(New York) Martin Van Buren, (1782-1862) 8th President of the United States, 1837-1841. Post presidency free frank addressed in his own hand on folded letter sheet to Danville, Pa., bold "Kinderhook, N.Y., Sep 21" cds and matching straight line Free handstamp, docketed "Hon. M. Van Buren, to Committee Sept 1842"; light file fold, Very Fine. Estimate $400 - 600.
Van Buren was Senator from New York and Governor of New York, but resigned to become Jackson's Secretary of State. Later, he was Jackson's second Vice President and his choice to succeed him. Defeating William Harrison in 1836, his administration was quickly plagued by the Panic of 1837, when banks failed and the economy soured for the duration of his term. Defeated by Harrison in 1840 because of economic problems, he retired to New York.
Realized: $725

(Ohio) Columbus, Ohio Feb. 20, Circle of "17 Torches" Fancy postmark, rimless, 27mm fancy cds on printed circular to Warren, Very Fine and choice, a bold, exceptionally well struck and near complete strike of this intricate fancy cancel, purported to be 2nd earliest recorded. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $475

(Oklahoma) Gray Horse, Okla., Mar 24, 1930, two cds's on reverse of registered cover to Indiana, franked with 1927, 1¢ green + 1928, 2¢ Aeronautics, block of 4 + 1929, 2¢ Lock, block of 4 (632+649+681) all tied by three strikes of fancy Gray Horse cancels, registry handstamp and receiving backstamps, Very Fine and rare; with 1987 M.W. Martin attest. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $250

(Oregon) 1846 "The Hudson's Bay Company Ship from the Columbia River is Just Arrived", folded letter datelined "London 3rd July 1846" carried by Cunard steamer from Liverpool to New York City, with letter itemizing the incredible slaughter taking place and comments on the settlement of the Oregon boundary question…The Hudson's Bay Company ship from the Columbia river is just arrived. She brings 20,632 Beaver, 16,729 Musauash, 3,297 Bears, 200 Badger, 470 Fishers, 57 Silver Foxes, 170 cross Fox, 337 red Fox, 540 Lynx & Cats, 22,554 Martins, 7056 Minks, 1,596 Otters, 360 Sea Otter paste-up pairs, 1,305 Racoons, 849 Wolf, 269 Wolverines and 3,510 Deer., and…since the settlement of the Oregon question, you will be able soon to render us Account Sales., Very Fine. Estimate $500 - 750.
When it became apparent that the Oregon boundary question would be compromised by Great Britain and United States, the officers of Hudson's Bay Company realized they were about to be excluded from one of the last tracts harboring huge numbers of fur bearing animals. Their response was to systematically destroy the wildlife in the area to be taken over by the Americans before the British withdrew.
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Realized: $800

(Pennsylvania) Scrantonia, Pa. "Rail", mostly bold and complete fancy orange cancel on 1850 folded letter to New York, matching "5" rate handstamp, Very Fine and rare, a choice example of this highly sought after fancy cancel, ex-Knapp. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $475

(Pennsylvania) York, Pa. Nov. 9 "Allegorical", fancy red design with mostly sharp details and virtually complete, on folded cover to Columbia, couple light vertical file folds, none distracting, Very Fine and rare, this is the listing example for the ASCC. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $650