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Sale 110: The Fall Sale

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Steamboat & Foreign Mails

Lots 422-431 Lots 432-440

Lot 432    

1866 (Oct. 27) New Orleans, La. to Rennes, France, cover franked with 1861, 30¢ orange tied by segmented cork handstamp with matching "New Orleans, La., Oct 27" cds alongside, red "New York, Paid 24, Nov 3" exchange cds, red "Ligne H, Paq. Fr. No. 4, Nov 3, 68" octagon date stamp, reverse with rare red "Etats-Unis Paq. Fr., Brest, Nov 13, 66" entry datestamp; cover with some edge wear and opened for display, some edge wear, Fine, carried on the maiden voyage of the St. Laurent, this Brest entry date stamp is exceptionally rare only a few believed to be known, ex-Noel & Walske, reviewed and illustrated in The Chronicle (#246, page 185).
Scott Nos. 71    Estimate $500 - 750.

Realized: $325

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Lot 433    

1869 (Jun. 12) Mobile, Ala. to Barcelona, Spain, folded cover bearing 1861, 10¢ green, F. grill, horizontal pair, tied by "Mobile Ala. Jun 12" duplex, red "New-York U.S. Pkt. Jun 16" exchange cds, carried by North German Lloyd Line Donau from New York June 17th to Southampton June 27th, London (6.28) transit and "Paid-Only/To England" two-line handstamp, Barcelona (7.1) arrival backstamp and blue "12.Rs." reales due rating handstamp, Very Fine, an uncommon rate to Spain; with 1989 APS cert.
Scott Nos. 96    Estimate $300 - 400.

Letter prepaid only the transit fees to G.B., leaving the remaining postage under the Anglo-Spanish Treaty of 1858 to be paid by the recipient. London used a special marking to show letter PAID-ONLY/TO ENGLAND. Since letter weighed between 15-22½ grams, it required three rates in Spain (note the manuscript "3," upper left).

Realized: $220

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Lot 434    

1870-75 Usages to South America, three covers to various destinations; includes likely 1870 cover Lansing, Mich. to Para, Brazil franked with 1870, 1¢ ultramarine + 3¢ green, pair and single (145+147), 1871 folded letter from San Francisco, Cal. to San Jose, Costa Rica franked with 1870, 10¢ brown (150), and 1875 cover Richmond, Va. to Buenos Aires, Argentina franked with 1873, 6¢ dull pink + 12¢ blackish violet, horizontal pair (159+162) overpaying the 28¢ British rate via England; some cover and stamp flaws, Fine.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

Realized: $220

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Lot 435    

1871 Usages to Turkey, of three covers; includes two N.G.U. closed mail rate covers from Middleborough, Mass. to Constantinople (Washburn correspondence), one apparently a 1871 usage franked with solo 1870, 15¢ bright orange (152) paying the 15¢ rate, and later 1871 usage franked with solo 1870, 12¢ dull violet (151) paying the new 12¢ rate and usage from Newark, N.J. to Beirut, Syria franked with 1870, 15¢ bright orange (152) paying the same rate, cover with printed "Paid Under ½ oz." and "Via North German Union Closed Mail "endorsements; few small cover flaws, generally F.-V.F. or better.
Estimate    $400 - 600.

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Realized: $425

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Lot 436    

1872-74 Usages to Switzerland, seven covers all sent by closed mail via England; four franked solo 10¢ issue (three #150 and one with #161), two from New York and others from Cleveland, O. and Pescadero, Cal., also double rate use with two 10¢ issues (150), also a 2¢ two singles + 6¢ combination from Benton, Mass. and a "Insufficiently Prepaid" usage bearing 7¢ vermilion (149) underpaying by 3¢; couple with small flaws, generally F.-V.F. or better.
Estimate    $400 - 600.

Realized: $375

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Lot 437    

1872 New York to Mexico, of three covers paying the 10¢ direct rate; includes two folded letter sheets to Laguna both with solo 10¢ (150), "Via Progresso" straight line directive and "2" inland rate handstamp, one with additional "1" rating obliterated with mute grid handstamp, also a circa 1872 corner card cover franked with four 10¢ singles (150) to Merida with "14" inland rate handstamp (cover and stamp flaws), generally F.-V.F. or better; one former with 2002 P.F. certificate.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $260

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Lot 438    

1873-74 Usages to Belgium, two covers both overpaying the 8¢ Belgium closed mail rate; includes 1873 cover from Chicago, Ill. to Liege franked with 1870, 2¢ red brown + 3¢ green, horizontal strip of 3 (146+147) overpaying rate by 3¢, and a 1874 cover from Cincinnati, O. to Brussels franked with 1870, 3¢ green + 1873, 6¢ dull pink (147+159) overpaying rate by 1¢, both with "New York, Paid All, Br. Transit" exchange cds's; few small stamp flaws, otherwise Very Fine.
Estimate    $250 - 350.

Realized: $425

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Lot 439    

1873-74 New York to Halifax, Nova Scotia, two folded letter sheets from correspondence; 1873 cover franked with 1870, 6¢ carmine (148) and 1874 cover franked with 1873, 6¢ brown rose (159), both stamps well centered, Very Fine.
Estimate    $150 - 200.

Realized: $90

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Lot 440    

1875 Puerto Plata, Brazil to New York, fresh incoming folded letter with "Per Tybee" ship endorsement, "Due 2" handstamp obliterated with N.Y.F.M. geometric handstamp with "New York, U.S. Currency, Due 10, Jun 19" depreciated currency cds, Very Fine and choice, a very rare usage of the N.Y.F.M. marking used incoming mail from Brazil.
Weiss Nos. GE-EP3    Estimate $300 - 400.

Realized: $260

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Lots 422-431 Lots 432-440

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