(War of 1812) Publick Service, Simon Bruton Col., 2nd Regt. Detach'd M. N. 6, endorsement on small folded letter to Major General Calvin Jones in Raleigh, N.C.; some toning and file fold, F.-V.F., and "M.N. 6" refers to the military area during the war. Estimate $75 - 100.

(1846-1848 Mexican-American War) Pt. Isabel, MCH 24 1847, bold straight line postmark on folded letter sheet addressed to President James K. Polk in Washington D.C., matching "10" rate handstamp crossed out due to free franking privilege, Very Fine, a scarce usage through this provisional Texas post office. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $160
Mexican Revolution - U.S. Army Related Picture Post Cards, 1910-20, collection of over 190 cards focusing on U.S. Army views including many real-photo; various sections including a couple real-photo cards sent from Vera Cruz during occupation, section of border cards with many camp views, regiments, military parade, couple gruesome cards with of "Pile of the Dead" after 1913 Matamoras battle and real-photo "Burning the bodies of Bandits - Columbus, N.M.", also a section of military stations during the period, also includes souvenir pin and badge of the period (no photo). Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $550

Manhattan Project Correspondence, 1944-45, 11 covers from army sergeant (a member of the Special Engineer Detachment) working on Manhattan Project in Los Alamos, N.M., return address from the undercover P.O. Box 1663, Santa Fe, N.M., all but one with printed U.S. Army corner card, nine franked with 8¢ Airmail issue (C26) and two endorsed with manuscript "Free"; three franked covers with opening tears, otherwise Very Fine, "P.O. Box 1663" in Santa Fe N.M. was assigned to a scientist assigned to the Manhattan Project, which was located in Los Alamos N.M. and developed the atomic bomb. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $425