(Guns, Shells & Powder) Savage Hammerless Rifles & Ammunition, multicolored illustrated design showing Indian Chief Portrait & Rifle on cover to Germany, franked with 1902, 5¢ blue (304, s.e. at bottom) tied by 1904 New York, N.Y. machine postmark, reverse with all-over illustrated design in red showing "Savage Model 1903-22 Caliber Repeater" with text "This Rifle will be used exclusively at the St. Louis Worlds Fair 1904 in the most wonderful shooting gallery ever built to be known as the Hunting in the Ozarks"; trivial flaws, otherwise Very Fine, one of the most spectacular gun designs known and scarce foreign usage. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,600

(Guns, Shells & Powder) Shot Gun & Rifle Advertising Covers, 1898-1900, three illustrated covers; 1899 The H.&D. Folsom Arms Co., New York ad showing Winchester Repeating Rifle on front on red with two other model on revere, 1899 Simmons Hardware Co., St. Louis, Mo. ad showing "Syracuse Hollenbeck Hammerless Guns" Shotgun on red on reverse, and 1900 H.G. Lipscomb & Co., Nashville, Tenn. ad showing Remington Hammerless Double Barrel Gun; small to trivial cover flaws, otherwise Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $290

Hand Drawn Rebus Message, skillfully executed pencil and pen illustrated rebus puzzle message (regarding having the mumps) on reverse of locally addressed 1875, 1¢ Liberty postal card (UX5), canceled by "Boston, Mass., Mar 22" duplex postmark, Extremely Fine, an exquisitely illustrated rebus. Scott Nos. U5 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $160

(Ocean Penny Postage) Ocean Postage, One Penny, Would Link in Trade and Peace, the Brotherhood of Man, allover J. Valentine's second design on reverse of cover incorporating Ocean Penny Postage, World Trade and Peace & Brotherhood, to Terre Haute, Ind. with "New Britain, Ct., Sep 28" cds and red arched "Paid 3" rate handstamp; some light toning and soiling, F.-V.F., a rare used design with only a few examples known used in the United States. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $900

Advertising/Illustrated Cover Group, three 1857-61 covers; #24 on cover with embossed Parker House, Boston corner card (cert), #26 on cover with blue illustrated Richard P. Sherwood European Hotel, Baltimore cameo showing hotel view, and #26 claret tied by red Boston cds and large "Paid" in grid handstamp on American Telegraph Co. cover with enclosure, Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
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