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Sale 123: The Civil War Sale

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South Carolina Town Postmarks - Boydton to Chappelle Depot

Lots 2169-2178 Lots 2179-2187

Lot 2169    

Confederacy, Boydton, S.C., Dec 6, manuscript postmark with "Pd 5" rate on cover to Mount Tabor, S.C., with original 1861 enclosure; repaired cover nick at top, F.-V.F., a rare town (Stets & Teal Rarity 8), ex-Cantey.
Estimate    $100 - 150.

Realized: $130

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Lot 2170    

Confederacy, Branch Island S.C., 6th Feb., manuscript postmark on small buff cover to Pickens C.H., S.C. with matching manuscript "Paid 10" rate, docketed on reverse "AL Young, Branch Island S.C.", Annie L Young was the Confederate Postmistress of Branch Island, replacing her husband on July 17, 1861, Very Fine.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

"Branch Island S.C." is a rare townmark. This recently found cover is the only one known originating from this town (per Stets & Teal). The manuscript town mark was listed in CSA Catalog, with an asterisks meaning unseen by the editors.

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Lot 2171    

Confederacy, Branchville, S.C. Sep. 21, 36mm cds and matching "Paid" straight line on cover to Hilton Head P.O. "Hagoods redgment (sic) in care of Capt. White", F.-V.F. and attractive.
Estimate    $100 - 150.

Hilton Head was captured by the Union in Nov. 1861 during the attack on Port Royal, S.C.

Realized: $130

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Lot 2172    

Confederacy, Branchville, S.C. Oct 29 (1861), bold 36mm cds with matching "Paid" straight line on cover to Aiken, S.C. with colorless embossed illustrated corner card for American Telegraph Company, "1861" docketing vertically at left, with original enclosure, Very Fine.
Estimate    $400 - 600.

Realized: $325

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Lot 2173    

Confederacy, Branchville, S.C. Nov. 22, balloon type cds with manuscript "Due 10" on 1864 soldier's adversity cover to Blackville, S.C., cover made from previous slave inventory, also included is interesting original enclosure from Private Peter Redmond who was captured in 1865 and later paroled, Very Fine, ex-Cantey.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $270

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Lot 2174    

Confederacy, Buena Vista, S.C., Aug 14th (1861), manuscript postmark with matching "Paid 5" on cover to Pickens C.H., S.C., included is original enclosure with letterhead of "Batesville Cotton Factory, So Ca.", small nick at top left affecting postmark, otherwise Very Fine, Buena Vista is a hard to find Town (Stets & Teal Rarity 6).
Estimate    $100 - 150.

Realized: $80

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Lot 2175    

Confederacy, Buena Vista, S.C. Sept. 23, manuscript pk with "Paid 10" on forwarded cover to Abbeville, S.C., address label applied over original address and franked with 1863-64 10¢ blue (12) tied by blue "Columbia, S.C. Oct. 5" cds, Very Fine and unusual (Stets & Teal Rarity 6), ex-H. Green & Cantey.
Estimate    $150 - 200.

Realized: $270

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Lot 2176    

Confederacy, Buford's Bridge, S.C., Apr 25, cds on cover to Coalman Station, Ga., light manuscript "10 Paid" rate; slight soiling, F.-V.F.
Estimate    $100 - 150.

Realized: $100

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Lot 2177    

Confederacy, Calhoun's Mills, S.C. Sep 15, bold 32mm cds and matching arc "Paid 10" rate handstamp on exceptionally attractive cover to Smith's Turn Out, S.C. and then forwarded with manuscript "Paid 10" to Due West, S.C., partial sideflap, Very Fine and choice, ex-Cantey.
Estimate    $150 - 200.

Realized: $210

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Lot 2178    

Confederacy, Calhoun's Mills, S.C., cds on two covers; one with "Paid 5" in circle handstamp, other with "Paid 10" handstamp, also a 1864 mail bag receipt from 1864; some small flaws, F.-V.F.
Estimate    $100 - 150.

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Realized: $110

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Lots 2169-2178 Lots 2179-2187

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