1867, 3¢ rose, D. grill, well centered and light pastel-like shade, tied by "Worcester, Mass., Mar 2" cds and waffle grid duplex on cover to New York, Very Fine, a scarce on cover usage, ex-Caspary. Scott Nos. 85; $1,200 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $190

1867, 2¢ black, E. grill, two singles, left stamp scissors separated, tied by geometric cancels to May 28, 1869 folded letter from Boston to Rosario, Argentina, red numeral "2" credit and partially clear London Paid transit, treated as double rate printed matter and rated as such, Very Fine and rare, the only reported example. Scott Nos. 87 Estimate $750 - 1,000.

1867, 2¢ black, E. grill, tied by rosette handstamp on oversized allover illustrated Guffroy's Dragees Sugar Coated Pills of Cod Liver Extract buff shaded ad showing Cod Fish and Four Country Medallions, sent from New York City to Hallowell, Me., with original 14 page brochure on the active medicinal principles of cod liver, Extremely Fine, one of the finest examples of this early oversized allover ad design, ex-Faust. Scott Nos. 87 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $260

1867, 2¢ black, E. grill, in combination with 1867, 3¢ rose, E. grill + 10¢ green, E. grill (88+89) on cover to Paris, France with partial Buffalo, N.Y. origin cds alongside, canceled by matching circle of wedges cancels, black "New York, 30, Jun 25" debit exchange cds with matching "Insufficiently Paid" straightline handstamp, blue Calais entry cds and large "16" decimes due handstamp; flap tear ends in tiny edge tear, a Very Fine three-color grilled franking, ex-Rohloff. Scott Nos. 87 Estimate $250 - 350.
This cover was prepaid 15¢ for the ½ oz. rate by French Mail, but was overweight and treated as wholly unpaid for the 30¢ double rate.
Realized: $200

1867, 2¢ black, E. grill, vertical bisect, left portion of stamp in combination with full 2¢ black, E. grill (87) with s.e., on fresh cover to East Haddam, Conn., tied together by brownish black target handstamps with matching "Bolton, Conn., Jun 20" cds; slightly reduced at right, a Very Fine and rare bisect use; with 1972 P.F. certificate. Scott Nos. 87b $2,000.
Realized: $450

1867, 2¢ black, E. grill, vertical bisect, in combination with full 2¢ black, E. grill (87) on cover to Sansaba, Texas, manuscript canceled with "Easton, W.Va., May 19" cds with manuscript day; cover a bit reduced at right with slight edge nick at bottom, F.-V.F., a very scarce 2¢ Blackjack E. grill bisect making up the 3¢ domestic rate; with 1972 P.F. certificate. Scott Nos. 87b $2,000.
Realized: $425

1867, 3¢ rose, E. grill, with 1861, 10¢ green, vertical pair (68) paying 20¢ registry rate, on cover to Plattsburgh, N.Y., indistinct Chateaugay, N.Y. cds, stamps not tied by matching grid cancels, printed lawyer corner card, Very Fine. Scott Nos. 88 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $140

1867, 2¢ black, F. grill, in combination with 1867, 3¢ rose, F. grill, vertical pair (94) placed over flap on Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati R.R. Co. printed circular to Basel, Switzerland, tied by segmented cork cancels with New York "Paid All" straight line handstamp, sent by closed mail via England with "Basel, 30,IV,68" receiving backstamp; stamp flaws including 2¢ with pre-use tears, a Fine and rare, ex-Allen & Cippolla. Scott Nos. 93 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
A new postal convention in 1867 provided for a fully prepaid-to-destination rate of 8¢ for mail carried in closed bags all the way to its final destination, with no handling of individual pieces during transit.
Realized: $1,200

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1867, 2¢ black, F. grill, pencil canceled on rebacked 1861, 10¢ green entire (U40a) to London, England with Wells, Fargo & Co. printed frank at top, blue "Wells, Fargo & Co., Victoria, Feb 21" oval date stamp and blue "Post Office, Victoria" oval coat of arms handstamp, circular "M/S/W/A" mis-sorted handstamp cancelling indicia; light vertical crease affecting cover and stamp, Fine appearance; with 2009 P.F. certificate. Scott Nos. 93 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $700

1867, 2¢ black, F. grill, in combination with 1868, 3¢ rose, F. grill + 5¢ brown, F. grill (94+95) on 1869 corner card cover paying the Bremen mail rate to Hanover, Germany, tied by target handstamps with matching "New Ringgold, Pa. Mar 15" cds, red New York & Bremen transit date stamps and receiving backstamp; 3¢ stamp with diagonal crease and sealed cover tear at top, F.-V.F., a rare three color F. Grill issue franking. Scott Nos. 93 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $350