Great Britain, (Great Britain) 1933 6th South America Flight, Sept 2-12, flight cover addressed to Montevideo, Uruguay franked with horizontal pair 6d definitive and an 3d vignette for the Great Western Railway Company, tied by "Plymouth Devon, Aug 31, 1933" machine postmark, label tied by violet Birmingham Great Western Railway cds of the same day, sent via Berlin (September 2nd) with connecting flight to Friedrichshafen and with LZ 127 to Pernambuco, transfer to the Condor airmail service (black special confirmation stamp) and forwarding to Montevideo where the letter arrived on September 7th, Very Fine and rare. Sieger Nos. 229 B. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $450

Great Britain, (Great Britain) 1933 7th South America Flight, Sept. 16-26, airmail flight cover from Brazil franked with three different Brazilian adhesives (337, 378, C31), all tied by "Rio de Janeiro, 7 Set 1933" cds's and flown to London with Condor-Zeppelin flight cachet, cover reused back to Brazil and franked with Great Britain, 1sh KGV definitive + 2sh6d Seahorse tied by "London, 15 SP 33" cds's, proper flight cachets, Very Fine and rare. Sieger Nos. 232 B. Estimate $400 - 600.

Greece, (Greece) 1932, 3rd South America Flight, April 18-27, with 40l postal card uprated with 1927, 3d + 25d definitives (330+334) tied by "Athens, 13.IV.32" cds's, proper flight cachets including the Berlin, Recife arrival cancel on face, Very Fine and scarce. Karamitsos Nos. 150 B. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $180

Greece, (Greece) 1933 Italy Flight, May 29-30, registered cover franked with 1933, 30d-120d Graf Zeppelin complete (C5-C7) and 8d Monastray, two singles (363), tied by "Athens, 27.V.33" cds's, Rome (29.V.33) and green arrival from "Friedrichshafen, 30.5.33", proper flight cachet, Very Fine, ex-Haub. Karamitsos Nos. 210 y. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $325

Hungary, (Hungary) 1932 Swiss 250th Flight, June 28, flight cover franked with attractive franking of 8 different values tied "Budapest, 1932 Jun 23" cds's, posting "Friedrichshafen, 28.6.32" and Swiss postmark "Zürich, Flugplatz, 28.VI.32", all proper flight cachets, Very Fine and attractive, ex-Haub. Sieger Nos. 166a. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $280

Iraq, (Iraq) 1934 9th South America Flight, Sept. 29 - Oct. 2, flight cover addressed to Recife, Brazil, franked with 5f gray green + 10f brownish yellow tied by indistinct "Baghdad, 20 Sep 34" cds, via London and connecting flight Stuttgart (29.9) delivered to Friedrichshafen and with LZ 127 to Pernambuco where the letter arrived on October 2nd, Very Fine, a rare Zeppelin usage originating from Iraq. Sieger Nos. 277 Ba. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $950

Italy, (Italy) 1933 Italy Flight, May 29-30, registered flight cover franked with 5l Zeppelin (C43) and 2.55l + 20c definitives tied by "Roma 27.5.35" cds's & "Roma, Zeppelin, 29.V.33" flight cancel, perfect strike of flight cachet handstamp, backstamped "Friedrichshafen, 30.5.33" cds, Very Fine. Sassone Nos. 208 I. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $100

Japan, (Japan) 1929 Round the World Flight, Aug 7-Sept 4, Roessler airmail cover franked with 1914, 1y yellow green & maroon + 1926, 10s dark blue (145+196) tied by purple Tokyo cds's, reverse with green "Zeppelin Lakehurst, N.J., Aug 29, 1929" round flight postmark, Very Fine. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $140

Japan, (Japan) 1929 Round the World Flight, Aug 7-Sept 4, Tokyo to Los Angeles leg, flight cover franked with 1yr + 1s definitives tied by "Tokyo, 21.8.29" cds, red flight cachet handstamp, Very Fine. J.S.C.A. Nos. 31 A. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $140

Japan, (Japan) 1929 Round the World Flight, Aug 7-Sept 4, Tokyo to Lakehurst leg, appropriate franking tied by "Tokio 21.8.29" cancels, usual flight cachet, backstamped "Lakehurst, N.J., Aug 29", cover fold, Very Fine. J.S.C.A. Nos. 31 B. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $130