1869, 2¢ brown, horizontal pair, tied by quartered corks duplexed with "New Orleans La., Jul 8" cds on orange buff cover to Paris, France, red "New York, Jul 12" exchange cds, London (7.23) transit backstamp and "GB/40c" bulk accounting handstamp, Clais (7.23) entry cds and "5" decimes due handstamp, forwarded upon arrival to Aix Les Bains; some top edge tears, F.-V.F. use at the 4¢ British Open mail rate. Scott Nos. 113 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $130

1870, 6¢ carmine, H. grill, N.B.N.C. printing, nicely centered, tied by quartered cork and bold red "Boston, Paid, Apr 4" exchange cds on 1871 blue cover to Dublin, Ireland; reduced slightly at left with couple tiny nicks, otherwise Very Fine and choice 6¢ grilled use; with 2001 A.P.S. certificate. Scott Nos. 137 $525.
Realized: $210

1870, 1¢ ultramarine, split I. grill, N.B.N.C. printing, horizontal strip of three, natural s.e. and guide arrow in right margin, tied by target handstamps with matching "North Vernon, Ind., Jun 4" cds on cover to Bedford, Ind., Very Fine, a very scarce on cover multiple of this variety. Scott Nos. 134A var. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $250

1870, 3¢ green, N.B.N.C. printing, tied by "Wimantic Ct., Jul 11" cds duplex on Seymour & Blair 1868 campaign envelope to Green R.I.; reduced at left, F.-V.F. Scott Nos. 147 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $140

1873, 15¢ yellow orange, C.B.N.C. printing, rich color, tied by bold "Philadelphia Pa., Apr 21" cds duplexed with target cancel on cover to the U.S.S. Kearsarge, Yokohama, Japan, carried by PMSS from San Francisco to Yokohama; reduced slightly at right. Scott Nos. 163 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $160

1883, 2¢ red brown, tied by "Hobocken, N.J., Jan 24" duplex with star barred oval on Bingham correspondence cover to USS Quinnebaug, London, England care of B.F. Stevens, New York "T, 15 Centimes N.Y." duplex for 3¢ due, red crayon "20" adjacent, London "3d" due handstamp, forwarded with purple "Care of the/United States Consul, Funchal, Madeira" three-line handstamp, F.-V.F. Scott Nos. 210 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $110

1883, 2¢ red brown, tied by "Philadelphia Pa. Jan 30, 85" duplex as forwarding postage on incoming cover from Dessau, Germany to Philadelphia Pa. bearing Germany 10pf rose, two singles, one scissor trimmed, forwarded upon arrival to Columbia S.C., Very Fine. Scott Nos. 210 Estimate $150 - 200.

1898, 2¢ red, type IV, on 1902 cover from Nova Scotia to Toronto, Canada in combination with Canada 1899, 2¢ carmine, type I, tied by "Yarmouth, N.S., My 10, 02" cds and grid duplex and purple straight line "Paquebot" handstamp tying both stamps, reverse with "Boston, Mass., May 11, 1902" transit and receiving backstamps, Very Fine, a scarce combination franking & Paquebot letter usage from Nova Scotia; with 2020 P.F. certificate. Scott Nos. 279B Estimate $200 - 300.