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Sale 123: The Civil War Sale

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Confederate Collection Lots

Lots 3181-3190 Lots 3191-3193

Lot 3191 /o   

Confederacy, - Stamp Balance, of 8 stamps mostly used; includes #1 x3 with shades, mint #2 top margin pair o.g., scarce used #3 with red town cancel, and a couple #5's; mostly small flaws, #5's with certs, worth review.
Scott No. 1//5; $4,050    Estimate $500 - 750.

Realized: $1,100

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Lot 3192 o/   

Confederacy, - Balance, of used and four covers; used with Scott #1 on piece, 2 & 2e both with large margins, 4 & 5, 61X2, 62X1 x2 & 62X3, cover with #1 x3 from various towns, #4 and #12, few other items; some flaws, Scott cat $5,100+.
Estimate    $750 - 1,000.

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Realized: $1,000

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Lot 3193    

Confederacy, - Miscellaneous Group, of eight items; includes flag of truce cover from Richmond, Va. with #12, C.S. $500 loan certificate, money envelope, cover to S.C. hospital, couple interesting letters, and two semi-official covers with stamp franking removed.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

Realized: $250

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Lots 3181-3190 Lots 3191-3193

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