Hawaii, (Kauai) Hanapepe, Kauai, Jan 20, 1900, clear full strike in purple (253.01, 1RR) tying 1899, 2¢ rose on small piece, Very Fine and attractive, Gregory records only seven strikes with none on cover. Scott Nos. 81 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $150

Hawaii, (Kauai) Kilauea, Kauai, Jul 20, 1894, red cds's (281.01) tying 1894, 1¢ yellow + 2¢ brown, horizontal pair + 5¢ rose lake (74-76) on legal size double rate cover to Dieulefit, France, Honolulu duplex transit, S.F. transit and receiving backstamps. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $120

Hawaii, (Kauai) Lihue, Kauai, Dec 1897, complete strike of cds and target duplex (253.9a1, 1RR) tying 1894, 1¢ yellow on small piece, Very Fine, rare with only fourteen strikes recorded. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $120

Lot 1121 o
Hawaii, (Kauai) Mana, Sept 19, 93, manuscript in postmaster Borchgrevink's handwriting (803, 1RRRR) on 1893, 5¢ ultramarine, red overprint (position 32, broken "9" variety) with additional duplex handstamp, Very Fine and choice, this being one of three known manuscript postmarks from Mana and the only example without the island designation in postmark; with 2022 P.F. certificate.Scott Nos. 59 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,600

Hawaii, (Maui) Hamakuapoko, Maui, Jul 28, 1890, three strikes of purple cds (281.01) tying 1886, 1¢ purple, horizontal pair + 2¢ vermilion + 1882, 1¢ blue on cover to Oakland, Cal., "Honolulu, H.I., Jul 29, 1890" duplex postmark with second strike on reverse, San Francisco transit and receiving backstamps; cover reduction at left, Very Fine. Scott Nos. 30+31a+37 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $270

Hawaii, (Maui) Huelo, Maui, Jan 6, 1898, bold cds (281.011, 1RR) used as receiving mark on incoming unsealed printed matter rate cover, franked with 1894, 1¢ yellow tied by "Honolulu, H.I., Jun 4, 1898" duplex postmark, Very Fine, a very rare on cover usage of this Huelo postmark. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $350

Hawaii, (Maui) Keanae, Maui, Feb 20, 1894, purple transit cds (281.01, scarcity 2) on cover to Hamakuapoko, franked with 1893, 2¢ dull violet, red overprint tied by purple "Hana P.O., Maui, Feb 19, 1894" cds (281.11) and target handstamp, additional purple "Huelo, Maui, Feb 20, 1894" transit cds (281.011, scarcity 2); cover reduced at left, Very Fine, a very scarce combination of postmarks. Scott Nos. 57 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $600

Hawaii, (Maui) Makawao Post Office, Sep 4, origin cds (243.22, 1RR) on cover to Kohala, franked with 1875, 2¢ brown, horizontal pair tied by ring handstamp (ring1-25, 1R), Honolulu transit cds with matching target handstamps additionally tying, 1875 docketing on reverse, Very Fine, a rare Makawao first postmark, with only thirteen strikes recorded. Scott Nos. 35 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $475

Lot 1127 o
Hawaii, (Maui) Makawao, Maui, May, 26, 1900, full town and date strike (259.01, 1RRR) on 1899, 2¢ rose, Very Fine, very rare with only six strikes recorded by Gregory.Scott Nos. 81 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $260