Lot 1603 o
Documentary, 1871, Second Issue, $1.60 blue & black, light manuscript cancel, F.-V.F.; with 1991 A.P.S. certificate.Scott No. R121 $650.
Realized: $210

Lot 1604 o
Documentary, 1871, Second Issue, $1.90 blue & black, neat 1872 datestamp cancel, Very Fine and attractive; with 2003 A.P.S. certificate.Scott No. R122 $400.
Realized: $260

Lot 1605 o
Documentary, 1871, Second Issue, $20 blue & black, manuscript cancel, bright colors, Fine and scarce; with 1991 A.P.S. certificate.Scott No. R129 $800.
Realized: $210

Lot 1606 o
Documentary, 1871, Second Issue, $200 red, blue & black, manuscript cancel, beautiful fresh colors, pulled perf at right, F.-V.F., an exceptional example of this Rare stamp; with 1991 A.P.S. certificate.Scott No. R132 $6,500.
Realized: $3,750

Lot 1607 o
Documentary, 1874, Fourth Issue, 2¢ orange & black on green, center inverted, very fresh, small neat manuscript cancel, Very Fine and choice; with 2018 P.F. certificate.Scott No. R151a $800.
Realized: $375

Lot 1608 o
Documentary, 1899, $500 Hamilton, without gum as issued, unobtrusive manuscript cancel, corner creases, otherwise Very Fine, a very scarce stamp; with 1991 A.P.S. certificate.Scott No. R180 $1,000.
Realized: $300

Documentary, 1900, $50 gray, surcharged with open numeral, o.g., hinged, Very Fine, a Beautiful example of a Rare mint stamp; with 1992 A.P.S. certificate.Scott No. R189 $2,750.
Realized: $1,500

Documentary, 1902, $5 green, surcharge omitted, horizontal pair, o.g., never hinged, weak and a couple of separated perfs, Very Fine; with 2004 A.P.S. certificate.Scott No. R192a $900.
Realized: $325

Lot 1611 o
Documentary, 1902, $50 green, surcharged with ornamental numeral, manuscript cancel, Fine and rare; with 1992 P.F. certificate.Scott No. R194 $1,250.
Realized: $300

Lot 1612 o
Documentary, 1914, $50 Liberty, violet date cancel, Very Fine and rare; with 1991 A.P.S. certificate.Scott No. R223 $1,250.
Realized: $675