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Sale 110: The Fall Sale

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Foreign Country Collections

Lots 1662-1671 Lots 1672-1681 Lots 1682-1691 Lots 1692-1701 Lots 1702-1703

Lot 1662 /o   

Afghanistan, Collection, 1871-1939, mixed mint and used housed on Scott pages; with a nice run issues for the period and some pleasant duplication, includes a nice run of first issues Scott #2-7 and including #2 on cover, 1873 issues with types and 1874 issues complete, some cut to shape 1875 issues and a run of good 1876 issues, selection of 1877-78 small tigers, mix of later seal & mosque types, later with some mint sets, some back-of-the-book issues; condition mixed, inspect.
Estimate    $750 - 1,000.

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Realized: $1,350

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Lot 1663 /o   

Africa, Balance Collection, of two countries; includes Ethiopia including some good 1920's issues (owner's cat $1,358) and Liberia with complete first issues and strong 19th century completion including a 1892 4¢ inverted center (owner's cat $1,867); inspect.
Estimate    $250 - 350.

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Realized: $325

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Lot 1664    

Andorra, French and Spanish Collection, lovely all mint n.h. collection 1965-2020, complete for the period, meticulously presented on quadrille pages in mounts, all in four, fresh, like-new De Luxe Elbe albums. Great opportunity to fill out the later period of this ever-popular little country. cat $2,400.
Estimate    $400 - 600.

Realized: $475

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Lot 1665 /o   

Argentina, Collection, 1858-1940, mint and used on Scott album pages with some pleasant duplication; includes complete 1862 Seal issues and 1864-67 Rivadavia issues including a rare 1864 15c issue pen canceled Scott #10 (flaws, cats $6,500), with later 19th century issues near complete, good to strong completion in 20th century, some airs, good to useful officials, stationery cuts, local issues including some good Buenos Aires issues (including Scott #11 with cert), Corrietes issues including a on cover usage, etc.; condition mixed mostly confined to early issues, please inspect.
Estimate    $1,000 - 1,500.

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Realized: $800

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Lot 1666 /o   

Asia, Balance Collection, various countries housed on albums pages mixed mint and used with pleasant duplication throughout; includes Nepal with apparently complete issues, Iran with strong completion in the early Lion coat of arm issues and later issues needing to be checked, useful Manchuko and some good Mongolia, Tanna Tuva lacking only the scarcer items, good Tibet issues, Armenia, Azerbaijan, South Russia, Tran Fed Rep, Hejaz & Nejd, Yeman with completion, etc.; condition a little mixed, worth review.
Estimate    $500 - 750.

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Realized: $750

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Lot 1667 /o   

Australian States: New South Wales, Collection, 1850-99, mixed mint and used housed on Scott pages; with strong completion of issues for the period and some pleasant duplication, includes early issues complete used 1850-55 with about a half dozen missing in later regular issue with better high values including 1889-90 5sh & 20sh mint, back-of-the-book with semi-postal complete mint, dues complete with specimen high values, registration issues complete used, selection of officials with better, stationery cuts, postal cards, some revenues & railways; condition is mixed, inspect.
Estimate    $2,500 - 3,500.

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Realized: $2,100

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Lot 1668 /o   

Australian States: Queensland, Collection, 1860-1900, mixed mint and used housed on Scott pages; with nearly complete issues for the period and some pleasant duplication, includes regular issues that appear to be missing only three issues for completion, semi-postal complete mint, registration mostly used complete, newspapers, stationery cuts and a selection of revenues; condition is mixed, inspect.
Estimate    $1,500 - 2,000.

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Realized: $1,600

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Lot 1669 /o   

Australian States: South Australia, Collection, 1855-1900, mixed mint and used housed on Scott pages; with nearly complete issues for the period and some pleasant duplication, includes regular issues missing about a half dozen issues including some first issue proof pairs and specimen examples on the 1887 high values, good showing of used officials with some additional departmentals, railroad and wrapper cuts; condition is mixed, inspect.
Estimate    $750 - 1,000.

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Realized: $650

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Lot 1670 /o   

Australian States: Tasmania, Collection, 1853-1900, mixed mint and used housed on Scott pages; with a nice run of issues for the period and some pleasant duplication, includes early issues with 1855 & 1857-58 issues complete used, 1864-69 complete mostly used, later issues mostly mint, some revenues and stationery cuts; condition is mixed, inspect.
Estimate    $750 - 1,000.

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Realized: $675

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Lot 1671 /o   

Australian States: Tasmania, 1899-1911 Pictorial Issue Collection, interesting collection on stockpages, mostly used with some examples of all 3 of the different series of this design are shown, but the main focus of this collection is postmarks of the various towns on the 1 pence stamps of the series, well over 160 of these are here, with about 125 being from different towns, also included is a copy of Glen Stephen's 2015 article about hunting these elusive cancels along with a list of the Tasmanian post offices so the top bidder will be primed to continue the search.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $270

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Lots 1662-1671 Lots 1672-1681 Lots 1682-1691 Lots 1692-1701 Lots 1702-1703

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