United States Collection, 1845-1939, housed in two Scott albums; starting with used 9X1 and mint o.g. 10X1, 1847 issues including #1 x2, 1b & 2, 1851 issues with 1¢ types including unused #9 margin single, #12, 10¢ types, #17 with additional pair, 1857 issues with almost all types represented including rare #21 unused with cert (faulty, still cats $6,000), 5¢ & 10¢ types used, 24¢ & 30¢ no gum and 90¢ (cancel needing to be checked for genuine), imitation/reprint proofs of the 1847 & 1857 issues, completion in 1861 issues with a few unused no gum, 1867 grills including 3¢ A. grill and 2¢ Z. grill with E. & F. grills appear to be complete, 1869 Pictorial complete with unused to 10¢ and additional 10¢ with Hiogo cancel, Banknotes with grills 1¢-10¢, 15¢ & 90¢ values with additional 2¢ values, completion in other issues mostly used with some mint mostly in the later issues including #217 n.h. (cert), including small banknotes complete mint, Columbians complete mint, Bureau definitives complete mint except for two $1 values, Trans-Miss complete mint, Pan-Am complete mint, 1902 definitives complete mint, Louisiana & Jamestown complete mint, 1909 2¢ reds, mint Washington-Franklin issues with strong mint completion including 1908 issues complete, bluish papers including 1¢-2¢, 10¢ & 15¢ issues (latter two with certs), later regular issues complete to near complete and similar coils with a nice showing of additional coil pairs, Pan-Pac issues complete mint, #467 in block of 6 (error n.h.) and n.h. #505 in block of 9, later dollar values present and good coil wastes, completion in 4th Bureau definitives missing only the rarer coil wastes, Kans-Nebr complete, White Plains sheet, etc., back-of-the-book including airmail complete mint including Zepps, Special Deliveries complete mint, Parcel Posts complete mint, Offices in China complete mint, Postage Dues mixed */o with better issues present, Officials near complete mixed */o missing only a handful of rare issues with many duplicates and a couple proof sets, strong showing of Newspapers with many scarce items, section of Locals mostly forgeries and reprints with the occasion good items and better Wells, Fargo & Co. pony express issues, C.S.A. including some Provisionals, Telegraph with better Cal State issue, nice showing of revenue issues including better high value first issues as well as good later sets, proprietary, M&M's, etc., cut-squares, Possessions with completion in Cuba, strong mint Guam, better Hawaii (among some fake Numerals), some good Philippines and C.Z., etc.; an extensive collection, condition is mixed but mostly confined to earlier issues, inspection highly recommended. Estimate $30,000 - 40,000.
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Realized: $30,000
United States Collection, 1847-2000, mixed mint and used housed in five Scott National albums; regular issues with predominately mint issues from late 19th century on, starting with 1847 issues complete used (#2 cancel removed, appears mint), with special printings complete (3-4, later with P.F. cert), 1851 issues mostly used with 1¢ types including #8A, 5¢-12¢ complete with all 10¢ types, 1857 issues mixed */o lacking only three scarcer issues, similar 1861 issues with an emphasis on mint, used 1867 grill issues with scarcer including 3¢ C. grill & 3¢ & 12¢ Z. grill as well as E. & F. grills complete, 1869 Pictorials complete virtually all mint, special printings near complete lacking only 12¢, Banknotes with 1870 grills used lacking only 12¢ & 24¢, with later Banknotes virtually complete and mostly mint including small banknotes, Columbians complete mint, Bureau complete and virtually all mint except for a couple values, Trans-Miss complete ($2 used), Pan-Am complete, 1902 definitives complete with additional imperfs including #315, Louisiana & Jamestown complete mint, 2¢ reds complete including Lincoln bluish, strong mint completion in Washington-Franklin issue with regular & imperf issues virtually complete and strong completion in coil issues including additional pairs/line pairs throughout, Pan-Pac issues complete, #460-461, #459 single and pair n.h., #505, 1918-20 dollar values, offsets complete including #534B used, 4th bureaus with excellent completion including good coil wastes, #559A pair, Kans-Nebr complete, White Plains sheet and later completion including strong showing of definitive coils with corresponding pairs, modern sheet including Legends recall, etc., back-of-the-book issues with airmails complete mint (C14-C15 no gum), special deliveries complete mint, parcels complete mint, postage dues appear to be complete with only one used issue, Official near complete missing only a handful of rare issues, Offices in China complete (K15 faded no gum), revenues with strong completion including 1st-3rd issues with better high values present including $100 (R102c) and later issues in similar fashion with complete far better than normally encountered, Ducks complete mint, Newspapers first complete first issue on and strong later completion, and cut squares again better completion than normally found; condition varies mostly confined to earlier issues with many scare to rare items throughout, inspection highly recommended for full evaluation. Estimate $40,000 - 60,000.
