Carrier, 1851 (1¢) Franklin, two huge margins, others sides full, bright color, clear strike of Philadelphia red star cancel, stamp affixed to Sep. 5th 1851 blue folded letter to Monson Mass. bearing 3¢ orange brown (10), position 86L1i, tied by blue "Philadelphia Pa. Sep 5" cds, Extremely Fine appearance, Sold as is., ex-Schenck, Burrus, Golden; with 2000 P.F. certificate declining opinion on LO1 originating. Scott Nos. LO1 $8,000 as off-cover stamp.
According to Luff, the Franklin Carrier stamps were issued on September 21, 1851 with the earliest known use of October 28, 1851. The date of this cover predates distribution of the Franklin Carrier stamps in October 1851, and therefore we believe the carrier stamp does not belong on this cover.
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Realized: $2,100

Carrier, 1851, 1¢ Eagle, full to huge margins including framelines showing at bottom and right, tied by blurry red star cancel, used with 3¢ dull red (11A), margins to in at right, both tied by blue "Philadelphia Pa., Mar 16" cds on lady's embossed cover to Canton, Ohio; 3¢ small crease, F.-V.F. and attractive. Scott Nos. LO2 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $210

Charleston, S.C., Honour's City Express, 1851-58, 2¢ black on bluish, clear to ample margins, tied by manuscript "X", red "Charleston S.C. '10' Jun 24" integral-rate cds on 1851 folded letter to Philadelphia Pa., Extremely Fine and choice tied usage of the Honour's carrier stamp. Scott Nos. 4LB8 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $160

Cleveland, Ohio, Bishop's City Post, 1854, 2¢ black on bluish, margins clear to into frameline at bottom, pencil canceled on blue April 21, 1851 folded letter which it did not originate and tied by counterfeit "10" handstamp, otherwise Fine, still a very rare stamp, ex-S. Brown and sold in the Brown sale as genuine and guaranteed genuine by Klemann; with 2009 P.F. certificate stating the stamp is genuine. Scott Nos. 10LB2; $6,000 for used off cover Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $375

New York, N.Y., U.S. City Despatch Post, 1842-45, 3¢ black on light blue, exceptionally well balanced large margins, on 1842 folded cover to New York, cancelled by red boxed "US" handstamp with additional matching "U.S. City Despatch, Nov. 1" cds at left, cover with file fold, Extremely Fine and attractive; signed G. Sloane, with 2002 P.F. certificate. Scott Nos. 6LB3 $1,000.
Realized: $290

New York, N.Y., U.S. City Despatch Post, 1842-45, 3¢ black on blue, large margins all around, canceled by red "U.S." in octagon handstamp and tied by blue manuscript "25" rate (for over 400 miles) on folded letter sheet to Charleston, S.C., red "New York, Feb 6" cds, Very Fine. Scott Nos. 6LB5b Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $170

Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.P.O. Despatch, 1849-50, 1¢ black on rose, large bottom margin, trace of right frameline, tied by blue "Philada. Pa. '5' Jan 25" integral-rate cds on blue 1850 folded letter to Norristown Pa., Fine and rare tied use, Only three recorded examples of the No Initials Stamp on rose paper tied on cover, ex-Gibson, Golden; with 2000 P.F. certificate. Scott Nos. 7LB6; $2,500 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $400

Bayonne City Dispatch, 1883, 1¢ black, full margins, tied by purple target handstamp on cover to Bergen Point N.J., matching "Bayonne City, Dispatch Paid, May 16, 1883" 3 line handstamp; few faint cover tone spots, otherwise Very Fine, a scarce on cover usage, ex-Judd. Scott Nos. 9L1 $750.
Realized: $240

Boyd's City Express, 1845, 2¢ black on bluish green, clear to mostly large margins, canceled by red straight line "Free" handstamp on small local street addressed folded letter, tied by matching "Paid, J.T.B." handstamp with red "Boyd's City Express Post, Nov 20" oval date stamp at top, Very Fine and choice, a very attractive usage. Scott Nos. 20L3 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $150

Boyd's City Express, 1845, 2¢ black on green, cut to shape, small cork cancel and tied by red "Paid, J.T.B." handstamp on 1845 incoming folded letter to New York, matching Boyd's City Express Post oval date stamp, reverse with black on green Gay & Co's Express forwarding label, letter without dateline however the writer mentions "I will be in Boston soon."; cover minor edge splitting at bottom, Very Fine, a rare express and local post usage; with 2022 P.F. certificate. Scott Nos. 20L4 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $500