Confederacy, Flag of Truce, North to South, small ladies cover addressed to Dr. John J. Miller, Richmond Va. with manuscript endorsement "Care of Capt. W.H. Hatch Asst Agent of exchange" at bottom, franked with CSA 10¢ blue (12) tied by "Richmond, Va. Oct. 5" cds overpaying the 2¢ drop rate, reverse with ornate ribbon "Advertised 2" handstamp & "Richmond, Va. Oct 22" cds, included is original letter datelined "Oakland Home (Missouri), September 11th, 1864", some staining in address panel, otherwise Very Fine.Estimate $200 - 300.
Dr. Miller was a Surgeon at Winder Hospital, who failed to pick up, so marked "Advertised 2" with Richmond Oct 22 cds, same date as advertised in the "Richmond Examiner".
Realized: $260

Confederacy, Flag of Truce, North to South, manuscript "By Flag of Truce" on cover to Clarksville, Tenn., pencil "Ex" by CSA censor, sent the regular route through Richmond, franked with 1861, 3¢ rose (65) tied by bold segmented cork cancel with "Old Point Comfort, Va. Jun 4" double circle postmark alongside, couple of light cover folds, still Very Fine.Estimate $100 - 150.
Pvt. Robt. J. Franklin Co E 50th Tenn Inf, captured when Atlanta fell and imprisoned at Louisville, Ky.
Realized: $90

Confederacy, Flag of Truce, South to North, manuscript boxed "Via Norfolk and Flag of Truce" notation at bottom of linen cover to Mechanic Falls, Me., pencil docketing "Jan 22, 1862", franked with CSA 1861 5¢ green, pair (1) mostly torn off at the exchange point (as per P.O. instructions), tied by most probably Macon, Ga. cds then franked with USA 1861, 3¢ rose (65) applied over remnants and tied with "Old Point Comfort, Va. Feb 19" double circle postmark, additional manuscript "X" (by censor), Very Fine.Estimate $300 - 400.
Pvt. Charles Harris from Maine was living in Macon, Ga when war broke out. He was captured at Mine Run, Virginia and sent to Old Capitol Prison in Washington, D.C. Rather than being exchanged he took "Oath of Allegiance" and went home to his father in Maine.
Realized: $850

Confederacy, Flag of Truce, South to North, bold manuscript "by Flag of Truce", additional notation "by Boat Corp" at bottom left on cover addressed to Lowell, Mass., franked with CSA 10¢ blue (11) tied by Farmville, Va. cds with additional strike at right, docketed on backflap "Received Fortress Monroe October 9th JMM", no indication of Federal postage, couple of small cover repairs, F.-V.F.Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $220

Confederacy, Flag of Truce, South to North, manuscript "Flag of Truce" notation at top of cover to New York, franked with 1861, 3¢ rose (65, corner crease) tied by segmented cork cancel with partial Old Point Comfort, Va. double circle postmark at left, bold manuscript censor's marking "Ex. Jno. L. Eustis A.D.C.", who was a clerk in the Richmond War Office, Very Fine.Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $100

Confederacy, Flag of Truce, South to North, turned cover, first usage with C.S.A. 10¢ blue (12) tied by "Richmond, Va. Jan. 19" cds and addressed to N.C. hospital at Petersburg, Va., cover turned and used to Maryland, franked with USA 1861 3¢ rose (65) tied by large segmented cork with "Old Point Comfort, Va. Feb. 23" double circle postmark, manuscript endorsement "Per Truce Boat" at upper left, vertical cover fold affects CSA adhesive, missing top and side flap, Very Fine.Scott No. 12, USA 65 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $375

Confederacy, Flag of Truce, South to North, turned cover, first usage C.S.A. 10¢ blue (11), tied by nice strike of small "Stilesborough, Ga. Sep. 19" cds addressed to Savannah, Ga. redirected by Sgt. Charles T. Parker, 63 Ga. Vols. to his sister in Wardsboro, Vt., postmarked Old Point Comfort, Va. Apr. 19 double circle and "Due 6" in circle, CSA adhesive partially cut out and expertly restored to cover, Very Fine.Scott No. 11 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $90

Confederacy, Wilmington, N.C., Sep 18, cds on reverse of incoming blockade mourning cover addressed to Major De Rosset in Goldsboro. N.C., with straight line "Ship" handstamp and manuscript "12" due rating for the 10¢ rate plus 2¢ ship fee, no markings indicating origin, Very Fine, part of a known blockade-run correspondence.Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
William De Rosset resided in New Hanover County, N.C. when appointed Major in the 3rd Regiment N.C. Infantry from May 16, 1861. Promoted to Lt. Colonel on April 26, 1862 (indicating this cover a 1861 usage) and to Colonel on July 1, 1862. Fought at the Seven Days Battles around Richmond, Va. and at Sharpsburg, Md. on September 17, 1862 where he was severely wounded and eventually resigned on Sept 7, 1863.
Realized: $2,200