Freeman & Co.'s Express., Murphy's, full strike of oval handstamp (FRM-102m) canceling on 1853 3¢ Nesbitt entire to San Francisco, red ribbon printed frank; slight reduction at right, Extremely Fine, a choice usage from Murphy's.Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $325
Freeman & Co.'s Express, Santa Barbara, bold oval handstamp on fresh 1853, 3¢ Nesbitt entire to San Francisco, red printed scroll frank at top; small piece of backflap missing, Very Fine and choice, an extremely rare Freeman handstamp from Santa Barbara and may be unique.Estimate $250 - 350.
Freeman & Co. is not known to have had an office in Santa Barbara. This handstamp is unlisted in Thomas.
Realized: $200
Greenhood & Newbauer Express, Weaverville, Cal., Sept 7, blue oval handstamp with manuscript date canceling on 1853, 3¢ Nesbitt entire to Harrisburg, O.T., black company frank and A.J. Loomis & Co. grocer corner card at lower left, entered the U.S. mails with "Portland, Or., Sep 21, 1859" cds; partial backflap and tear at right affecting indicia, F.-V.F.Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $300
J. Bamber & Cos. Contra Costa Express. Paid., bold oval frank handstamp and "Answer by Bamber & Cos. Express" framed handstamp canceling on 1853, 3¢ Nesbitt entire (U10) to San Francisco Cal., manuscript "P" initial at top right for Pacheco origin; faint stain, otherwise Very Fine.Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $80
Jones & Russell's Pikes Peak Express Co. (Via), manuscript endorsement on cover addressed to E.P. Stout in Denver City, Kansas Terr., franked with 1857, 3¢ dull red (26) tied by manuscript, matching "Stout, O., May 28" postmark; portion of backflap missing, still Very Fine, a very rare Jones & Russell's Pikes Peak Express Co. usage incoming to Denver City.Estimate $300 - 400.
The addressee, E.P. Stout, was the first president of the Denver City town company.
Realized: $290
North Western Express Co., black illustrated steamboat frank (NOT-001) on 2¢ green entire to San Francisco, Cal., canceled by purple "Wells, Fargo & Co. Express, Portland, Or., Jun 12, 1889" oval date stamp with light receiving date stamp alongside, Very Fine, a rare short-lived express that operated on the Columbia River and in the Puget Sound area of Washington.Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,250
North Western Express Co., blue illustrated steamboat frank (NOT-001) on 2¢ green entire to Portland, Oregon, canceled by blue "Office of, Northern Pacific & Pacific Express Co's, Oct 3, 1889, Portland, Oregon" five line date stamp, docketing at left indicating Whatcom, Wash. origin, Very Fine, a rare short-lived express, ex-Dale-Lichtenstein.Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,250
Northern Pacific Express Co., violet two-line handstamp with matching "Seattle, W.T." handstamp canceling on 2 vermilion entire to San Francisco, Cal., printed steel blue company frank at top, Extremely Fine.Estimate $300 - 400.
Carried on the Northern Pacific R.R. from Seattle to Portland then to Ashland on Villard's O.&C. R.R., by stage to Yreka and then south by rail.
Realized: $525
Northern Pacific Express Co., blue company frank on 1884, 2¢ brown entire to San Francisco, Cal., canceled by violet "Astoria, Ore." straight line handstamp, 1887 docketing on reverse; repair opening reduction at lower right, F.-V.F.Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $110
Northern Pacific Express Co., very faint "Northern Pacific Express Co., Portland" handstamp, purple "Martin, W.T." straight line with manuscript "5/24/88" canceled 2¢ green entire with black company frank, to San Francisco; manuscript "In Care, Wells, Fargo & Co." endorsement at left, Very Fine.Estimate $200 - 300.
Martin, W.T., near Stampede Pass in central Washington, has a post office from 1892 to 1902. This entire is addressed to the President of the Northern Pacific Express in San Francisco.
Realized: $525