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Sale 122: The Dr. James Milgram Collection Steamboat Mail

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Transatlantic Ships - Manchester to Saale (Milgram #844C-1235B)

Lots 1095-1104 Lots 1105-1114 Lots 1115-1124 Lots 1125-1130

Lot 1095    

Manchester (Atlantic Ocean), black straightline handstamp on 1824 folded letter from Philadelphia to London, manuscript "1/7" rate, additional manuscript marking "Per Manchester via England" at lower left, backstamped boxed "Liverpool Ship Letter" handstamp, horizontal file fold with repair in address panel, otherwise Very Fine, the only recorded example, Unlisted in Milgram.
Milgram No. 844C    Estimate $400 - 600.

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Lot 1096    

Vapor Manhattan, Jun 3, 1886 (Atlantic Coast and Gulf of Mexico), bold strike of dark violet double circle handstamp on folded letter from New York to Mexico, franked with 5¢ Garfield (file fold) tied by violet "Lineas Postales Maritimas, EUM" double circle, Very Fine and rare, Marking Illustrated in Milgram.
Milgram No. 845    Estimate $300 - 400.

Realized: $325

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Lot 1097    

Ship Milo, S.G. Bronson, Sail*d mar. 27 (Atlantic Ocean), exceptionally bold and complete blue fancy double circle handstamp on choice 1818 folded letter from Liverpool to Boston, faint but attractive arc "Ship 6" in ribbon, Extremely Fine.
Milgram No. 891    Estimate $500 - 750.


The "Milo" (398 tons) was built at Newburyport, Massachusetts in 1811 for David Hinckley of Boston. This was a very fast vessel, capable of a transatlantic crossing in less than 20 days. Under Captain Stephen Glover it was the first ship to sail from America and reach England (on June 3, 1815) after the close of the War of 1812. Captain Samuel G. Bronson assumed the role of master a few years later. Some collectors consider this the finest handstamped American transatlantic ship marking. Blake and Davis described it as "the only ocean 'packetmark' of a Boston regular trader."

Realized: $350

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Lot 1098    

Ship Milo, S.G. Bronson, Sail*d June 7 (Atlantic Ocean), fancy blue double circle handstamp on 1818 folded letter to Antrim, Ireland, manuscript "2/7" rate and accountancy markings, light boxed "Liverpool Ship Letter", overall light soiling, Very Fine, the only recorded example with this sailing date.
Milgram No. 891    Estimate $300 - 400.

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Lot 1099    

Ship Milo, S.G. Bronson, Sail*d Aug. 16 (Atlantic Ocean), bluish green fancy double circle handstamp on 1818 folded letter from London to New York, postmarked red "Boston Sep 22" cds and matching "Ship" straightline with manuscript "20¾" rate, couple of file folds, F.-V.F.
Milgram No. 891    Estimate $400 - 600.

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Lot 1100    

Ship Milo, S.G. Bronson, Sail*d Aug. 16 (Atlantic Ocean), blue fancy double circle handstamp on folded letter (datelined "Bremen July 25, 1818") to Providence, R.I., postmarked red "Boston Sep 22" cds and matching "Ship" straightline with manuscript "12" rate, vertical file folds, F.-V.F., ex-Blake & C. Hahn.
Milgram No. 891    Estimate $300 - 400.

Realized: $180

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Lot 1101    

Moana (Pacific Ocean), red ship handstamp in red on 5¢ postal entire to Auckland, N.Z. postmarked "San Francisco Feb 17 6PM '99" machine cancel, additional printed corner card for "Cutting Fruit Packing Co.", light staining near embossing, Very Fine.
Milgram No. 911A    Estimate $150 - 200.

Realized: $90

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Lot 1102    

U.S.S. Mohican, imprint on 1869 cover to Waterbury, Conn., franked with 1867 3¢ Rose Grill (some minor perf. flaws) tied by geometric cancel with "San Francisco Aug. 16" cds alongside, cover with original enclosure on matching printed letterhead and datelined "Illionlionk, Ounalaska, July 22, 1869", written by sailor on board to his mother with fascinating contents which includes, We have stopped at this place to take in coal, and finding a little schooner here which will sail for San Francisco in a few days, I shall send you this letter by her…This place is a little Indian village on Ounalaska, one of the Aleutian Islands. It is of no consequence whatever, except as a stopping place for whalers and traders who have business in the Northern seas., the letter goes on to give a detailed description of the islands beauty (the full contents can be found on our website), Very Fine, Illustrated in Milgram.
Milgram No. 915    Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.


In 1869, the "U.S.S Mohican" carried an astronomical surveying party through Bering Strait into the arctic.

This letter was written in Iliuliuk (Bay), Unalaska which is located off Unalaska Island in the Aleutian Islands off mainland Alaska. On October 18, 1867, the United States purchased Alaska, which made Unalaska part of the U.S. territory.

The Aleut (Unangan) people have lived on Unalaska Island for thousands of years. The Unangan, who were the first to inhabit the island of Unalaska, named it "Ounalashka", meaning "near the peninsula".

Realized: $9,000

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Lot 1103    

U.S. Ship Monongahela, Jul 16, 1884 (Pacific Ocean), fancy blue double circle handstamp on cover to Burlington, Vt., franked with 2¢ Bank Note (small stain) with cork cancel and "Vallejo, Cal. Jul 16" cds alongside, Very Fine and attractive.
Milgram No. 927    Estimate $300 - 400.

"U.S.S. Monongahela" was a barkentine-rigged screw sloop-of-war that served in the Union Navy during the American Civil War. Her task was to participate in the Union blockade of the Confederate States of America. Post-war, she continued serving her country in various roles, such as that of a storeship and schoolship.

Realized: $170

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Lot 1104    

U.S. Ship Monongahela, May 17, 1889 (Pacific Ocean), purple oval handstamp on mixed franking cover to New York, franked with Samoa 1897 1c and 2c issues (small flaws), both tied by blue "Apia May 2" double circle + United States 5¢ Garfield (215) tied by large grid cancel, small cover repairs at left, still Very Fine, Illustrated in Milgram.
Milgram No. 928    Estimate $500 - 750.


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Lots 1095-1104 Lots 1105-1114 Lots 1115-1124 Lots 1125-1130

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