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Sale 122: The Dr. James Milgram Collection Steamboat Mail

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Steamboat Markings - Bluff City to Carrie (Milgram #129-181)

Lots 92-101 Lots 102-111 Lots 112-121 Lots 122-127

Lot 102    

From Steamer Bride (Red River), complete red oval on folded letter to Natchez, Miss., manuscript "Bride", horizontal file fold, Very Fine and attractive, Illustrated in Milgram.
Milgram No. 139    Estimate $300 - 400.

Realized: $190

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Lot 103    

Steamer Bridgeport, Mar 7 1870, blue dated oval on cover to Livingstonville, N.Y., franked with 1869 3¢ Pictorial (114) tied by segmented cork with "Bridgeport, O., Mar. 7" cds alongside, vertical "Return To Bridgeport Steamboat Company" at left, trimmed at right (affecting adhesive), small corner repair at lower right, otherwise Fine to Very Fine, the only recorded example, Unlisted in Milgram.
Milgram No. 139A    Estimate $200 - 300.

Realized: $210

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Lot 104    

Steamer Brilliant (Mississippi River), red oval ties 1851 3¢ orange brown on 1851 folded cover from Bayou Sara to New Orleans, some docketing at bottom right, also included is 1851 printed freight bill, F.-V.F., a rare marking.
Milgram No. 141    Estimate $300 - 400.

Realized: $220

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Lot 105    

Steamer Bristol, May 27 1869 (Long Island Sound and Narragansett Bay), blue dated shield type handstamp on cover to Jamestown R.I. and forwarded to New York City, franked with 1869 3¢ Pictorial (114) tied by indistinct Rhode Island double circle postmark, manuscript "Via Newport Steamer" obliterated with multiple "X", some minor restoration at left, F.-V.F., Illustrated in Milgram.
Milgram No. 142    Estimate $300 - 400.


Realized: $280

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Lot 106    

Steamer Bristol (Long Island Sound and Narragansett Bay), lovely all-over illustrated design on reverse of 1878 cover showing Steamer and detailed map of Steamer route, addressed to Narragansett Pier, R.I. and franked with 3¢ Banknote with part imprint at bottom, tied by geometric cancel with "Brooklyn, N.Y. Oct 2" cds, forwarded to Pittsford, Vt. with Narragansett Pier, R.I. Oct. 4 cds, cover with "Old Colony Steamboat Company, Fall River Line, between New York and Boston" boxed corner card, slightly reduced at left, Very Fine, Unlisted in Milgram.
Milgram No. 142B    Estimate $150 - 200.

Realized: $120

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Lot 107    

Steamer Bristol (Long Island Sound and Narragansett Bay), lovely all-over illustrated design on reverse of cover showing Steamer and detailed map of Steamer route, addressed to Providence R.I., franked with strip of three 1¢ Banknote tied by negative large "4" with "New York Apr 16" cds's, cover with "Old Colony Steamboat Company, Fall River Line, between New York and Boston" boxed corner card, Very Fine and attractive, Unlisted in Milgram.
Milgram No. 142C    Estimate $150 - 200.

Realized: $170

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Lot 108    

Bunker Hill No. 3 (Ohio and Mississippi Rivers), red illustrated oval featuring Bunker Hill monument on 1849 folded Bill of Lading from New Orleans to Louisville, Ky, manuscript "B/L per Bunker Hill", slightly refolded, also included is 1856 printed freight bill, Very Fine, a lovely example of this iconic steamboat marking.
Milgram No. 149    Estimate $500 - 750.

Realized: $375

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Lot 109    

Northern Line Packet Co., Steamer Burlington (Upper Mississippi River), illustrated shield type corner card on cover to Lyons, Iowa, franked with 1861 3¢ Rose (65) with circle of diamonds grid and Reeds Landing, Min. cds alongside, slightly reduced at left, F.-V.F.
Milgram No. 150    Estimate $150 - 200.

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Lot 110    

Northern Line Packet Co.'s, Steamer Burlington (Upper Mississippi River), lovely red boxed corner card on cover to Ashburnham, Mass, franked with 1861 3¢ Rose (couple blunt perfs due to scissor trimming) cancelled by target with Davenport, Iowa double circle alongside, included is original enclosure datelined, "On board Steamer Burlington for Rock Island, Nov. 11, 1866", fascinating contents regarding the steamer and the river voyage, Extremely Fine and choice.
Milgram No. 151    Estimate $400 - 600.

Realized: $425

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Lot 111    

Red River Packet Caddo (Red River), red 3-line handstamp on 1850 folded letter from Alexandria to New Orleans, also struck with red F.A. Dentzel route agent handstamp in red, sealed cover tear at top just touching the "C" of "Caddo", otherwise Very Fine, Illustrated in Milgram.
Milgram No. 152    Estimate $200 - 300.

Realized: $260

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Lots 92-101 Lots 102-111 Lots 112-121 Lots 122-127

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