Great Britain, 1721 Edinburgh to Coupar in Angus, Scotland by Express, folded letter addressed "To Mr. John Ogilibie late bailie of the regalitie of Coupar in Angus recommended to the care of Thomas Ogilbie in Dundee and to be forwarded by express", originally charged "2d" but increased to "3d" for express service, also includes a 1722 letter from the same correspondence and charge the normal 2d rate, Very Fine.Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $140

Great Britain, 1782 Kidder, Minister to Beminster, Dorsetshire, folded letter with manuscript "Pd 4d" rating, reverse with light large "Kidder, Minister" handstamp, with letter written in short-hand form (form of phonography), Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
This is as form of Shelton's system (in 1626, later re-issued as Tachygraphy) which was very popular and was in use for many years. Samuel Pepys and Isaac Newton used it extensively.
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Great Britain, (Ocean Penny Postage) Ocean Penny Postage, Britain! Bestow This Boon, and Be in Blessing Blest, Myers & Co. illustrated design on cover to anti-slavery activist Amy Post in Rochester, N.Y., light "Whitehaven, Oc 26, 1849" origin cds with manuscript "P 1/-" rating red "5 Cents" credit handstamp, red "Boston, Br. Packet, Paid, Nov 10" entry cds and matching "24" rating handstamp, with original enclosure with interesting content including mentioning emancipation; cover aging and nick at top, F.-V.F.Estimate $300 - 400.
Amy Post became active in the anti-slavery movement in Rochester soon after she arrived in the city. She signed a petition against slavery in 1837, and her home, a busy station on the Underground Railroad, sometimes housed between ten and twenty fugitive slaves per night. A host of anti-slavery lecturers also stayed with her when they came to Rochester to speak. These guests included William Lloyd Garrison, William C. Nell, Abby Kelley, and Frederick Douglass.
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Realized: $1,600

Lot 4
Great Britain, Rowland Hill, signed three page letter datelined "General Post Office, London 15 May 1856" to a Mr. Miles, a representative of the Postal Reform Committee, letter with interesting content including who pays guards on railways when they are in charge of just the mail or both the mail and baggage, Very Fine.Estimate $200 - 300.
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Realized: $475

Great Britain, 1856 Crimea to Middlesex, England, officer's folded letter at Camp Sebastopol, with blue "British Army Post Office, Ja 5, 1856" cds on reverse, manuscript "3" rate (special rate for mail via French packet ship from Constantinople to Marseille, then across France by special messenger), very interesting contents include…the docks of Sebastopol have been partly destroyed, and the town removed piecemeal, whereas a French, English and Sardinian Camp exist. The Russians throw a few shells every now and then., also mentions General Wigand, Very Fine.Estimate $300 - 400.

Lot 6
Great Britain, 1864 Naval Commission signed by Admiral William Parker, appointing George Walter Edward Lloyd as acting mate on the H.M.S. Amazon given on board the Hibernia at Malta, personally signed by Sir William Parker Vice Admiral of the Red and Commander in chief of Her Majesty's ships & vessels employed in the Mediterranean, Very Fine.Estimate $200 - 300.
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Great Britain, 1874 Great Britain To Foreign Destinations, lot of three covers all with various different frankings with the 6d value, included is 1874 folded cover to Italy franked with 1d red + 1872-73 6d gray horizontal pair paying the one pence late mail fee, and 6 pence per half ounce letter rate via Belgium for up to an ounce., 2nd cover is 1873-80 6d horiz. pair (unnoticeable abrasion at bottom) on folded cover to Argentina with handstamped "Pr Pacc Stm. Navn. Co's, Str. Via Liverpool", third cover to Canada franked with 1d red pair + 1873-80 6d single, Very Fine.Scott No. 60, 62 Estimate $150 - 200.

Great Britain, 1878 London, England (New Cross, SE) to Riga, Russia (Latvia), folded cover franked with 1d red + 2½d claret (both with perf initials) tied by six sided "London 4 MR 78" duplex cancel paying the 1 pence late fee for posting at London Branch Offices between 6.00-7.00 P.M., and 2½ pence per half ounce letter rate, "Rigi" arrival backstamp, Very Fine.Scott No. 33+67 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $60

Great Britain, 1840, Mulready Envelope, 1d black & 2d blue, stereos A189 & a202 respectively, 2d with natural wrinkle, a Very Fine pair. Scott No. U1-U2.SG No. ME2, ME4 £800 ($970).
Realized: $290

10 (
Great Britain, 1840, 1d black, plate 1A, lettered G-L, no gum, margins ample to clear at upper right, strong color, F.-V.F., an attractive and rare unused stamp; with 1981 A.P.S. certificate. Scott No. 1.SG No. 2 £18,500 ($22,460).
Realized: $725