Philadelphia Pa., Dead, Jun 30, bold strike ties 3¢ dull red (11A) on buff cover to Glenwood, Iowa, 1857 original enclosure; small nick at bottom, F.-V.F. and rare use as canceller, ex-Gibson, Wegner. Estimate $150 - 200.
The Philadelphia Post Office was one of many cities who used a special "Dead" handstamp for the return of DLO mail. In this instance, they ignored P.O. regulations (Laws & Regs 1855 - Sec. 132) and used the handstamp as a canceller.
Realized: $130
P.O. Department, Dead Letter Office, May 12, 1860, double-oval handstamp on buff 1860 cover from Boston to Manchester, England bearing 12¢ black (36B) vertical pair, tied by two strikes of Boston "Paid" in grid cancel, matching "Boston Br. Pkt. Feb 8" backstamp and red "19" credit to G.B. handstamp, Manchester (2.21) arrival backstamp, magenta manuscript "not to be found" and Manchester (2.28) cds, "Returned Lr. Br., London, Fe 29, 60" backstamp, returned to the U.S. Dead Letter Office, Very Fine, ex-Wegner. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $350
1890, Dead Letter Office Return Seal, affixed on 1895 incoming U.S. 2¢ entire from Finland to Michigan, U.S.A. bearing Finland, 5p green, pair and strip, purple "Misdirected." and "Held on account of/Imperfect Address" two-line handstamp, purple "Deficiency in Address Supplied at Dead Letter Office" circular handstamp, Very Fine and choice use. Scott Nos. OXB7; $500 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $120
1887, Dead Letter Office Return Seal, affixed on reverse of right side of cover bearing 2¢ red brown (210) tied by "Tonawanda N.Y., Jul 18" duplex addressed to "East 3st", sent to New York City and struck with blue "No Post Office Named" two-line handstamp, various manuscript notes and dates, purple "Postal Note Letter, Dead Letter Office" three-line handstamp, address ascertained as Oswego N.Y. Scott Nos. OXB6; $250 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $140
Official Dead Letter Office & Postal Form Balance, mix of material including numerous postal forms and ledgers including money order & 4th class mail, D.L.O. covers including a couple OXF1 usages, official D.L.O. imprint covers, other ephemera including early photo and magazine fronts (Harper's Weekly) showing dead letter office illustration, etc.; an interesting group for the specialist (no photo). Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $210