Adams Express Co., Cincinnati, O., two different black on yellow typeset labels, first black on mustard yellow label used on 3¢ pink (U58) entire with manuscript "Pd 2/- Ch" prepaid express rating for 25¢ to New York City street address; second black on bright yellow label used on light buff envelope with manuscript "Ex 2/-" collect 25¢ express rating to Paris, Kentucky, "$30" money letter notation, portion of large train black on orange label on reverse, a Very Fine pair. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $110

American Express Company's Special Express Train, From New York, large illustrated multicolored label showing nighttime locomotive scene, split over edge, used in conjunction with "Wells, Fargo & Co's Express, St. Paul, Minn." black on vermilion express label on 1880s oversized buff cover from the National Bank of the Republic of New York to First National Bank, Helena, Montana, bank wax seals, endorsed "Cancelled Vouchers" at lower left, blue crayon docketing, staining and soiling, Fine and rare conjunctive express use. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $110

American Express Co., Xenia, Ohio, black on vermilion express label with dog on safe vignette, used on legal-size orange cover to Newcastle, Indiana, manuscript "Filed December 4th 1862" docketing ties 1¢ Express (R1c) revenue stamp; cover edge faults and reduced at right, label creased, Fine and rare label combination use with revenue stamp. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $220

New Express Co. and Baltimore & Ohio Express, red on purple express label, used on reverse of 1¢ postal card (UX5) canceled by "Worcester Mass., Mar 27" duplex with leaf cancel to Hartford Conn.; label slightly affected by edge placement, Very Fine. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $60