Hawaii, Advertised, Honolulu, H.I., Feb 20, 1900, red oval handstamp (ADV-oval, 1RRRR) on reverse of incoming illustrated ad cover from Saltsburg, Pa., with "Honolulu, H.I., Jan 4 1900" receiving duplex and purple "Dead Letter Office, Honolulu, H.I., May 10, 1900" oval handstamp (MH unlisted, 1RR), various transit postmarks and purple "Return to Writer" point hand handstamp (MH 755) as well as two from Washington D.C. with integral "Collect 6 cts", Very Fine and remarkable usage. Estimate $500 - 750.
Gregory records only one other strike (December 1899) of this Honolulu advertised oval. It was unlisted by Meyer-Harris and the example offered here is only the third strike we know of. The Dead Letter Office oval is known used only from May 18, 1899 to May 31, 1900.

Hawaii, Coll. 8.50 A.M., purple straight line handstamp (MH 752 var.) on reverse of cover to Marysville, Cal., franked with 1894, 5¢ rose lake (76), tied by "Honolulu, H.I., May 3, 1897" duplex postmark, with lengthy original enclosure and contemporary newspaper clipping listing the foreign mail steamers arriving by date; some cover edge wear, otherwise Very Fine, the Second Known Example of This Collection Handstamp Bearing a "8:50 A.M." Date. Estimate $300 - 400.
According to Fred Gregory's website Post Office in Paradise, this collection mark is known bearing either a 10:10A.M. or a 3:50P.M. date. This marking with a 8:50A.M. date is the second one to be recognized.

Hawaii, Coll. 8.50 A.M., purple straight line handstamp (MH 752 var.) on reverse of cover to Nawiliwili, Kauai, franked with 1894, 2¢ brown tied by "Honolulu, H.I., Apr, 16, 1897" duplex postmark, Lihue, Kauai transit on reverse; cover soiling on front and slightly reduced at right, a Very Fine strike, the Only Example of This Auxiliary Collection Handstamp Bearing a "8:50 A.M." Date. Scott Nos. 75 Estimate $250 - 350.
According to Fred Gregory's website Post Office in Paradise, this collection mark is known bearing either a 10:10A.M. or a 3:50P.M. date. This marking with a 8:50A.M. date is the first one to be recognized.

Hawaii, Dead Letter Office, Honolulu. H.I. Aug 31 1889, purple cds (MH unrecorded, 1RRRR) on reverse of 1889 German 10pf postal card from Leipzig, Germany to Hawaii, matching "Pas Reclame, Unclaimed" two-line handstamp (MH 767), reverse with "Honolulu Advertised May 31" cds (ADV-cds(no year)-I, 1R) and Honolulu (5.4) duplex, fancy script "Retour" framed handstamp; light horizontal crease, F.-V.F., one of only two recorded strikes of this scarce D.L.O. cds. Estimate $750 - 1,000.

Hawaii, Late Letter Mail, Honolulu, May 9, 1886, bold supplementary mail postmark (MH unrecorded, 1RRR) on cover to Copenhagen, N.Y., franked with 1866, 5¢ blue, two singles (32) tied by target handstamps, S.F. transit backstamp and receiving postmark at lower left, Very Fine and choice, one of the finest strikes of this supplementary mail postmark. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
This mark reflects payment of an extra fee of 5¢, after the posted closing time for a mail shipment, to have their letters included in the mail. This marking is known to be used between June 15, 1885 and September 1, 1886 and appears to be much rarer than it's earlier counterpart without town and date.
Realized: $1,600

Hawaii, Too Late., straight line handstamp in purple (MH unrecorded, 1RRRR) on corner card cover to Kalae, Molokai, franked with 1894, 2¢ brown tied by "Honolulu, H.I., Sep 10, 1894" duplex postmark; cover roughly reduced at left, a Very Fine strike, a very rare "Too Late" auxiliary marking only listed in purple, with only four strikes reported. Scott Nos. 75 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $120

Hawaii, Too Late., straight line handstamp in blackish purple (MH unrecorded, 1RRRR) on 1893, 5¢ blue entire (U12) to Oakland, Cal, canceled by "Honolulu, H.I., Oct, 17, 1895" duplex postmarks; some light tone spots, F.-V.F., a very rare "Too Late" auxiliary marking. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $425

Lot 1149 o
Hawaii, Oahu Railway & Land Co., Ticket Office Honolulu, Jul 12, 1893, two strikes of blue short letters circular date stamp (MH 455, 1RRRR) on 1893, 2¢ rose, black overprint, natural s.e. at right, Very Fine; with 2000 H.P.S. certificate.Scott Nos. 66 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $280

Lot 1150 o
Hawaii, Oahu Railway & Land Co., Kahuku, Mar 26, 1900, bold blue cds (Gregory unlisted) on 1899, 2¢ rose, top margin single with part imprint; repaired diagonal cut at left, Very Fine appearance, an extremely rare and possibly unique unlisted Kahuku handstamp on a Hawaiian stamp.Scott Nos. 81 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $650

Lot 1151 o
Hawaii, Oahu Railway & Land Co., Ticket Office, Pearl City, H.I., Jan 11, 1899, two strikes of blue cds (AUXRR-OAHU(PEARL CITY), 1RRRR) on 1883, 1¢ green right imprint margin vertical pair, Very Fine, extremely rare with only a few examples known.Scott Nos. 42 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $375