1861, 1¢ blue, with 1861, 3¢ rose (x3) singles paying 10¢ rate to Nova Scotia, 3¢ stamps with small faults (trivial), all tied together or to cover with segmented cork cancels, red Boston, Mass. cds, matching "U.S. Paid 10", Annapolis, N.S. 4/18/64 handstamp, Very Fine; with 2007 P.F. certificate. Scott Nos. 63 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $170

1861, 3¢ pink, beautiful, bright shade, very well centered, tied on attractive cover to Poland, Me. by faint "Upper Gloucester, Me. Sep 27" cds, Extremely Fine and choice; with 1999 P.S.E. certificate. Scott Nos. 64 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $400

1861, 3¢ rose, block of six, s.e. at left, in combination with 1861-63, 10¢ green, vertical pair + 2¢ black (68+73) on oversized cover to Hamilton, Canada, tied by target handstamps and indistinct cds (possibly Detroit, Mich.), receiving backstamp; cover fold and small tear at right, Fine, an impressive three-color franking. Scott Nos. 65 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $350

1861, 3¢ rose, tied by "Franklin Pa., Jun 5" cds on cover with "Officer - Front Face! - Eyes Right!!!" Patriotic design to Enon Valley Pa., flap with Union Stationery Depot imprint, reduced slightly at left, light stain, partially opened at bottom with flap tear, Fine and scarce patriotic design showing officer berating row of soldiers admiring a young woman brandishing her US Flag dress. Scott Nos. 65 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $220

1861, 3¢ rose, two singles, on cover addressed to "James Monroe, U.S. Consul, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, S.A.", "Care of Department of State, Washington, D.C." manuscript notation, stamps tied by Oberlin, O. cds's, Very Fine. Scott Nos. 65 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $190

1861, 3¢ rose, tied by bold strike of "Cincinnati and Louisville Mail Route, May 6" cds on embossed Marble Works cover to Nashville Tenn., oval "Have Your Letters Directed to Your Street Number" handstamp, Very Fine; with 1992 P.S.E. certificate. Scott Nos. 65 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $120

1861, 3¢ rose, canceled by segmented cork handstamp on registered cover to Boston, Mass., matching Providence, R.I. cds, "Not Called For" well struck script straight-line handstamp, light red "R" and blue "$1.50" manuscript notation, red U.S.D.L.O. Oct 5, 186(?) cds, Very Fine. Scott Nos. 65 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $130

1861, 24¢ steel blue, rich color, tied by large Boston "Paid" in grid handstamp on 1862 cover to London, England, red "Boston Br. Pkt., 3 Paid, Feb 22" exchange cds and London entry date stamp; small sealed opening tear at top slightly affecting exchange date stamp, F.-V.F. Scott Nos. 70b Estimate $300 - 400.

1861, 30¢ orange, used with 3¢ rose, strip of three (65), tied by blue "Cincinnati O., Jan 24" cds duplexed with four-ring target cancel on 1868 cover to Örebro, Sweden, endorsed "via England", faint red "New York, Paid All, Br. Transit, Jan" exchange cds, blue crayon "2" for double-weight, blue "Verviers Coeln Franco" (2.10) four-line transit, red crayon "fr 2" credit rating, "Sodra St. Banan" (2.18) arrival backstamp; 30¢ small faults, right 3¢ stamp with lower right corner missing, cover tear, Fine and rare double-rate cover to Sweden. Scott Nos. 71 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $200