Worldwide, The Kensington Canyon Collection Part 1, This magnificent holding represents the first installment of a substantial collection assembled by a self-described "old school" philatelist, who has been buying intact collections over the years, and removing "the chaff", usually any stamps later than the 1950's, while augmenting the earlier period with higher-value items, seemingly always with the aim of creating a higher "value-to-bulk ratio", so that whatever he held onto would represent a high concentration of quality and value in a relatively small package. Those efforts are well represented by this first offering of numerous albums, folders, stock pages, all well filled with valuable items, presenting us with a difficult task to provide a description that could possibly do this marvelous lot justice. A list of all the highlights to be found here would be far too extensive to be sensible as $100, 500+, 1000+, and even multi-thousand $ items (noting relevant certificates and expert signatures on these) are peppered throughout, so our best advice for coming up with a valuation here, would be to make an intensive and thorough in-person viewing, or at least a review of the many photos posted on-line.Just to establish a good sense of the nature of this delectable offering, we can say that quality is far above the norm with very few faults to be found, and a great proportion of VF with a huge presence of NEVER HINGED among the mint, nearly all of which in some areas is found in that condition here, even in earlier issues seldom found NH, where huge premiums apply. While some countries or areas may be predominantly represented by used, and other, mint, or mint never hinged, there are some with both mint and used, with some used hiding behind the mint. Also, to give good sense of the nature of this assemblage, we comment on some of the more impressive sections as follows: among the extensive British Commonwealth, abounding in better sets of the ever popular late QV through KGVI area, we note virtually complete Falkland Islands mint (except for 2½d South Georgia provisional), with Centenary set to £1 value, plus a specialized complete run of QV and later shades including rare KGVI; Leeward Islands complete mint and good George VI shades to £1, Caymans near complete, Ireland with Seahorses complete plus scarce varieties, great early mint Canada with Jubilee complete, much GB with numerous £ values, also plenty of good British Africa, America, Asia, Oceania, and Europe. Among the impressive Europe we note Andorra (Spanish and French) complete mint, Austria near complete with WIPA and Renner souvenir sheets, Belgium with good semi posted sets like 1918 Red Cross completes, Mercier, Orval, plus seldom seen scarce overprints on these; beautiful Baltic States collection; Denmark extensive specialized with rare advertising booklet panes, good early Finland, terrific France with semi portals complete including B3-10, great airmails including C5a never hinged with cert, much of France never hinged; Germany represented by a gorgeous collection in 3 hingeless albums with much present BOTH mint (most never hinged) and used (often behind the mint) with airmail complete used and many also mint NH, plus private air issues, extensive 3rd Reich near complete with nearly all mint represented by never hinged corner margin examples! Also, there are scarce WWII issues including Feldpost, UBoat, French Legion Polar Bear souvenir sheet; we note stunning Italian Colonies and offices group full of $500 and 1000+ sets plus multi $1000 items, including near complete offices in Turkey with #11* cat $17,500 with certificate and Constantinople J1-6 used with certificate, nice full Liechtenstein Collection, Luxembourg with nice classics and an Intellectuals set; Monaco mint complete to 1940 but for rare B18 and J4, good Iceland like 1930 Parliament officials used! Norway also present, decent Portugal, great Spain with submarine and other scarce civil war era items plus scarce semi postal and airmail issues; Sweden not to be overlooked with rare items like 90, 92 mint Varnamo provisionals rarely seen in a collection lot! Switzerland also impressive with good souvenir sheets, better sets, scarce early mint officials.
This lot, certainly the most valuable single lot we have ever offered, represents a rare opportunity for a worldwide collector to significantly improve their collection or for the mail auctioneer, retailer, or internet seller to put forth a spectacular range of material including iconic items galore, which will be certain to bring new customers while strengthening one's base; also works well for the public auctioneer or wholesale seller of collections, as it will break down nicely into a great group of mouth watering lots. If you fall into one of the above categories, you ought to give this lot some serious attention and a strong bid.
Estimate $200,000 - 300,000.
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Worldwide, Collection, 1840-1940, extensive collection in nine Scott International albums and one Lighthouse Hingeless album for France, a wide range of material is present including very useful classic issues, plus many nice mid-range sets and singles of the British Commonwealth, a few obvious forgeries are present, some faults are noted on the early issues, but the overall quality of the collection is very nice, a great lot worth careful inspection. Estimate $10,000 - 15,000.
Realized: $10,000
Worldwide, Accumulation, large accumulation of better worldwide sets, singles, and occasional souvenir sheets, all identified with catalog value noted, over 600 items included with catalog values ranging from about $50 up to $2,475 (France #21, 4 nice margins, with 2023 PF certificate), total catalog value is over $110,000, much nice France, Swiss, Italy, Belgium, British Commonwealth, and others, about 20 stamps have certs, mostly APS, these stamps are mainly 19th Century up to mid-20th Century, with many nice unused sets of 1930-1940 period, ideal lot for online or show red-box dealer. Estimate $7,500 - 10,000.
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Realized: $12,000

Lot 1898
Worldwide, Fournier "Album de Fac-similés" Collection, original 1928 one volume collection of hundreds of items assembled by L'Union Philatélique de Genève, with title page number "No. 134", includes introduction pages from leading philatelist including Heinrich Kohler and Fred J. Melville, section on perforations including samples followed by hundreds of Fourier facsimile creations including overprints, cancels, many stamps in multiple and even sheet formats, section on surcharges and photostats of various items not included in the Fournier stock, with some additional Fournier items (ex-Costales); album and contents in far better condition than normally encountered, a choice intact Fournier album, housed in solander.Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $2,000
Worldwide, Collection, mint and used collection of the first 100 years of philately, housed in four well-filled Scott International albums, old collection contains a diverse coverage of the pre-1940 period, including U.S. and Possessions (note a nice page of Hawaii), Europe and Scandinavia with French, German, Italian and Portuguese offices and Colonies, Russia and other East Europe, Latin America (even Colombia states), value is mostly in $5-$50 range with some higher (these likely to be mixed condition), but bulk of the owner's 61,000+ cat value will be fine-very fine, a great lot for the "old-school" type who doesn't so much go for those stamps produced more for the collector than for the purpose for which they were intended. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $5,000
Worldwide, Collection, 1840-1940's extensive collection of mint and used, housed in six beautiful leather bound albums with Scott pages, most areas represented here include U.S. (earlier mixed condition), British, French and Portuguese colonies plus the usual Europe, Latin America, Asia, etc. value in $5-$50 primarily plus some higher in mixed condition; great value as total owner's Scott conservatively figured to over $44,000. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $2,500
Worldwide, Collection, strong worldwide collection in 6 full Master Global albums, clean and neat with clear plastic interleaving between all pages in all volumes, to about 1967-68, only a few of the usual CTO's but a nice showing of genuinely used classics and later unused issues for almost all countries, better ones including Algeria, Australia and States, Austria, Belgium, strong Canada and China, especially PRC, with many choice sets up to 1966, mostly used, including 1963 Yellow Mountain, 1963 Butterflies, etc., catalog value of the used PRC is $1600+, strong Czech with few CTO's, Denmark, Germany, France proper not here as it was in another album, but good showings of French Colonies are throughout, German Offices good with China and New Guinea having early mint up to 5 mark values, Great Britain starts with Penny Black and good early classics, India and States, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Russia, Swiss strong in early semi-postals, great opportunity for expansion. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $2,700
Worldwide, Collection, housed in 18 brown Scott International albums and four additional and other miscellaneous, with issues to the 1930's; issues a little sparse but does include Canada 4-margin Scott #4 used, Mafeking #166 tied on piece, China from 1894 including red revenue, G.B. 4-margin 1840 1d black, nice run of Ethiopia with many sets, Austria with 1908 high value used, Cayman Island with mint 1907 1d surcharge (18), Thailand with some good high values, Germany with used Ostropa sheet, also a nice separate Bulgaria, Austria & Hungary collections a few other items with certs, few S.G. specialized catalogs, etc.; worth review. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $2,300
Worldwide, Collection, mainly mint n.h. 20th-century (no British) accumulation of sets and short sets while most value in $5-$50 range in modest quantity, neatly arranged in alphabetical order in #4 glassines in six long boxes, most areas (except British offered in a separate lot) are decently represented with loads of colorful attractive material and with good topical appeal, cat value for each area noted and conservatively stated, Scott cat to exceed $21,500. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,250
Worldwide, Modern Issue Accumulation, accumulation of recent new issues in two large boxes, includes Great Britain, Ireland, Australia, Canada, France, St. Pierre & Miquelon plus occasional others, usually from the late 1980's to about 2017 or so, there are no FDC's, no maxi-cards, and no stationery, just loads of stamps, souvenir sheets, blocks, strips, booklets, some full sheets, some duplication since many countries required purchase of blocks, collector also purchased extras of souvenir sheets or other special offerings, topicals galore, enormous face value, great lot for red box dealers or online dealers. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $2,500