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Sale 118: The Fall Sale

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Falkland Islands

Lots 183-192 Lots 193-202 Lots 203-211

Lot 183 o   

Falkland Islands, 1891, Provisional Bisect, ½d on half of 1d brownish claret, unsevered pair, straight edge at left, F.-V.F., very attractive. Scott No. 19d.
SG No. 13a    £1,200 ($1,460).

Realized: $260

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Lot 184    

Falkland Islands, 1898, Queen Victoria, 2s6d-5s complete, o.g., F.-V.F. Scott No. 20-21.
SG No. 41/2    £525 ($640).

Realized: $160

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Lot 185 o   

Falkland Islands, 1898, Queen Victoria, 2s6d-5s complete, town cancels, F.-V.F. Scott No. 20-21.
SG No. 41/2    £525 ($640).

Realized: $160

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Lot 186    

Falkland Islands, 1904-12, King Edward VII, ½d-5s complete, set of 8 values complete, plus shades of the ½d (2), 1d (2), both 1912 printings of the 2d and 2½d (some toning), etc., a total of 15 stamps, o.g., some h.r.'s, F.-V.F. Scott No. 22-29, 23a 24a, 25a,+.
SG No. 43/50, 45b, 46b+    £1,050+ ($1,280).

Realized: $280

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Lot 187 o   

Falkland Islands, 1904-12, King Edward VII, ½d-5s complete, set of 8 values complete plus shades of the ½d (2), 1d including the dull coppery red, 2d reddish purple, 2½d deep blue, a total of 14 values, F.-V.F.; 2½d with 1987 B.P.A. certificate. Scott No. 22-29, 23a, 24a+.
SG No. 43/50, 44d, 45b, 46b+    £800 ($970).

Realized: $325

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Lot 188 o   

Falkland Islands, 1908, King Edward VII, ½d pale yellow green, thick paper, watermark inverted, F.-V.F. Scott No. 22 var.
SG No. 43aw    £425 ($520).

Realized: $100

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Lot 189    

Falkland Islands, 1906, King Edward VII, 1d vermilion, watermark inverted, watermark sideways, o.g., lightly hinged, brilliant color, Very Fine. Scott No. 23a var.
SG No. 44aw    £700 ($850).

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Lot 190    

Falkland Islands, 1912, King Edward VII, 2½d deep blue, watermark inverted, o.g., hinge remnant, fresh with bold color, Very Fine. Scott No. 25a var.
SG No. 46aw    £750 ($910).

Realized: $200

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Lot 191 o   

Falkland Islands, 1906, King Edward VII, 3s deep green, horizontal strip of 3, canceled "Falkland Islands C Fe 18 13" in brown, Heijtz type F.5vl, one thinned perf, otherwise Fine to Very Fine, scarce and unusual multiple. Scott No. 28a $420+.
SG No. 49a    £450 + Heijtz £150 ($550).

Realized: $210

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Lot 192 o   

Falkland Islands, 1904, King Edward VII, 5s red, horizontal pair, "Falkland Islands C 25 13" double ring cds, F.-V.F. Scott No. 29 $320.
SG No. 50    £360 ($440).

Realized: $190

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Lots 183-192 Lots 193-202 Lots 203-211

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