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Sale 122: The Dr. James Milgram Collection Steamboat Mail

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Steamboat Markings - Bluff City to Carrie (Milgram #129-181)

Lots 92-101 Lots 102-111 Lots 112-121 Lots 122-127

Lot 112    

Packet Caddo (Red River), near complete bold straightline on 1851 folded letter to New Orleans, manuscript "With a cuppling shaft", small cover tear at right & somewhat heavy horizontal file fold through address panel, F.-V.F. with attractive strike, Illustrated in Milgram.
Milgram No. 153    Estimate $200 - 300.

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Lot 113    

Southern Line Regular Packet Caddo (Red River), blue oval handstamp tying 1861 3¢ Rose (minor perf soiling) on rose overall illustrated cover to Natchitoches, La., reduced at left, edge soiling and wear, Fine and rare, ex-Somdal, Illustrated in Milgram.
Milgram No. 155    Estimate $300 - 400.

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Lot 114    

Caddo No. 2 (Red River), red straightline on 1853-55 3¢ Nesbitt to New Orleans, some all-over aging, also included is 1854 printed freight bill, still Very Fine, a rare packet marking, ex-Somdal, Illustrated in Milgram.
Milgram No. 157    Estimate $300 - 400.

Realized: $200

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Lot 115    

Red River Packet Caddo No. 2 (Red River), bold and complete red oval on 1853-55 3¢ Nesbitt entire to New Orleans, postmarked red "New Orleans, La., Apr 8" cds with black "Way" straightline across indicia, Very Fine and choice.
Milgram No. 158    Estimate $300 - 400.

Realized: $210

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Lot 116    

Steamer Cadet, Mass. Inst. Technology Steamer to the World's Columbian Exposition, red illustrated advertising showing steamship "Cadet" on cover to Portland, Me., franked with 1893 2¢ Columbian tied by "Worlds Fair Sta. Chicago, Ill Jun 3" exposition duplex handstamp, slightly reduced at left, Very Fine and scarce, a unique item for the Expo Collector, Unlisted in Milgram.
Milgram No. 159A    Estimate $300 - 400.

Realized: $1,300

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Lot 117    

S.B. California, black straightline on 1848 folded letter from New Orleans to Salem, Mass., postmarked red "Mobile, Ala. Feb 25" cds with matching "Way 11" in circle, heavy vertical file folds, also included is printed 1849 freight bill, Fine, this is the only recorded marking of this early steamboat, Unlisted in Milgram.
Milgram No. 161B    Estimate $750 - 1,000.

Realized: $400

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Lot 118    

Regular Yazoo River, Packet Calumet (Yazoo River), black ornate corner card on 1864-65 3¢ entire to New Orleans, additional blue R.E. Lee Oct. 23, 1868 (Milgram 1177) ornate scalloped dated steamship handstamp, mended tear affecting corner card, still Very Fine and attractive, ex-Somdal.
Milgram No. 163    Estimate $200 - 300.

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Lot 119    

Regular Yazoo River Packet Calumet (Yazoo River), boxed corner card with fancy corners on cover to Greenwood, cover with all-over billboard advertising, Very Fine, Illustrated in Milgram, with 1861 3¢, which was not tied and subsequently removed.
Milgram No. 164    Estimate $200 - 300.

Realized: $110

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Lot 120    

Steamer Cambridge, Sept 17 1867 (Coast of Maine), complete and well struck double circle handstamp on 1864-65 3¢ entire to Bucksport, Me., faint company cds at left with same date, slightly trimmed at right, includes original invoice from Boston, still Very Fine and a rare coast steamboat, Illustrated in Milgram.
Milgram No. 166    Estimate $200 - 300.

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Lot 121    

Sea Shore Line, Steamer Camelia (Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Coast), two oval packet handstamps on cover to St. Louis, franked with 1863 2¢ "Blackjack" pair (perf toning) tied by steamer oval, other handstamp at left and near complete, additional "Held for Postage" circular handstamp with "1867" pencil notation, blue New Orleans company oval at bottom left, cover with slight edge wear/soiling, F.-V.F.
Milgram No. 168    Estimate $500 - 750.


Realized: $450

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Lots 92-101 Lots 102-111 Lots 112-121 Lots 122-127

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