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Sale 118: The Fall Sale

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Samoa to Victoria Land

Lots 424-433 Lots 434-443 Lots 444-452

Lot 444 o   

Stellaland, 1884, Arms of the Republic, 1d red, canceled XF target numeral 8 of Zeerust, Transvaal. Corner fault, Fine appearance, rare and unusual usage. Scott No. 1 $375.
SG No. 1    £350 ($420).

Realized: $230

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Lot 445 o   

Tanganyika, 1923, Giraffe, £1 black & yellow orange, watermark upright, neat town cancel, F.-V.F. and attractive. Scott No. 28 $700.
SG No. 88a    £850 ($1,030).

Realized: $250

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Lot 446 o   

Transvaal, 1900, ½d green, overprinted V.R.I., canceled P.O.A. 43 of Natal. Thins, F.-V.F. appearance; with 1968 R.P.S.L. certificate. SG No. 1 £200 ($240).
Scott No. 1.

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Lot 447 /   

Trinidad, 1851-53, "Britannia" engraved (1d) issues, imperf, blued paper (1d) blue and (1d) brownish red blocks of 4, the first with margin at right, OG or NH, the second appears NH, F.-V.F. Scott No. 1a, 3.
SG No. 3, 7    £1,492 ($1,810).

Realized: $190

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Lot 448 E   

Turks Islands, 1867-79, Queen Victoria, reprinted die essays, Six die essays of the Victoria head, 5 in different colors cut to shape, and one in brown on sunken piece, F.-V.F.
Estimate    $100 - 150.

Realized: $40

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Lot 449 o   

Turks Islands, 1881-89 "TI" Barred Oval Handstamps, on two items, first on Haiti 1¢ vermilion 2 rejoined pairs (not a cancel of Turks Isl.) and Jamaica 1d rejoined pair. Unusual, F.-V.F., ex-Ludington.
Estimate    $100 - 150.

Realized: $170

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Lot 450 o   

Turks Islands, 1867, Queen Victoria, 1d dull rose, used strip of 4. Uncommon multiple, F.-V.F. Scott No. 1.
SG No. 1    £240 ($290).

Realized: $50

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Lot 451    

Victoria Land, 1908, 1d carmine, "King Edward VII Land" overprint, Waterlow print, o.g., rich bright color, F.-V.F., a very scarce key Antarctic expedition issue; with 1968 R.P.S.L. & 1993 B.P.A. certificates.
SG No. A1b    £1,600 ($1,940).

Realized: $550

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Lot 452    

Victoria Land, 1913, ½d green, "Victoria Land" overprint, o.g., lightly hinged, bright and fresh, Very Fine and scarce; with 1969 R.P.S.L. certificate.
SG No. A2    £850 ($1,030).

Realized: $450

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Lots 424-433 Lots 434-443 Lots 444-452

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