Confederacy, Ashepoo Ferry, S.C., manuscript postmark on two covers; one a folded letter with matching "Paid 5" rate to Pocotaligo, S.C., contents a lists of losses due to capture of Port Royal, S.C. including house, furniture and various slaves, and on adversity cover made from blue ruled paper, franked with manuscript canceled 1863, 10¢ blue (12), to Willington, S.C.; latter with cover toning, F.-V.F.Estimate $150 - 200.
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Realized: $250

Confederacy, Bamberg, S.C., cds with handstamped "Paid 5", type IA, on small exquisitely embossed cover to Columbia with original letter head "January 13, 1862", Very Fine and attractive, this cover is the basis for the Dietz listing.Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $150

Confederacy, Beaufort, S.C., Sep. 11, 1861, cds on neat ladies cover with handstamped "Paid 5" in circle, type III, to Camden, S.C., F.-V.F., ex-Kohn, Wm. Fox.Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $150

Confederacy, Beaufort, S.C., 32mm cds on three stampless covers; rates include "Paid 3" in circle handstamp (U.S. rate period), sans-serif "Paid" and "5" handstamps, and serifed "Paid" and "5" in circle handstamp; some small flaws, F.-V.F.Estimate $150 - 200.
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Realized: $240

Confederacy, Belton, S.C., manuscript postmark on two covers; one with "Paid 5" rate and addressed to Sullivan's Island, other a civilian cover with "Due 10" rating (not in compliance with C.S.A. regulations) with 1864 enclosure; some flaws, F.-V.F.Estimate $100 - 150.
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Realized: $90

Confederacy, Bennettsville, S.C., 34mm cds on three stampless covers; rates with "Paid" handstamp without rate, "Paid" and "10" handstamps, and "Paid" and manuscript "10" on brown and tan floral "wallpaper cover" to Manchester, S.C., F.-V.F.Estimate $200 - 300.
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Realized: $350

Confederacy, Beth Eden, S.C. July 26, manuscript postmark on cover to the 3rd Reg't SCV in Manassas, Va., matching "Paid 5" rate, 1861 docketing at left; staining and missing bottom flap, Fine, a rare town (Stets & Teal Rarity 8).Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $110

Confederacy, Bishopville, S.C. Sept. 23, manuscript postmark on de-valued 1860-61 3¢ Star Die entire with additional "Paid 5" manuscript rate to Plowden Mills, S.C., flap torn, Very Fine and attractive.Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $260

Confederacy, Bivingsville, S.C., manuscript postmark on three stampless covers; rates with manuscript "Paid 5¢", "Paid 10", and a pencil "Bi'ville, S.C." abbreviated name postmark with "paid 5" rating; former with repair at top adding portion of postmark, F.-V.F., rare town (Stets & Teal Rarity 8).Estimate $200 - 300.
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Realized: $140

Confederacy, Black Mingo, S.C. Apr., well struck 37mm black cds and matching "Paid" straight line on cover addressed to Gen. W.W. Harllee, Columbia S.C., Very Fine, Gen. Harllee was Gen. of S.C. Militia and signer of Ordinance of Succession.Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $260