Lot 762 o
1851, 1¢ blue, type Ib, position 5R1E, grid cancel, margins ample to in at top, distinctive bright plate one early color, Fine, still a presentable sound example of this very scarce 1851 1¢ type; with photocopy of 1980 P.F. certificate for pair.Scott Nos. 5A $6,750.
Realized: $2,800

Lot 763 o
1852, 1¢ blue, type IV, right margin single, central town cancel, ample to mostly large oversized margins, strong bright color, an Extremely Fine jumbo; with 2007 P.S.E. certificate Graded (XF 90J, SMQ $400).Scott Nos. 9 $100.
Realized: $220

Lot 764 o
1851 3¢ Issue Calendar, mounted in calendar format of the year 1852, with the far majority bearing a clear central date stamp for 366 days of the year including Feb 29th (The year 1852 was leap year), each stamp hand-selected with many showing a upright date, Very Fine for this, a nice complete 3¢ calendar.Scott Nos. 11-11A Estimate $750 - 1,000.
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Realized: $1,250

Lot 765 o
1852, 3¢ dull red, type II, plate 3 reconstruction, complete plate reconstruction of both left and right panes of plate 3, mostly handstamped cancels with only a few pen cancels, few pairs, typical plating quality but overall good appearing, a F.-V.F. plating.Scott Nos. 11A; $3,000 for singles Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
(see website for complete images)
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Realized: $750

Lot 766 o
1852, 3¢ dull red, type II, plate 2L reconstruction, complete plate reconstruction of both left and right panes of plate 2 late, mostly handstamped cancels on left panes and mostly pen cancels on right pane, two pairs, typical plating quality but overall good appearing, nice color, a F.-V.F. plating.Scott Nos. 11A; $3,000 for handstamp cancels Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $525

1856, 5¢ red brown, New Orleans, La. town cancel, large even margins, on piece which it did not originate and cancel enhanced, Extremely Fine appearance; with 2022 P.S.E. certificate. Scott Nos. 12 $775.
Realized: $210

1855, 10¢ green, type I, tied on piece by New York ocean mail integral grid cancel, ample to mostly large margins, rich bold color, Extremely Fine, a wonderful large margin stamp; with 2009 P.F. certificate. Scott Nos. 13 $750.
Realized: $375

1855, 10¢ green, type III, o.g., previously hinged, clear to huge margins, intense rich color, Fine, an extremely rare mint original gum example of the 1855 10¢ type III issue; with 2022 P.S.A.G. certificate. Scott Nos. 15 $5,000.
Realized: $800

Lot 770 o
1855, 10¢ green, type IV, recut at top, position 3R1, light town and French "16" due cancels, full margins and rich color, Very Fine, an attractive and scarce stamp bearing a foreign due marking; with 2008 P.S.E. certificate Graded (VF 80).Scott Nos. 16 $1,700.

Lot 771 o
1851, 12¢ gray black, horizontal stitch watermark, red circular grid cancels, full to huge margins showing portion of adjacent stamp at left, strong color, Very Fine and choice; with 2000 P.F. certificate.Scott Nos. 17 $260.
Realized: $110