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Realized: $35,000
United States Collection, 1847-2000, housed in seven Scott albums and an additional binder; starting with New Haven Provisional 8XU1-R 1874 reprint (P.F. cert), 1847 issues complete, nice 4-margin 1851 issues including #10 with incredible intense color, #14 & #17, similar 1857 issues including a jumbo margin #18 and #36 with cert, few nice 1861 issues, mixed grills and following Pictorials, Banknotes nicely represented, Columbians to the 50¢, useful Bureaus, Trans-Miss to the 50¢ used, Pan-Ams complete mint, #315 mint pair, fair showing of Wash-Frank issues including 1¢-2¢ bluish, #467 in block of 6, following 4th Bureaus including 1922 definitives complete, Kans-Nebr sets complete, White Plains souvenir sheet, with good completion in later issues including 2¢ Jefferson Silkote paper, later modern with much high value face, back-of-the-book including airs with 1930 Zepps complete mint, mixed dues & officials, useful revenues and possessions, section of plate no. coils and booklets with a few better early panes and a 1¢ AEF booklet pane well centered; condition varies with quality better items throughout, inspection highly recommended. Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
Realized: $5,000
United States Collection, mixed mint and used housed in two Scott albums (main volume loose); starting with a nice showing of mixed condition classics starting from #1 on, selection of 1851 issues, 1857 issues with some mint including repaired #28 and used high values including 90¢ (reperfed, cancel appears to be genuine), 1861 issues including high value present, E. grills complete & F. grills nearing completion, 1869 Pictorial complete, strong Banknotes issues with high values present and later mint, Columbians mostly mint to the 50¢ and a $3 used, Bureaus up to the high values, useful mint Trans-Miss and Pan-Ams complete, 1902 definitives to the $2 with high values used, Louisiana & Jamestown mint, 1901 2¢ reds including Lincoln bluish, useful Washington-Franklin issues with some good coil material including pairs, later high values, etc., nice showing of following 4th Bureaus including coil wastes, Kans-Nebr complete mint, White Plains souvenir sheet, Parks & Prexies with additional plate blocks as well as other additional blocks, panes and sheets running throughout collection, mint airmails including 1st & 2nd issues, Zeppelins complete, etc., other mixed */o issues including special deliveries, dues, parcel posts, officials, mint offices including high value, some revenues, etc., includes second volumes with additional plate blocks and plate pairs/strips to modern Transportation series; condition varies with lots of material throughout. Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
Realized: $5,250
United States Collection, 1847-2018, on Scott National pages in 5 binders; mostly used to 1902, mix of used & unused to 1920's and mint and essentially complete from about 1923 to 2018, used including Scott #1, 7, 9-11, 14-15, 17, 20, 24-5, 29-30, 32-3, 35-7, 63-78, 85-98, 100, 112-121, strong Bank Notes, Columbians used to 242, 278, 291-2, many flaws in early used, including 67, 72, 96-7, 137, 218, 242, 278, 291 which look nice but have thins/repairs, later commemoratives including 294-99, 323-330, 397-404 mixed */o, nice Washington-Franklins with singles, coil singles and pairs */o, unused including 357-8, 369, 461 and 595, recent mint including Express Mail, many sheetlets of 20, coil pairs, Bugs Bunny imperf, Recalled Legends, etc., high face value here, airmails are complete unused, except for C13-C15 Zeppelins, which are F-VF and used., Special Deliveries complete, Q1-12, strong Postage Dues including used J1-7, J15-20, J28, strong Officials, plus Carriers-Locals, C.S.A., and cut squares; high catalog value. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $4,750
United States Stock, 1847-2000, collector's back stock if issues housed in stockpages in 17 binders and two stockbooks; from useful to common in quantities modest to slightly heavy at times; starting with a #1 and later classics with the occasional mint, Pictorials & Banknotes, useful turn of the century and on through Wash-Frank issues, Kans-Nebr issues mint including some blocks, lots of later to modern material with fairly substantial mint face, plate strip an booklet material, back-of-the-book with airs including 1930 Zepps complete used and later issues plate blocks mint, some C.Z.; a wealth of material, inspection should prove quite rewarding. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $2,500
United States Collection, 1851-2000's, collection/accumulation housed in two large boxes; includes formal mint collection in five Scott albums, sparse in 19th century issues however issues present are virtually all with choice centering, includes Scott #94, 123, 133, 206, 210, 212, 214, 217, Columbians complete to the 10¢, selection of Bureaus, 8¢ Trans-Miss, Pan-Ams to the 8¢, 1902 definitives to the 15¢, #315 margin single, Jamestown complete, 2¢ reds including Lincoln bluish, fair showing of Wash-Frank issues including some coil pairs/line pairs, good 4th Bureaus including Kans-Nebr sets complete, White Plains sheet and good later completion, useful to good back-of-the-book, used revenues, accumulation portion with some additional good mint issues, sheet material with premium, hoard of used 3¢ Banknote issues, some covers worth checking, etc.; inspection highly recommended. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $2,700
1851-57 3¢ Issue on Cover Reference Balance, mix of most used on stockcards, may hundreds with many plate items including 11A experimental O.B.'s, 11 with green town, many 11 & 11A marginal imprints, some nice mint singles, nice showing of #25's & 26A's, also includes a partial #26 calender, etc.; condition varies with many items accompanied by certificate, worth proper view. Scott Nos. 10//26 Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
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United States Collection, 1851-1922, in three volumes starts with certed 10a and continues hit or miss, with many good stamps - #'s 68, 69, 70, 89, 97, 151, 152, 154, 163, 164, 218, 261-262 ($1,200 cat but thin), etc. 3394 pair, 446, 452 n.h. line pair, 456, 492 LP, 578 & 579 coil waste, less expensive 1869 Pictorials, Columbians, Trans-Miss (used 291 is VF), lesser 20th Century definitives and most the commemoratives, many extra multiples, cancels, etc., 1920 to 1948 most of the commemoratives and many definitives to include multiples, line pairs, and varieties of many of the Washington Franklins and later Bureau issues, 630 n.h. VF but with tiny marginal toned spot, Kansas overprints all n.h. & most VF, Farleys mostly complete except for special printings, 1938-39 Presidentials mixed mint and used with many blocks and line pairs. useful back-of-the-book but very little beyond the Airmails; retail about $8,500. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,450
United States Collection, in one Lighthouse Hingeless album and one Lighthouse stockbook of both mint and used, some better mid-range items are noted, quality is mixed on the early issues, but this is a nice lot worth inspection. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $2,000