Mexico, 1895, Mulitas, 1p brown, watermark sideways, o.g. (small gum crease), wide margins, Very Fine, this was a separate printing and the size of the stamp image is shorter than the regular watermark. Scott Nos. 254a $750.

Mexico, 1895, Mulitas, 1p-10p high values, horizontal strips of 4, all with strong vibrant colors, quite fresh, Very Fine; 10p with 2012 M.E.P.S.I. certificate for strip of 5. Scott Nos. 254-256 $4,160 for hinged singles.

Lot 196
Mexico, 1895, Mulitas, 5p scarlet, Sperati reproduction, proof of design on wove (47x62mm), signed Sperati in pencil with his purple handstamp on reverse, Very Fine, and very scarce.Scott Nos. 255R Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $2,600

Lot 197
Mexico, 1895, Mulitas, 10p black, Sperati reproduction, trial color proof of design on wove (47x62mm), signed Sperati in pencil with purple "Reproduction Interdite" handstamp above and his handstamp on reverse, Very Fine, scarce.Scott Nos. 256R Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $850

Mexico, 1895, Mulitas, 10p deep blue, Correoseum watermark, o.g., choice centering amid wide margins, Extremely Fine. Scott Nos. 256 $650.

Mexico, 1897, Mulitas, 2c carmine, diagonal bisect, in combination with 1897, 4c orange (260) on illegal use of a bisect on cover, originated in Apatzingan (with the 2c illegal bisect) and on arrival in Morelia it paid a due of 2c (with the whole stamp) that was 1c due + 1c penalty, Very Fine, very rare. Scott Nos. 258 var. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $425

Mexico, 1896, Mulitas, 5p scarlet, RM interlaced watermark, o.g., lightly hinged, deep rich color, fresh and Very Fine, very scarce; with 2002 M.E.P.S.I. certificate. Scott Nos. 267 $800.
Realized: $500

Mexico, 1896, Mulitas, 10p blue, RM interlaced watermark, o.g., lightly hinged, deep rich color and well centered, Very Fine and choice, very scarce; with 2002 M.E.P.S.I. certificate. Scott Nos. 268 $900.
Realized: $525

202 (
Mexico, 1897, Mulitas, 50c purple, no gum, wide margins, Very Fine, one of the most elusive Mulitas issues, less than ten are known. Scott Nos. 277 $375.
Realized: $90

Mexico, 1898, Mulitas, 2c green, error of color, block of 4, brownish o.g., hinged at top, bottom never hinged, attractively centered, deep color, Very Fine, a very rare block; signed J.K. Bash and discoverer, with 2000 M.E.P.S.I. certificate. Scott Nos. 280a $1,900 for hinged singles.
Realized: $1,200