Hawaii, 1894, Republic issues, 1¢ to 25¢ complete, Plate Proofs on Card, large margins, beautiful fresh colors, Very Fine and choice set. Scott Nos. 74P4-79P4 $2,400.
Realized: $575

Hawaii, 1894-99, Republic issues, 1¢-25¢ issues, album pages of unused and used singles and blocks, best item is #75 block of four with one showing the Flying Goose flaw, generally F.-V.F., ex-Atherton. Scott Nos. 74-82 $1,581.
Realized: $475

1381 S

Hawaii, 1894, View of Honolulu, 2¢ brown, red A.B.N.Co. "Specimen" overprint, serifed letters, with security punch holes, gutter block of 4, o.g., never hinged, F.-V.F. Scott Nos. 75S Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $450

1382 S

Hawaii, 1894, View of Honolulu, 2¢ brown, red A.B.N.Co. "Specimen" overprint, serif letters, with security punch hole, left margin block of 4, o.g., never hinged, bright and fresh, F.-V.F., signed and plated by A. Chang. Scott Nos. 75S Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $220

Lot 1383 o
Hawaii, 1894, View of Honolulu, 2¢ brown, double impression, clear doubling of lines throughout the design, double-circle datestamp cancel, large thin spot and pulled perf at top, Fine appearance, an extremely rare example of this issue with a double impression.Scott Nos. 75 var. Estimate $500 - 750.
This used example may well be unique, according to Mr. David Golden, an unused block of four of the double impression variety was in the Atherton collection and apart from that multiple and this used single, we are not aware of another example, unlisted in Scott.


Hawaii, 1894, View of Honolulu, 2¢ brown, "flying goose" flaw, position 48 in a complete sheet of 50, o.g., never hinged, with imprints in top and bottom selvage, few minor perf separations and gum tone spots away from plate flaw, Very Fine, very scarce as an intact sheet. Scott Nos. 75 $1,296 for singles.
Realized: $950

Lot 1385 o
Hawaii, 1894-99, View of Honolulu, 2¢ brown & 2¢ rose, "flying goose" flaw, single of each, town cancels, both well centered, Extremely Fine.Scott Nos. 75 var., 81 var. $825.
Realized: $290

Hawaii, 1894, View of Honolulu, 2¢ brown, "flying goose" flaw, bottom margin single with part imprint, in combination with normal single on piece, tied by violet target handstamps, Fine and attractive. Scott Nos. 75 var. $475.
Realized: $350

1387 S
Hawaii, 1894, Statue of Kamehameha I, 5¢ rose lake, red A.B.N.Co. "Spceimen" error overprint, san-serifed letters, top gutter margin pair, o.g., never hinged, rich color, Fine. Scott Nos. 76S Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $190

Hawaii, 1894, Statue of Kamehameha I, 5¢ rose lake, two singles, slightly overlapping on U.S. 2¢ green entire (U311) to Heathsville, Va., tied by "Honolulu, H.I., Aug 8, 1898" duplex postmark, reverse with transit date stamps and purple "Collection 9:25 A.M." violet straight line handstamp (Davey 752); cover reduced with clipped corner and tear at bottom, F.-V.F., an unusual usage on a U.S. postal entire. Scott Nos. 76 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $180