frankings and 2 blocks of 4 on reverse of registered cover, condition varies, worth inspection. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $350
1908, 1¢-2¢ imperf issues on cover group. 6 covers; four 1¢ covers paying 2¢ domestic rate and one with 1¢ plate strip of 3 with 2¢ Seward imperf block, 2¢ with blocks of 6. Estimate $50 - 75.
Realized: $80
1909, 2¢ commemorative issues cover group. 17 covers and postcard; various 2¢ Seward imperf issues including single to Nova Scotia and pair with plate no. in combination with 1¢ Franklin on cover to Argentina, strength in 2¢ Hudson-Fulton issues on cover including block of 6 paying registry fee on cover to Germany, block of 4 and pair on registered cover from Puerto Rico, four other covers with blocks of 4 or 6, etc., worth inspection. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $400
1909-20, 1¢ & 2¢ Washington-Franklin line and plate imprint imperfs on cover. 12 covers; includes 9 1¢ guideline pairs including several with sheet margin arrow, two 1¢ pairs with plate numbers (one with 2¢ due) and a 2¢ single with huge left margins and part imprint, all domestic usages. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $38

1911-21, U.S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. 7 covers and postcard; all different Wash-Frank issue frankings, including 1916 cover to Germany, 1920 registered cover with 12¢ tied by oval handstamp, 1921 registered cover to U.S. franked with 1¢ green block of 6, pair + 2¢ carmine, tied by agency oval handstamps, 1918 1¢ + 2¢ usage, 1917 usage to Amsterdam, etc., Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $325
1918-20 Offset Issues on Cover. 9 covers; including #535 block of 5 on registered cover to Latvia, #533 single usage on stamp dealer return cover, #531 block of 4 and pair in combination with #C1 on registered cover to England, #533 double print, etc., worth inspection. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $140
1922-29, 4th Bureau Issue - foreign and overseas cover group. 37 covers and about a dozen cards, nice range of destinations and frankings throughout, including Nicaragua (to and from), Argentina, Turkey, Australia, Trinidad, Hungary, Transvaal, Jerusalem, Russia, etc., some seapost usages, etc., worth inspection. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $250
1923-28, 1¢ & 2¢ 4th Bureau imperforates on cover. 9 covers; 1¢ pair usage including plate no. and registry combination to England, 2¢ includes single usages an a cross-border special delivery cover from Sonora, Mexico with U.S. - Mexico mixed franking. Scott No. 575,577 Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $40