Nepal, 1881-85 1 anna - 4 annas, complete first issue set, pin-perforated and imperforate, 1a pin-perforated, full o.g.; 4a imperforate four margins, close at left, F.-V.F. Scott Nos. 1-6 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $700

Lot 4177 o
Nepal, 1881-85 1 anna - 4 annas, pin-perforated and imperforate, selection of 20 used items selected for cancellations, includes singles, strip of 3, pairs on exhibition pages, 2 annas pin-perforated pair canceled with beautiful round Baitadi killer cancel, occasional small fault or cut close, otherwise F.-V.F., a useful and interesting lot.Scott No. 1-6 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
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Realized: $3,250

Nepal, 1881-85 1 anna, pin-perforated and imperforate, selection of shades, ample to wide margins, o.g. or no gum, occasional fault (1a milky blue, thin, one of the few pin-perf examples known to exist), F.-V.F. Scott Nos. 1, 4 Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $325

4179 (
Nepal, 1881-85 1 anna, dull blue, complete sheet of 64, with full margins and inscriptions "reading outward" (Setting 2), without gum as issued, several vert. and horiz. creases mostly not affecting stamps, reinforced in two places in outer margins, pinholes affecting position 33 and 34, Very Fine, Complete sheets of the first issue are rare, Only 2 sheets are recorded of this setting, Illustrated on page 69 of "The Classic Stamps of Nepal" (Hellrigl and Vignola). Scott Nos. 4 Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $7,250

4180 (
Nepal, 1881-85 1 anna blue, selection with settings identified, includes setting 1 margin single (position 8); setting 1 vert pair (position 40, 48); setting 3 vert block of 8 (position 7, 8, 15, 16, 23, 24, 31, 32), no gum as issued, F.-V.F., Useful lot for the specialist. Scott Nos. 4 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $1,800

4181 (
Nepal, 1881-85 1 anna blue, three items showing margin inscriptions and different shades, Setting 1 margin single with ornamental borders; Setting 1 vertical pair (position 32, 40); Setting 3 margin single, position 25 "dent in bottom margin" (ex-Dawson), without gum as issued, margin inscriptions of the first issues are very scarce, F.-V.F., Excellent lot for the specialist collector. Scott Nos. 4 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $4,750

Nepal, 1881-85 2 annas purple, pin-perforated and imperforate, 10 stamps (3 pin-perf, 7 imperf), one imperf with pinhole and adhesion, two pin-perfs, full or part o.g.; balance no gum as issued, generally F.-V.F. Scott Nos. 2, 5 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $625

4183 (
Nepal, 1881-85 2 annas purple, imperforate, selection of margin copies with inscriptions, no gum as issued, fresh & Very Fine. Scott Nos. 5 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $4,500

4184 (
Nepal, 1881-85 2 annas bright purple, vertical pair with margin inscription (Setting 2), without gum as issued, few tone spots; horizontal crease between stamps, still Very Fine appearing example of this rare stamp with margin inscription. Scott Nos. 5 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $575

4185 (
Nepal, 1881-85 2 annas pale purple, imperforate, bottom left corner sheet margin block of 8 with margin inscriptions "reading outward" (Setting 2). Positions 49, 50, 51, 52, 57, 58, 59, 60, no gum as issued, horizontal creases not affecting stamps; hinge reinforcement at margin where creased, Very Fine appearance & rare. Scott Nos. 5 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $2,700