Mexico, 1898, Mulitas, 2c carmine, five singles, on 1898 wrapper Mexico to France paying for a rare printed matter rate, Very Fine. Scott Nos. 280 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $150

Mexico, 1898, Mulitas, 10p blue, unwatermarked, o.g., fresh with bold color, F.-V.F., very scarce. Scott Nos. 281 $800.
Realized: $425

Mexico, 1898, Mulitas, 15c blue green, on a rare 1900 registered wrapper from Mexico to New Zealand containing ships schedules, paying a very unusual 15c rate (10c registration + 5c international quintuple printed matter rate for 250 grams), Very Fine. Scott Nos. 286 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $230

Mexico, 1898, Mulitas, 50c purple, in combination with 1898 10c lilac rose (248) on 1899 registered cover to Melbourne, Australia, Very Fine, a unique high-rate, there are less than 10 covers with the 50c stamps recorded. Scott Nos. 287 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $575

208 (
Mexico, 1898, Mulitas, 50c purple, in combination with 1898, 20c brown rose + 1895 10c lilac rose (286+248) on a unique high rate (80c) 1898 shipping form for a registered parcel Mexico to Switzerland, Very Fine, documents for parcels with stamps are almost non-existent for this issue. Scott Nos. 287 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $625

Mexico, 1898, Mulitas, 10p deep blue, vertical syncopated perfs, o.g., wide margins and very fresh, Very Fine, Follansbee states they are very rare (N.F. $1,000). Scott Nos. 291 var. $800 for normal.
Realized: $450

210 BK
Mexico, 1990 Chicagopex Cesar Vallejo Booklet, 18 complete unexploded booklets (bearing two labeled panes), o.g., never hinged, some slight rubbing on a few booklet covers, panes Very Fine. Scott Nos. 1541b var. $9,000+.
Realized: $350