Lot 331
1859 P.M.G. Horatio King - Cost of East & West Coast Mail Service Statement, signed two-page letter by the Postmaster General Horatio King to Senator R.M.T. Hunter, with letter in part…I have the honor to furnish herein agreeably to your verbal request a statement of the present cost of the mail service between the Atlantic States and California and the territories of Oregon, Washington, Utah and New Mexico, on the principal through routes, both by sea and overland, including routes from New Orleans to San Antonio, St. Louis to St. Joseph's & c., then lists the various routes (Independence to Santa Fe, San Antonio, Texas to El Paso & from Fort Yuma to San Diego, and 20 other routes), totaling the cost of overland and sea service at $2,455,788, also notes cost of…Coastwise steamship service between San Francisco and San Diego, supplying the intermediate ports in Southern California, is embraced in the contract with the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, between Panama, San Francisco, and Astoria, Oregon Territory.; couple minor reinforced splits along folds, Very Fine, a wonderful statement of U.S. postal expenditures of the mail service between the Atlantic States and West coast.Estimate $500 - 750.
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Realized: $850

Del Norte County Balance, of approximately 40 covers and cards; includes Crescent City with first type postmark, 1856 postal receipt and later type cds's, Smith River including manuscript use, nice 1894 corner card use, Happy Camp T&C cds (DEL-290), etc., generally F.-V.F. or better. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $425

Long Bar, Cal. (Yuba), bold cds's (YUB-760) on two covers to Georgia Plains, Vt. from correspondence, both franked with 1857, 10¢ green, type V (35) and each endorsed "via Panama", one tied by cds and other canceled by squared waffle grid handstamp; each with original enclosure, one datelined "June 17, 1860" regarding the claim he is mining is not bring in much as in the beginning, other datelined "March 26, 1861" regarding getting the pump to work and hitting rich dirt, getting the company out of debt with good prospects for the summer; covers roughly opened at sides, F.-V.F. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $230

Los Angeles Town Balance, of over 260 19th century covers and cards; with highlights including two 1850's manuscript postmark usages (LOS-5660, R7) faulty but rare, first type cds in black and blue (LOS-5670, R5) including stampless usages with various rates and tying 1851 10¢ issues on cover, an array of second type balloon cds (LOS-5680) usages including 1857 & 1861 1¢+3¢ combinations, 1857 & 1861 10¢ usages, 1863 5¢ multiple usage, later usages including 12¢ solo usage to England, stationary entire usages, nice array of Banknote era usages including to Italy, registered, auxiliary marking including "Advertised/Unclaimed", and a host of 1890's usages with various registered, few La Fiesta carnival covers, Mid-Winter Expo, Spanish-American War patriotics, etc. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $2,700

Marysville, Cal., Sep. 3 (Yuba), cds on orange buff "Overland Mail Via Placerville and Salt Lake" Randal & Co. illustrated Six-Horse Stagecoach design to Greenfield Mass., forwarded to Groton, Mass., bearing 1861, 3¢ pink (64) tied by "Greenfield Ms Sep 28" cds and additional strike at right; part of 3¢ missing, reduced slightly at right, Fine, a rare example of this Overland Mail Illustrated Propaganda cover. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $950

Mormon Island, Cal., Jany 23d (Sacramento), nicely struck triple oval postmark (SAC-1910) with manuscript date on cover to Easton, Pa., matching "Paid" in oval with manuscript "6" rating below, Extremely Fine, one of the finest known. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $300

Sacramento, Cal., Dec 17 (Sacramento), oval postmark (Williams SAC-2480) with matching large "40" rate handstamp, on 1849 folded letter to Bolivar, Mo. with content regrading mining "There is plenty of gold in California but you have to work hard for it…", accompanied by folded letter datelined "Sacramento City, Sept 13th, 1849" posted in San Francisco (Oct 1) to Nashville, Tenn. with mention of making no more than $6 per day at the diggings; some usual wear and light soiling, F.-V.F. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $1,050

San Francisco, Cal. (San Francisco), 1849 folded letter sheet to London, England carried out of the mails to Panama and given to forwarder "Forwarded By, Zachrisson Nelson & Co., Panama" who gave to British with there agency double arc "Panama, My 26, 1849", "Panama, Transit" straightline and London receipt in red; soiling along file folds, Fine and scarce. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $240

San Francisco, July 13th, 1850 (San Francisco), dateline on folded letter to London, England from the famous Huth correspondence, carried out of the mails to Panama with the British agency postmark of Aug. 25 on reverse, by Royal Mail Steamship to England with red London receiving backstamp, manuscript "1/-" rate mark on front; short business letter noting that 231 ounces of gold on its way; cover file fold, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $130

San Francisco, Cal., Apr 15 (San Francisco), red town postmark (Williams SAF-280) with matching "12½" rate handstamp on 1851 folded letter to Sacramento City, Ca., interesting short letter about preparations for a trip east; "Well now then I have got to this and can tell you what boat that I shall go on and what the fair is to Panama. I shall go on the Isthmus, second cabin $85. This boat belongs to Laws Line. The Panama is going out at the same time that this goes. They start at 4 O'clock this afternoon. The fair on the Panama is $100. There is a number of sail vessels a going out. I was offered a passage on one of them for $35, in the first cabin but that it best to take the steamer. You probably want to know which of the boats got down to the Bay first. The Senator got down a few minutes first. We got there just 9 O'clock. They run side and side most of the way. I think now that I can get home for $150. This is a much larger place that Sac City. No more at present.", F.-V.F., a great letter regarding the Laws & Pacific Mail steamer lines. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $575