Pacific Express Co., Paid., horse & rider printed frank in blue (PAC-005) on 1853, 3¢ Nesbitt entire to Nevada, with red "Pacific Express Co., Iowa Hill, Sep 11" oval date stamp struck over with black "Pacific Express Co., Auburn, Sep 12" oval date stamp, Very Fine, around ten examples of the Pacific Express blue franked envelopes are recorded, this usage originating at Iowa Hill is likely unique, ex-Knapp. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $400

Pacific Express, Knights Ferry, bold blue oval handstamp (PAC-107c) on 1853, 3¢ Nesbitt entire to Stockton, printed horse & rider frank at upper left; slight oil staining mostly from ink in handstamp strike, otherwise Very Fine, only a few examples recorded of this handstamp from Knights Ferry. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $270

Pacific Express Co., San Francisco, Paid., bold blue oval handstamp frank (PAC-108) on uncancelled 1853, 3¢ Nesbitt entire to Sacramento, Very Fine and choice. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $120

Rhodes & Lusk's Express, Yreka, oval handstamp with central "Express" ribbon (RHO-700) in black on cover to San Francisco from the Tandler correspondence, F.-V.F., a rare and seldom offered express mark. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $190

Tracy & Co. Express, Portland, neat blue oval handstamp (TRA-101j) on fresh 1860, 3¢ Star Die entire to Eugene City, Ogn., printed ribbon frank at upper left and merchant corner card at lower left, Extremely Fine, a choice Tracy & Co. usage from Portland. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $500

W.E. Singer & Co.'s Feather River Express, Connecting with Wells, Fargo & Co., blue oval handstamp (SIN-100) on fresh cover to fraternal lodge in American Valley, with additional sharp full "Wells, Fargo & Co. Express, Placerville" oval handstamp; small opening tear at top center, still Very Fine and choice, a lovely usage from Placerville carried by Wells, Fargo & Co. and handed over to Singer in Marysville for delivery. Estimate $300 - 400.
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Realized: $500

Wells Fargo & Co. Express, Ophir, blue oval handstamp on cover to fraternal lodge in Gold Hill, Cal., initially sent by mail collect with "Sonora, Cal., Feb 9" cds and "5" rate handstamp, manuscript "Adv" for advertisement and reverse with unusual blue negative "Wells Fargo Express, Ophir" circular frank handstamp; sealed tear through backflap ending in small tear at top and affecting frank backstamp, otherwise Very Fine, Gold Hill was a mining town in the Auburn Ravine west of Ophir, though a place of considerable size, Gold Hill never had a Post Office. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $160

Wells Fargo & Co., Palisade, partial blue oval handstamp on 1870 3¢ green entire with olive green W.L. Pritchard's Fast Freight Line all-over shaded advertising, to San Francisco, with company frank at left; cover slightly reduced at right, Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $325

Wells Fargo & Co., San Francisco, May 11, blue oval handstamp canceling on 1864, 3¢ pink Wells Fargo franked entire addressed to Copenhagen, Denmark, inscribed "pr. Overland via Hamburg or Bremen", with red "New York, Direct Paid All, Jun 2" transit on reverse, red boxed 1868 "Hamburg Franco" transit mark and red "2½" rate handstamp & blue arrival backstamp; 15¢ stamp removed at right, Very Fine appearance, still a very rare destination. Estimate $200 - 300.

Wheeler, Rutherford & Co.'s Express, scroll frank printed frank vertically at left on 1864, 3¢ pink entire to Morristown, canceled by blue "Wheeler's Express Co., Marysville" circular handstamp (Thomas unlisted), W.T. Ellis merchant corner card at top center; sealed opening tear to the left of indicia, F.-V.F., this being one of two known vertical franks in combination with this corner card. Scott Nos. U58 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $475