Adams Express Co., Cincinnati, O., two different black on yellow typeset labels, first black on mustard yellow label used on 3¢ pink (U58) entire with manuscript "Pd 2/- Ch" prepaid express rating for 25¢ to New York City street address; second black on bright yellow label used on light buff envelope with manuscript "Ex 2/-" collect 25¢ express rating to Paris, Kentucky, "$30" money letter notation, portion of large train black on orange label on reverse, a Very Fine pair. Estimate $300 - 400.

American Express Company's Special Express Train, From New York, large illustrated multicolor label showing nighttime locomotive scene, split over edge, used in conjunction with "Wells, Fargo & Co's Express, St. Paul, Minn." black on vermilion express label on 1880s oversized buff cover from the National Bank of the Republic of New York to First National Bank, Helena, Montana, bank wax seals, endorsed "Cancelled Vouchers" at lower left, blue crayon docketing, staining and soiling, Fine and rare conjunctive express use. Estimate $200 - 300.

Money Package by the American Express Co. From Xenia, O., black on vermilion express label with girl and safe vignette, used in conjunction with "Adams Express Co., Cincinnati, Ohio" black on yellow express label on buff cover to Chillicothe, Ohio endorsed "By Express, $60 from H. Sharp Jameston O", pencil "Ex 2/-" rating for 25¢ express fee; top left corner nick and opening tear, otherwise Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $150

American Express Co., Xenia, Ohio, black on vermilion express label with dog on safe vignette, used on legal-size orange cover to Newcastle, Indiana, manuscript "Filed December 4th 1862" docketing ties 1¢ Express (R1c) revenue stamp; cover edge faults and reduced at right, label creased, Fine and rare label combination use with revenue stamp. Estimate $300 - 400.

Bradford & Co.'s Boston & Plymouth Express, black on green label, affixed on illustrated Pilgrim Plantation cover used as package label to Chelsea, Mass., endorsed "China Ware" and "Handle with great care", right side with part of leather mounting still affixed by label; cover faults and torn, mounting holes, Very Fine appearance. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $70

Carr's Bangor Express, 10 Court Square, Boston, black on green label cut to shape, discolored and tied by handstamp on blue July 28, 1853 folded letter from Bangor, Me. to Boston Mass.; file fold, Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $70

Cheney & Co.'s Express, Boston, R.R. Exchange Court Square, gold and black die-cut express label (Mosher CHYX-L1), used on blue folded letter datelined "Lebanon N.H. July 15 1850" to Boston Mass., manuscript "Paid 25" express rating, endorsed "Cheney & Co Express" and "$25.00" at top, Very Fine and rare. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $130

Fears & Bray's Rockport & Pigeon Cove Express, Boston, black on vermilion express label, tied by "Rockport Mass., May 25" cds with matching target cancel ties 1¢ blue (63) on May 25th 1866 U.S. Internal Revenue part-printed notice to Gloucester Mass.; some wear and soiling, label wear, F.-V.F. and rare conjunctive express use with the 1¢ 1861 Issue. Estimate $300 - 400.
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Realized: $350

Gay's Express From Boston, two black on yellow express label (Mosher GYSX-L10) uses, first tied by file crease with New York City address rewritten as "70 Wall" below label on Jan. 19th 1846 gray folded letter from Providence R.I. to New York City; second with label having address updated with "70" on label, used on Feb. 2nd 1846 gray folded letter from Wiscasset, Me. to New York City; some wear and soiling, F.-V.F. and scarce express label pair. Estimate $200 - 300.
This small express delivery company was founded by James Gay. Gay began his career in express delivery as an agent for Harnden's Express. In early 1840, he began his own express route, delivering packages between Boston and New York. Gay partnered with Warren Studley and Erastus Littlefield in New York. Gay acted as the messenger from Boston to New York, while Studley traveled in the opposite direction.
In 1845, his small express became Gay & Co., although the "Gay's Express" name was still used for some time afterward. In 1846, Gay & Co. expanded, adding a line to Rhode Island. Within a few years, the company was expanded again, becoming Gay, Kinsley & Co.
Realized: $350

Forwarded by Gay, Kinsley & Co's Boston, New York, Philadelphia & Eastern Express, black on yellow label with office addresses and transportation vignettes, tied by ink smudge on blue folded letter datelined "Fall River Mass. Nov. 3, 1849" to New York City street address, manuscript "$5.00 Enclosed" and "pr Kinsleys Express", Very Fine and choice, ex-Gibson, Hahn. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $325